
Fishers Tale Pt. 2

Meanwhile things have been happening for Fisher and company over the past month since they started there crew.

(A/N don't worry next chapter we get back to there date.)

With Aces personality and training he received from Fisher he was coming out on his own as a pirate rather quickly that they were quickly able to gather a crew together in East Blue as they were starting to make there way to Lougetown before going through Reverse Mountain to enter the Grandline.

The main line up of the crew included Ace, Deuce, Fisher and King with the new crew mates being Skull, Mihar, Saber, Aggie, Finamore, and Ducky Bree with plenty others as well but these were the main cast of the crew overall.

"Alright men! We're gonna shore up here in Lougetown for the day, tomorrow we go up reverse mountain and into the Grand Line!" Ace says to the rest of the crew making them cheer back in response.

So they come ashore and a good amount just go off and do there own things while some go and get supplies for the journey ahead.

"Kid before we get into the Grand Line will need to buy a Log Pose to get around the seas easily." Fisher says as both him and Deuce are following there Captain.

"Right, can't use a compass like you do any where else in the world Huh? So I guess will have to buy one, luckily with taking out a bunch of pirates around East Blue we have enough money to get one now." He says thinking about it but then suddenly stops while he looks up at the gallows of Lougetown.

Fisher could see Ace wasn't really keeping his emotions in check, "Easy kid, don't let them see you acting like this, come on I saw a nice pub nearby where we can drink our worries away.

Ace just clenched his fist before letting go and looking away while letting Fisher lead him off to a Pub.

The next day after getting everything they needed they started to head out to sea but as they were getting closer to reverse mountain they accidentally came across a Marine convoy of about 5 marine ships.

"Deuce! Evasive maneuvers! Figure out a way to get us out of here!" Ace says to the crew while there trying there best to evade cannon fire while they use there guns and cannons to fight back.

While the fire fight is happening both Ace and Fisher are working together with there flames to melt the bullets and cannon shots to protect the ship.

But while we were trying to defend one marine ship was able to get close enough that they began boarding before Deuce was able to slam the ship into each other to get them off us only leaving half of there crew on deck but there was only around 20 of us and 100 marines but with Ace, Fisher and King were able to pick up the slack with dealing with the majority of the marines.

"You won't get away from us that easily Ace!" An Ensign ranked marine said as she tried to attack Ace with her sword that he was able to easily dodge.

"Hey lady why are we even fighting? How about I take you out on a nice dinner date and talk about this." Ace says while he's flirting with the Ensign girl, Isuka.

"I'd never go on a date with a pirate such as yourself!" She says enraged as she keeps trying to hit him, but he keeps dodging while attacking the other marines and kicking them off his ship, Fisher and King were doing the same thing as well.

As Deuce was steering the ship he realized that the ship was heading into some shallow waters in a tight straight, if he could pull this off he will be able to get them out of here while making the chasing marine ships crash into one another.

So he decided to take that gamble as he maneuvered the ship the best he could as he forced the marines to follow after them.

"Everyone hang on!!!" He shouted as he had to rapidly change the course of the ship to get through this unscathed, and with the rapid movement and turning of the ship I caused the rest of the marines on board to fall off there ship with only the Ensign Isuka still on board.


Behind them they could see the ship following after them get completely trapped and stranded on the rocky outcroppings in the water this also caused the rest of the convoy to crash and collide into each other.

"No! My crew!" Isuka says that and soon after jumps off into the waters and try's to swim towards the convoy and try and save her men.

But Ace sees this and thinks she may drown from exhaustion he throws her a life preserver for her to save her.

He then turned back to Deuce, "Alright let's get out of here, we're heading for the Grand Line!" The rest of the crew cheered as they set off towards reverse mountain like they were planing to in the first place.



A couple days later they finally made it out of reverse mountain and down and into the grandline where there first stop at was none other than Whiskey Peak.

Though at the time none of them, except Fisher and King(?), knew that this was a hot bed for bounty hunters making this the first hurdle in the way of any pirate that want to get across the grand line.

Currently the group of Ace, Deuce, Fisher and King were currently taking down swaths of bounty hunters while searching all around for supplies to take as no one is willing to sell to pirates especially a town run by bounty hunters, so they needed to take down crews and find there food and supply stashes so they can load up there ships and get the hell out.

"Ace! Deuce! Let's split up and cover more ground!" Fisher says as he hops on top of the true sized version of King to use as a mount.

"Good Idea! Will take out a crew each and get the supplies we need out of them, no need to show any Merced with these guys, they only want to bring us in dead so no point in letting them get what they want right?" Ace says with a grin before he sets some of the bounty hunters that have been chasing them on fire.

Fisher just grins and King howls in response, "Want to make this more fun Kiddo?"

"Oh what you have in mind old man?"

"Let's see who can take down the most bounty hunters and the most supplies, you win, I'll teach you some skills that I haven't taught you yet, if I win though, I get to sleep in your favorite cot until we arrive at the next island!"

"Heh, bring it on old man!" Ace says in excitement as he begins to run through town taking out bounty hunters left and right.

Fisher just grins while he and King go on a rampage as well, Deuce sees this all from the sidelines and just shakes his head as he goes chasing after Ace to keep him from getting to crazy.

And they went at it all the way till the sun went down, it got to the point that the remaining bounty hunters were to afraid of them to even show there faces, and when they got back it was almost dead even with Ace just barely winning out.

"Ha! Looks like you need to teach me those special moves you have been talking about old man!"

"Looks like I will won't I? Well let's get the supplies up and wait for the log pose to recalibrate before we can get started, tomorrow that is."

"Alright guys you heard him, get this stuff on board and then will celebrate for the night!"




"Alright kid I'm gonna teach you some more advance techniques on using your flames, you already know how to cover your arms and legs with flames before your attacks, now we're gonna try projecting them out a bit for starters I want to make a flaming fist and then turn it into a razor sharp clawed hand."

"Pfft, give me something challenging old man! That's to easy watch!" He says as he goes to turn his hand into a flaming hand but seems to be having a hard time turning it into a clawed hand.

"Oh? What's this? Is our almighty captain having trouble?"

"Shut it! I can do it!" But no matter how much effort he puts in his flaming hand doesn't get any sharper.

"Well tell me when you've given up and I'll tell you the secret to making a flaming claw hand." Fisher says before he goes and sits off to the side while Ace is screwing around not knowing how it's really done.

After awhile of trying over and over again to no avail, Ace finally gives in and looks at Fisher, "Uncle Fisher, can you please teach me how it's done?"

Fisher just laughs at this before getting up, "Good you at least asked nicely and know when to give up, so let me show you how it's done." He says before showing him his hand and covering it in flames before bribing the flames to only the tips of his fingers and making them in razor sharp flame claws.

"You think you can do it?" Fisher says as he watches Ace slowly be able to copy his move one for one and finally make some flaming claws of his own.

"Very good, now on we your able to cut through metal like butter without causing burns then you have perfected your control of your flames making it necessary to learn to make the next part I'll teach you even easier."

"Alright I'll keep going at it till I perfected it!"

"That's the spirit kid, now that our Log Pose is ready time we set sail further down the Grand Line." And while Ace kept up his training the Spade Pirates continued there journey down the grand line.

This was more on the shorter side for a chapter so I’ll make another chapter later tonight

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