
All Shapes and Sizes

After letting the Impel Down excons the freedom to roam, though Barvars was told to keep an eye specifically on both Catarina and Shiryu should they try anything and stall long enough for me to deal with them.

Reason why I have to keep my eye on those two more than the rest is that there psychopaths, if Shiryu feels like it will cut everyone on this island down if he's bored, and Catarina is worse because I know what she did in the past, she specifically likes to hunt and kill beautiful women, though my women are clearly much stronger than the current her, I don't want to take any chances with her until I can get them to sign a soul contract to never betray me or my crew under death then I can let my guard down around them as they won't be able to even try to do anything without feeling gut wrenching pain that will keep going until they stop thinking those thoughts or it will straight up kill them before they get the chance.

But besides them I don't really have any bad impressions on the other 3 Sanjuan who would be the most dangerous one is very respectful to me for giving him the chance to live like a normal person, and I'm thinking of giving him som of the serum as well so he will have free reign on choosing his size without me constantly keeping him small, Vasco is fine so long as I get him good liquor, and Pizarro doesn't really care so long as he gets to eat and relax, so like I said only two I'm worried about is Shiryu and Catarina.

But I'll deal with them later now it's up to both Noel and Theo to work together to make the serum possible as I handed them all 3 devil fruits to work on it, they said it will take a few days for it to be made, so I'll need to wait for them.

In the mean time I get to have a chat with my current prisoner, Sadi, "Little Sadi did you enjoy my touch? My skills at pleasing women are unmatched after all."

"Mmmm… maybe it was, I will admit I haven't gotten that much excitement for myself in all the time I was in Impel Down, though why is it did you take me like this?" Sadi says currently tied up to her chair.

"Simple, I have a proposition for you, you enjoyed torturing people in Impel Down the legal way to get your sexual high off, now do you want to torture people the illegal way and become part of my crew and help deal with my enemies?"

"And why would I even remotely want to do that?"

"Because I know you had no real love for your job, you just love to get off from torturing people, and I can give you that and so much more, I mean after all…" I say as I slowly change back to my original looks which shocks Sadi, but doesn't believe who I am, that is until, "… Don't you remember that beautiful night we had together back in Level 4 while we did the dance of death all across the level?"



Let's go back a bit to about 6 months ago, my wives were about half way through there pregnancy's by then, and at the time I didn't really have much to do as Eagle so in my off time I did what Warlords are supposed to do, but do it rarely, me being the one who does it the most, help the marines hunt down strong groups a pirates.

It was this one up incoming group of super rookie pirates that were terrorizing the seas near Alabasta, so me and my crew went out to personally deal with them.

I won't go into details on who they are as that doesn't matter as we went out and took them down with taking there Captain in with the rest of his crew escaping, so I decided to personally deliver him to Impel Down myself instead of to a nearby Marine Base.

Though it was a bit troublesome when I approached Impel down as they wanted to take the Pirate Captain off my hands, I wasn't having any of that and I would personally deliver him to his cell before taking the reward for his bounty.

Soon enough I entered Impel Down went through a full body check making sure I had no weapons on hand, I didn't I left them all on my ship at the time, so they gave me the all clear I then took the stairs down through the levels all the way to the 4th floor where he would be held at.

As I handed him off to the guards down there and I was heading back up I was stopped by her.

"Mmmmm…. Little Sadi is surprised to see a Warlord, and the hot one at that, coming all the way to here to deliver me a new pet to play with."

I just grin at that statement, "And your not bad looking yourself, would you be interested on going on a date with me my Lady?"

"Mmmm… you aren't called the Casanova for nothing are you? Though I wonder just meeting me, if your as skilled of a Casanova that you say you are, can you tell the things that I like to do?"

"Well I can tell that, that staff can turn into a whip so my guess is that you just love torturing people right?"

"Bravo, correct, though that isn't that hard a question to answer based on where we are, so let's make it harder, what's my favorite 'food'?"

"Heh, it's not even a food at all, you love nothing more than hearing screams of pain that you call that your favorite food of all, though I can tell you decided to go on a diet to keep your rather beautiful appearance so the foods your eating are mostly vegetables like I would say a salad recently."

"Mmm Mm Mm! You are good, I think I'm starting to like you more and more, can you guess anything else about me?"

"Favorite color blood red, your eyes are golden under your beautiful wavy hair, and if you had a pet it would be a hamster."

"Mmmmmmm!!!! It's like you can see through me."

"Then id like to ask if you would be willing to dance with me as we cause all those down there to suffer while we enjoy ourselves?" I say as I offer her my hand.

She just smiles slightly as she gently takes my hand before we begin to twirl and dance our way down the stairs and throughout the 4th level, as she held her whip out in a way that as we twirled and danced that made everyone we passed screamed out in pain as we had the time of our lives.

But all good things had to come to an end before we came back to where we were originally, "I have to go, but if I come and see you again-"



"-Will you be mine?" I say as I brush away her hair to see her beautiful eyes underneath that were completely in shock at the revelation that I'm also Eagle.

Sure maybe the higher ups in the Marines might be starting to Suspect that I am Eagle, but there's to much conflicting evidence for them, like Eagle being sighted in one place where they also know where I'm currently located at as well so it's only a theory to them for now.

"…. I'm surprised that your both Eagle and Vargas… then who is the real you?"

"Both are me in all honesty, just that I'm completely free to do as I want as Eagle, but have no problem out a sea as Vargas, both are me though my real name is Vargas, and Little Sadi, I want you to be with me and my crew, I hate the world government sure but the people in Impel Down are Jailers and that's it, Impel Down has never gotten in my way like the rest of the World Government has so I have no real personal hatred against those who work there, hell I was even interested in Domino but she had to much love for her job that I completely gave up on recruiting her, but you only worked there to get your fix, and with me you can get your fix and so much more if you want, so all I ask is you stay here with me from now on." I say as I remove her wrist bindings before switching positions and taking her seat while having her sit on my lap facing me.

She looks at me with her one beautiful golden eye being revealed as she looks me over before staging her sharp finger nail over my cheek cutting it and causing me to bleed, before taking her finger and wiping it up before licking it up and smiling.

"Good looks, understands me, is very powerful and even your blood tastes good as well, and wants me to do the same thing that I love doing but for you instead of Impel Down, Mmmmmm…. I think I might as well take you up on that offer of yours lover boy." She says before she brings me in close and begins to make out with me.

And we go at our make out session rather roughly as she scratches me up with her nails as I roughly play with her ass as we go at it, even her biting my tongue just so she could taste more of my blood as we made out swapping it back and forth between us before we slowly came to a stop with her smiling before resting her head on my chest as we held each other close.

"Mmm I think I'm gonna like it here, though I know you don't have really anyone for me to torture if you satisfy me in other ways it will keep me happy."

"That's fine by me, I'll keep my Little Sadi happy as can be while you enjoy your time here." I say as we both just enjoy each other's embrace.

Though a few days pass and Catarina and Shiryu are not doing anything that would piss me off, while Sadi and Shalltear were discussing different torture methods from what I could tell and were genuinely enjoying each other's company, probably since they have similar personalities.

I was currently waiting on the results for the serum to come in when Catarina decided to come to my office.

"Need something?" I say looking her over, "Nice clothes, they suit you." I say while going back to my paperwork.

She just grins at that before sitting on my desk to grab my attention, "So I have heard of your exploits finally and might I say that I am impressed at what you have done, although why is it that you don't go out into the world and make your name spread terror in every living thing imaginable?"

"I could just go out at sea, find an island and slaughter its populace to get what I want, but where's the fun in doing that? If it was a challenge to do then maybe I would but I don't get any excitement from cutting down those who can't fight back, maybe for you guys you enjoy it, but I personally find it boring, when your ships are done and you want to go off and do that, be my guest, I'm no pariah or saint I just don't like wasting time on killing the weak and more focused on killing the strong, because after all if your the only strong one, then the weak must bow there heads and obey." I say while looking at her before I go back to my work.

And what I said was actually rather compelling to her and in its own way made sense, if your the only strong one left standing everyone else will have to listen to your word.

"Hmmm I guess I can see the merits in that, there is more thrill to a fight to the death when you know that you can die at any moment."

"Then why do you enjoy killing beautiful women that can't fight back?"

"Because it's for beauty, because only I deserve the title of most beautiful after all, so I cut down all the competition."

"Or the real reason is because you feel inferior to them with your looks, I'll be honest out of a 10 your body is a 9 but your face makes a 3 out of 10 no-" but before I could finish my statement she grabs me by the collar and pulls me close to her face.

"Oh so your calling my face ugly huh?!"

I just get irritated before grabbing her hands and start to slowly crush them in my hands, "Yes I am." I say before I rip her hands off me before pushing her over onto her back, and before she can pick herself up I straddle her stomach before holding her arms over her head with one hand while I grip her neck with the other, "So what are you gonna do about it?"

She tries to shake me off but after awhile of struggling my grip is like iron and she's not getting away.

"Though your lucky I don't like killing women unless I want to Catarina, so I'll make a deal with you, I have a contract, you accept it and never think about betraying me or my crew and I'll promise to help you achieve the thing you want most."

"Grrr, and what is that?"

"You want to be beautiful? Not someone who says there beautiful but isn't, so with my talents I can transform you into the beauty you always wanted to be and call yourself one of the most beautiful women in the world and mean it with all your heart, so do we have a deal?"

Her face was full of shock at the thought, though she usually has an air of confidence deep down she is ashamed of how she looks, that is the main reason why she hunted down and killed beautiful women that ended up being one of the many reasons she was sent to Impel Down in the first place.

"…. If you can do as you say, then I'll sign that contract and be loyal to you from now on."

"Good, you'll feel something enter your chest, that is our contract, when you let it in I can start the process to change you, but this will be a rather long process after all, it will take a few days of work for me to transform you alright?"

She just nods and then she feels a presence near her chest before she let it in and enter her.

With me getting notified she accepted the contract I got off her and let her go as well before offering my hand and lifting her off the floor, "Come we got work to do if you want to achieve what you want." I say before leading her off towards the spa/beauty parlor.

I'm not really go into the specifics of what I did bit of both a intensive beauty treatment and some facial reconstruction was able to bring out her inner beauty, though I couldn't completely fix the nose situation her face at least now look symmetrical, her wrinkles were gone and that her rather square jawline was rounded out a bit, though her face was to square to completely round it out she now looked like a rather strong beauty.

After everything was done and I removed her bandages and let her see her brand new face it stunned her, "I-is this really me?" She said as tears welled up in her eyes as she felt her face and was amazed at how smooth it felt to the touch.

I just smiled at this, "It's really you, are you happy with my service?" I ask and am instantly brought deep into her tits as she try's to smoother me.

"I love it! Oh Captain Thank you!" She says as she rocks me back and forth until I have to force her to let go of me.

"Well it's good your happy now go get your clothes and go out and do your own thing, I have to go out and do my things soon enough." I say before leaving her to change.

"Mmmm should I? Mmm not yet it's still to early to tell." She says to herself as she keeps looking at her brand new face in her mirror.



"Is it finished?" I say looking at the serum that both Noel and Theo have worked together to make.

"It is, though we haven't tested it out, but from what we have gathered we are 95% sure it will work the way you want it to that will give someone the free range to change there height at will, though only once a day if there not strong enough, and rapid uses will tire one out and may cause one to lose consciousness if used passed one's own limits, though minor height changes of a few feet won't have any detrimental effects and if someone slowly increases there height over time they can permanently become a giant if they want and have free range between human heights and a giants height." Noel goes on to explain before handing over my personal version of it.

"Well, for my family I'll be the test subject." I say as I grab a syringe and fill it up with the serum and with help from Theo properly injecting it into my carotid artery in my neck and letting it work through my body.

Besides a tingling sensation going throughout my body I didn't feel any different than normal.

"Here before you try anything put these on, there underwear that fits you perfectly since the serum most likely doesn't work on clothes like it did when it was a devil fruit ability." Noel says as he hands me some underwear to put on.

So I go behind a changing wall before coming back out and the following them outside of PunkHazard so I have free room to increase my size.

When we get a safe distance away I start to think about being over 50 feet tall, the height of a normal giant, and after thinking that thought my body began to rapidly increase in size until I reached the size I wanted to be, though as they said I felt slightly tired from doing that, but only slightly tired, I could probably change myself into a giant about I would say somewhere in the ball park of around 15 to 20 times in a day before I would be to tired to do it anymore, but that's plenty enough for me at least for now.

"Hahaha!!! This is great guys, now we just need to get this over to the rest of the family." I say excitedly at the fact of what we did here was make history by doing something no one was ever able to accomplish, making gigantification a reality.

"Of course boss, but you should tell them that anyone under 16 that takes the serum will have very bad side effects on there bodies as there still in there growth stage, so they have to wait until then to take it."

I just grin before shrinking down to around 10 feet tall and donning my usual outfit just fit to my current size, "Got it, now it's time to tell them the good news, also Noel I think making a device that someone could wear that will let them be able to change instantly into form fitting clothes or make clothes that fit perfectly to one's size and will fit even if they get bigger or smaller."

"You got it boss, it shouldn't take me more than a week to make clothes that fit no matter your size and maybe a month or two I could make that device."

"Good, then I'll leave you to your work, let's go Theo, it's time I head back to see my family." I say as we both take the Gate back home and not long later I go back to ToTo Land.

When I arrive back at Amande's I see her taking care of our son, but the look on her face when she sees my new height shocks her as we're both now standing eye to eye with each other.

"It worked, now if we want we can be giants or even the size of normal humans if we want to be." I say as I take her into my arms and hold both her and my son close to me.

"Mmm…. Ma will be so happy…."

"Though will have to wait a week or so for people to test it out as it only increases your size not your clothes, so I have Noel working on fixing that problem."

"Well that's good, now go tell her the good news so we can all get it and be one big family all together."

"Alright I will." I say before kissing her and then my son on the head, "I love you, both of you."

"We know, now get going."

"Alright I'll see you soon." I say before going through the mirror world and into Big Ma's Castle, and not long later into her throne room.

And just like Amande the look of shock on her face was just priceless, though soon after she began to joyously laugh, "MAMA MAMA!!! You did it my son! Now everyone in my family will all be standing at the same height as me!" She says happily.

"Of course Ma, though I should warn you that anyone of us in the family that's under 16 can't take it, there still growing and it can damage there bodies if they try to grow when there not ready for it ok?"

"Of course! I wouldn't want to kill my children… well at least when they haven't done anything wrong, so I won't let them have it until there old enough."

I just smile before deciding to grow to the same height as her, though I was in my underwear for a second I was instantly back in some new clothes I bought off the shop before going up to her and hugging her in a way she never has been hugged before as she has always been to big for anyone to properly hug her.

*Sniff Sniff* she starts sniffling before crying a bit as she rubs her head in my shoulder and cry's tears of joy that a big dream of hers is finally coming true.

Next chapter