

Linda went and sat beside Vanessa, the woman's face instantly changed when she sat beside her, "it's not you alone aunt, even I'm also tired of all this facade of affection." Linda whispered in the woman's ears.

Vanessa gritted her teeth but still smiled widely from the outside, the girl's nerve is too much!

Linda went as far as leaning her head on Vanessa's shoulder just to make her more irritated, she is aware that her 'so-called aunt' isn't happy with her actions but what can she do, after all, she started it all.

Vanessa shouldn't have called her to sit beside her in the first place. She made a vile mistake by doing that and she of course will take full advantage of it.

Taking advantage of this moment is what she is doing right now with full force!

The woman herself gave her the trump card this time around and she will make use of it incredibly well.

She will play well and will be the winning one today!

Next chapter