
Gaining a Foot Hold in Wano (Long Chapter)

After we set sail we took the route around Wano and up to Neko Port on the northern side of Wano, thanks to both Orochi and Kaido giving us permission we were easily able to get inside the port letting us up and into Kibi.

And to say that this place is a wasteland is an understatement as there was barely any vegetation at all.

"Barvars, determine the amount of totems needed to turn the region of Kibi into arable land for planting crops, including the Seed of the Great Tree Alneu."

"Calculating…. Determining area based on size with both land and water sources polluted as well I have determined that to purify both the water source and river connected to it would require 5 Water Totems, for the land with the help of the Great Tree I calculate that it's minimum requirement is 1 miracle totem and 10 Earth Totems would be required to transform this wasteland into farmland…." (Barvars)

"Well lucky for us that Yamato has been doing all the work finding plenty for us to use, let's first get rid of those factories then we will begin the process of changing Kibi for the better." And with that said that's what me and my crew went out to do for the next few days we were here in Kibi.

First off we got all the 'workers' out of the factory's before absolutely ripping them apart and sending off Kaido's men along there way with the Fire Totems I promised him as payment.

But as for the slaves that were left here as most knew they couldn't make the trip or they would die of exhaustion and me not wanting to be like Kaido I made an announcement.

"Alright I know what a lot are you thinking is probably either something depressing or down right suicidal, first off stop thinking that unlike Kaido or Orochi I don't plan to work you guys to the bone, your not slaves because I don't need slaves what I need are people who still have a will to live and want to see the lands of Kibi returned to there former beauty, which I have the power to do you work for me and I provide you food and I mean real food and some temporary shelters that you can live in, I'm planning on making a town where you all can live in and not making it look like those junk towns that all others outside the flower capital look like, I give you those things and return you help me plow these fields and till the future crops for the people of Wano so none of you or your children or there childrens children will ever have to worry about famines ever again, so if you wish to see that happen then raise your arms if you wish to see it!" I say as I give a somewhat heartfelt speech, though they personally feel like that they have just been handed off to a new master to obey he genuinely seems like he needs people who are willing to do the job because they want to rather be told to.

And soon slowly one by one they began to raise there hands until nearly everyone had there arms raised in genuinely wanting to see the land of Kibi for the better.

"Good then first off for you guys you lot are skin and bones! Looks like you need some meat to get your strength back!" I say as I make some large logs appear like magic to them before spitting out flames and lighting a large bone fire before pulling out large pieces of uncooked ham to have cooked up by the fire it having plenty of enough meat for everyone to enjoy, if your wondering where's the ham all from Amazon Lily and Ancient Haven have a large supply of Wild Boars so getting ham isn't hard to find.

From the smell alone caused all the emptied bellies of all the former slaves now my workers grumble as they all waited for the meat to cook, when I thought them throughly cooked I pulled them all away from the flames before summoning a large table and platter to lay the large quantities of meat down before cutting it apart into enough pieces for everyone to have some making roughly 200 ham kabobs for them all to enjoy, after that I motioned to them and without hesitation they began to grab themselves a ham kabob and chow down.

Not long after they all had there fill of meat which made these men, women and even some kids extremely happy as for who knows how long that meat was only a luxury for the rich of the flower capital to enjoy where as they either got moldy rice or black bread to eat on making most of there stomachs so small that they were all stuffed from just one ham kabob alone.

"Alright now that you had your fill we're going over to the water source here in Kibi, because if I want to turn Kibi into a land that can easily grow crops, clean water is needed." Everyone hearing that nodded and began to follow me to see what other miracles I can create.

By the time we had arrived my water Totems had already gotten to work with 2 at the fresh water source and the other 3 at the beginning, middle and end of the river that goes throughout Kibi.

"Commence the Cleansing!" I say as the totems that were standing on top of the water as if it was solid ground to them began to disperse there energy throughout the water slowly turning the water clearer and clearer by the second and after an hour the waters were crystal clear and clean with no contamination or pollution at all, but soon after the Totems faded as they used up all of there energy and had nothing left to give as they faded from existence all together.

"*sigh* I was hoping that they would make it but it seems that they need to use everything they got to cleanse these lands and sacrificing themselves in the process…" I just shake my head and turn my head to see everyone with stunned faces at seeing the extremely polluted water cleaned and crystal clear, some of them even fell to there knees and prostrated before me, after one did it soon everyone did it fully accepting the new leader of Kibi, I think this would make me the Daimyo of Kibi since Orochi and Kaido handed it off to me to do as I wish after making a few promises of course.

"Alright all of you get up! We can't be sitting around here all day we need to get going and see the beginning to the revitalization of Kibi so come with me." I say as I pass through them as I head off towards to the center of the Kibi region with all of them in tow.

When we got to the center 10 earth totems and 1 miracle totem were waiting for me before giving me a chest salute in recognition before opening way for me to stand in the middle of them as I dug open the dirt a bit and placed the seed and covered it before using a bow filled Chalice of Eternity's water on the young seedling before quickly backing away with the totems following close by.

I may have not mentioned it but by now everyone in my crew, family and myself have all had a drink of the water making us all look forever young, though Owen drinking it only made his pure white hair go back to a steal grey look but he was fine with his current looks as is so he didn't really care, well except for the newest members and those who still technically aren't crew yet and well when I mean family I mean close family not including the whole Charlotte family besides the ones that are my lovers of course, it's just not hard to fill it up anymore since we all get large amounts of Metal units to sacrifice to make even more water after all.

As we backed away the seed rapidly grew and grew before it turned into a tree as it just kept growing until finally it reached over 200ft tall as its bark slowly changed before it became a face and yawned as an old man's voice came out of it, "I am the Great Tree Alneu, why have you grown me up from one of my seeds here into these new lands?" Alneu said wondering why he was here.

"Great Alneu, the lands here have been scarred by pollution, won't you help bring life back to these with the aid of these totems as the help heal the land with you?"

"Hmmmm it is very bad to see the land I now live on look like this, fine I will help you and the people of this land return this place to better times."

I just nod and then have all the totems pour there energy into Alneu so he can take that energy and pour it directly into the soil from them all.

And as they do that the dusty clay like ground changes to a darkish black soil, the type of soil that is very fertile and it began to rapidly spread outwards turning more and more of the land into fertile soil and from his base moving outwards started to have grass growing that soon afterwards began to spread across the lands as well, and when the totems faded away in all directions I could see was the green grass covering everything.

And with this miracle as later people would call it people would begin to look up to me to be the leader that they truly need, they still wish for the previous family , the Kouzuki, to lead Wano but with them all either gone or deep in hiding they saw to me as the best choice to rally behind.

Thinking these thoughts the people here that were once slaves now free men and women took a knee and bowed before me, "Sir we wish to follow after you and would hope you would save Wano from those tyrants for us down trodden." One said while the rest nodded in agreement.

Before I said anything I was sending around me and not feeling any spy's near by I stepped forward and lifted the man who said that, "Someday that will happen, but there are several reasons why I can't do that for now, not because I, well besides currently as I am I'm not strong enough to take down Kaido as I am right now, and currently we are temporary allies, the whole reason that the borders of Wano can't be opened to the rest of the world is because the World government, basically the rulers of the rest of the world would stop at nothing to pillage Wano for themselves to get its resources and I don't want to put the people through a civil war with heavy casualties on all sides and say I did win well we would be to weak to take on the world government as they would just come in and take the country for themselves putting you under the world nobles rule which is as bad as Orochi or maybe worse, now that you heard that do you honestly think that it's a good idea to start a rebellion?" After I say my speech to them all it left them in contemplating silence until one said.

"Then when? When will we ever we be free if there tyranny?"

"After both me and Kaido win the Final War that we are preparing for, why do you think he needs a massive weapon stockpile? It's all for this final war that he has been planning on having for years, when it's finished and the world is free of the world government that's when I will turn on him, heck I openly admitted it to his face and you know what he did? He just grinned and said, 'Then when the time comes I want to see how you take me down personally brat!' And I won't be doing it alone as even his own child who was mistreated by him who idolizes his old enemy Oden himself wants nothing more than to open the borders of Wano for the same reasons as Oden but after I said what I said here she came to understand that what I'm saying that about opening the borders now would be a bad idea and even she wants to wait till after the final war, so if the people can live on for a few years more as things are I promise things will eventually change for the better…"

Hearing everything I said they didn't like it but they did understand my reasoning for wanting to wait until after the final war as he calls it is over before the people of Wano can be free and able to even see the rest of the world if they want to, but they still believe my cause to be just so they all swore allegiance to me and will follow what ever orders I would give them.

"Then for today my only command is that you set up a place for all of you to rest because tomorrow we start to build a town around Alneu that will be where we all live in, after the town is built we will then begin the cultivation of crop fields for us and the rest of Wano unfortunately 75% of the crops here will be handed over to the flower capital with only the rest for us but with enough vegetables planted that would easily be enough for all of us, plus I plan to have some of you work a butchery so everyone will be able to have at least 2 meals a day so you will never go hungry again, but I will say this up front once we have money flowing into this town with silver and gold stuff will no longer be free for you because everything still has a cozy lucky for you I'm not gonna make things insanely expensive that you people can't afford it and once more money is flowing through we can open more things for everyone to enjoy, so what do you say? Are you with me?!"

"YES SIR!" They all shouted in unison.

"Good then take these supplies, they are tents and a sleeping bag to get you guys through the cold nights because we have a while before we can really make this place into a thriving town that one day rivals the flower capital itself!"

"OOHHH!!!" They shouted in excitement before grabbing there supplies and making there own tents.

"This is gonna be a long process but give it a month or two and will have this place into a small town and then will have the crops being made.



A month later, Orochi's Castle.

"From the reports of my subordinates you actually did it and turned all of Kibi into green pastures after all! Not that I didn't believe you could do it, no no just surprised you did it so quickly and that you are building a town for yourself and those… people as well, you know I'm not comfortable with them being let off scot free like that right?"

"I know Orochi, but you have to look at this I have given them a new purpose and that they are actually genuinely happy with how things have turned out and sure there still a bit mad at you for what you did, no I'm not saying who, but they have decided to let bygones be bygones as long as they can do this instead of being forced to do such heavy labor that basically leads them to die in the end, I mean isn't better for them to be something that can both benefit you and the flower capital and you personally than just benefiting Kaido alone."

Hearing that he slaps his head and laughs, "Gufuhahahahha! Why didn't I think of that, and now I'm starting to paint it in a light that everything is Kaido's fault that everything is bad now people are slowly starting to hate me less and hate Kaido more from what my men have told me!" He says happily as he downs more of his Sake.

"Yes and since the town will be finished soon we will begin to start to plant the crops, luckily it's the spring season so by summer and fall the crops will be ready to harvest, but if the capital is having problems with food you can ask me and I can import some food at a more reasonable rate than those greedy merchants would."

"Oh that would be fantastic, more people here will be able to eat without issue then with your help my young friend! And don't worry I'll pay you for all the services you have done for me and my country as well!" He says with a huge happy grin on his face.

"Well then I'll thank you in advance, and I would love to stay longer but I need to get going soon, have to give them there orders after all so they can get to work." I say as I get up and shake Orochi's hand.

"Not at all my friend! If you ever wish to come here and chat or have drinks just stop on by you are always welcome here in the flower capital after all!" He says as he personally walks me out which is a great sign of respect for someone like himself to do as I soon left his castle and headed out of the Flower capital back to my personal town that I have called personally as The Grove, after all it is town in the center of a grove surrounded by verdant hills.

Though I should say that currently I'm the only one from my crew in The Grove as after I set up a get here I sent them back on my ship to enjoy themselves in F. Haven while I kept coming back here daily to watch over the progress of my territory.

Though when I came back something happened that has never happened before as even the system gave me a warning itself, System- Warning! Warning! Time Space Anomaly Detected Near The Great Tree Alneu, Host should head over there quickly and see what's happening.

Hearing that from the system it must be very serious as I began to us my flames to fly at high speeds back to my town and soon enter my building before heading to the courtyard where Alneu sits.

When I arrive what I see surprises me as a beautiful woman lays there beaten and bloodied as Alenu use his trunks to gently hold her.

"Leader your here… I woke up after feeling a disturbance in the air and suddenly this woman appeared before me, Sir I can feel it if won't do something quickly she will die from her injuries…" Alenu was doing all he can by sustaining her vitality but he couldn't heal her.

Hearing this I fed her a cure that at least helped a little but the damage is to sever for a cure to fix and if someone's to weak they can't handle Hi-Cures or it will kill them so I instantly summon Theo to my side.

Luckily he wasn't having 'fun' with Florence like I did that one time when I summoned him for his help which got him pissed at me for a week before I had to bow my head and repeatedly apologize before he forgave me.

He didn't need to ask when he saw the woman with such server injuries before me and him carried her off to the infirmary to try and save her.

And luckily I have one of the best doctors out there as within a few hours he was able to stabilize her injuries bringing her back from the brink.

"How bad is it?"

"Serious head trauma, gunshot wound the left side barely missing her heart but did enough damage to break several ribs and puncturing her left lung barely missing her heart as well multiple cuts a bruises all over her body, it's a miracle in itself that she lasted this long… did you say that she just appeared from nowhere?"

"Yeah the system said something like a Space Time Anomaly Detected at the base of Alneu and said I should go and see what's going on, so I sped off at my max speed and saw her there bleeding out before I called you here."

"Hmm strange I have heard of time travelers existing in Grand Gaia (The World of the Frontier) but from everything I have heard I haven't heard there existing time travelers in this world before…. How interesting…"

But while we were discussing this we heard the woman begin to move around and both turned to look to see her slowly wake up as well.

I then went and sat beside her bed, "Welcome back to the land of the living, had I not been there to see you under that big tree dying you really would have passed on, but luckily I have a good doctor here to save you."

"…. Where am I?"

"Your currently in the Kibi Region of Wano Country."

"Kibi…. Wano…. Ugh my head hurts… it's hard to remember things…"

"Well you did get severely hurt and took some damage to your head so that will be normal that you can't remember things that well, but it should slowly come back with time…" (Theo)

"Though do you still remember your name?"

"My name?….." she begins to think about it for awhile before her name finally comes back.

"You can call me Toki, thank you for saving my life." She says with a genuine and beautiful smile.

What a twist

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