

when they both reached the living room, esmeralda saw elias looking at her mother's frame that is hung on the wall. she wonders what must be going through his head that he is looking at her mother like that, after how much he has hurt her daughter.

it's so irking, how dare he have the guts to look straight into her mother's eyes like that? now she wants nothing to do with him more than ever. and she now beginning to think linda is right; elias has no remorse at all for what he did.

"uncle patrick, i heard you want to see me," she went straight to patrick and pretend she didn't see what elias is doing.

patrick stood up and held her hand, "yes, esme, i wanted to see you before i leave. i know both you and elias already discuss but i wanted to talk to you too, to see if i can do something after what my son did."

'there is nothing you can do uncle' esmeralda whispered in her mind, she is tired of all this elias factor and just wants it to end so she can forget about it already. although it won't be easy she knows.

"uncle, i know what you want to say, but please uncle patrick let my decision be because i can't forgive what elias did. no matter how hard i try. right now i don't see myself forgiving elias at all. so uncle try to understand please?" esmeralda said to patrick, she is sure, he is only going to ask her to give elias another chance.

patrick sank deeply, his son has messed up, now how is he going to stop watson enterprise from going bankrupt without having to beg robert for a favor?

linda watching them up at the stairs curse, why does her sister have to plead with this patrick to understand her decision? the old geezer should just carry his disappointment of a son and leave their house already. she can't stand both him and his anymore!

he just has to try and persuade esmeralda even more, the two companies would have been merged if the two of them were to be getting married next week. but no, to his dismay his son has gone ahead and messed all his plans up.

"dear, please try to give elias another chance, he made a mistake but he loves you," patrick continues his attempt of persuading esmeralda.

esmeralda exhales, she knows what is worrying patrick right now and she won't let that be what makes her change her mind regarding her decision. "uncle patrick, i know you are worried regarding the ties the two family shares… but you don't have to worry at all because none of this will affect it at all."

patrick gulps, how on earth did the girl know what he is worried about? he just hopes she doesn't know or suspect anything else at all, "but dear…" he begins again, but this esmeralda was quick to stop him. she knows he must be wondering how on earth she knows his worries because even her father isn't worried regarding the ties the two family shares, Robert will never allow what Elias did to affect their bond of so many years. And Patrick is very well aware of this.

That's why she knows his worries right now have nothing to do with the bond the families share or what so ever, but instead it's regarding what she heard and put a blind ear to at Watson Enterprise weeks ago.

"Uncle, don't worry because I will not allow any of this to affect the families bound no business relationship either… you no need to worry because E & F Corporation will continue supporting Watson Enterprise no matter what," Esmeralda said to Patrick with her most charming smile so he stops trying to persuade her even more.

Esmeralda can't believe this is happening but she is beginning to lose trust in Patrick. Why does she feel the only thing he cares about is Watson Enterprise only and not her? Maybe she made a huge mistake by putting a blind ear to what she heard weeks ago. She should have looked through it more. But that time she was worried about how her father's condition will end up if he were to know Elias doesn't love her at that time but just pretending and was obeying his father only.

What she was worried about didn't even end up happening; even though he caught Elias red-handed in action too. She would have saved herself this heartbreak she is going through because she also was never in love with Elias by that time.

She foolishly allowed herself to fall in love with the fake person he showed her, with all those beautiful lies he told her. But like they say, karma is a bitch, and it is indeed because Elias is also madly in love with her right now. Well, that's what his eyes say if she is not wrong. If he truly loves her as she thinks then, not being with her will serve as his biggest punishment in life. He will suffer as much as she will. Hah, in as much as she is right now!

"….So Uncle go home and rest…. Because tomorrow will be a brand new day in our lives, let's begin business and continue our lives like before." Esmeralda managed to say, although she very well knows her life can never be the same ever again after what she has been through.

Patrick's heart relax after hearing Esmeralda's words, he is glad the girl is sensible, Robert has raised a great woman indeed, but still, if it were to be Linda in her place then, all hell would have broken. Because the girl is more than anyone can imagine...

"Esmeralda, thank you for not having any bad feelings towards us because of what happened… you are a wise girl" he turns to where Robert is sitting, "Robert, you raise an incredible girl… you didn't fail Sandy!"

Linda "…"

That old man, no wonder he was never her favorite person at all, actually his entire family and now she sees it all. After all, everything happens for a reason.

Robert looks over at his late wife's portrait, 'did you hear that dear? So I hope you are very happy to know this right now'

"Elias, take Uncle home because he needs rest," Elias suddenly heard her call his name.

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