
*Title at the End*

When we both reach the drinking room be both sit at the floor table opposite of each other as he lays out a cup for the both of use before uncorking a brand new gourd of Sake and pouring us both a cup, though the cups a traditional styled Sake cups which more like a dish than a cup but due to his size they looked more like a platter to me and a cup to him as I lift one up one handedly as we clink them together before downing the contents.

"Mm this is some good Sake."

"I get it from the Flower Capital in Wano, speaking of Wano I think I didn't tell you that you can enter Wano free of charge after all I did want to talk to you at some point to another." He says as he pours us another cup of Sake that we both down once again.

"And that's the big question here huh? What exactly did you want to talk to me about?"

"... What's your Relationship to Rocks D. Xebec, the man I once called Captain before the combined force of Garp and River brought him down…."

"… There is no relationship between me and him, I wasn't even born when he died but I did learn about him one way or another and hearing his exploits and what he wanted to do to change the world in his own image and both you and me share some of his ideals after all…"

"Kicking off the final war and taking down the world government for good to make this a world where only the strong lead…. Question is what you plan to do after that Eagle, what will you do when your mission of destroying your hated enemy is completed?"

"What am I gonna do? Well I plan to take over my own little portion of the world and call it my own kingdom, world domination isn't even on the table, to costly and way to much paperwork that won't let me have any fun with my wives and lovers, heck maybe remake my tribe once again and turn it into a full blown kingdom of my own."

"And if I wanted to dominate the world after that is all said and done?"

"Hmmm do you enjoy just sitting around and relaxing? Because you'll be to busy having to deal with rebellions all across the world that will just make the world be in a state of never ending war, sure that might be fun for awhile but long wars get taxing to have goin on constantly, all honesty do you want to go through with all that bullshit for the rest of your life before dying of old age?"

"….. You may have a point… taking over part of the world is probably a better option after all."

"Right? All I want is money, power and women, and I can always use more of all three but territory I don't need that much of, but I'll make it a place where only the strong have any say with me sitting on top, anyone challenges that I'll just cut them down."

"Heh, I think you and me will just get along fine Eagle." He says as he downs even more of his Sake, but then the door slides open and Yamato has arrived.

"Father… may I join you two?" He just looks over and nods before returning to his drink, she then shuts the door and takes a seat with us both off to my right side.

I see a extra cup and place it in front of her before pouring her some Sake, Kaido just looks at this but doesn't say anything as he drinks some more.

"….. I think we shouldn't open up Wano to the rest of the world…" Kaido hearing this from his son actually drinks some of his sake down the wrong pipe causing him to hack and cough it up.

"*Cough Cough* Did I miss something? Your not demanding that I open up Wano anymore?" He then turns to look at me, "What did you say to him to make him change his mind?"

"I just told him the consequences should Wano open as it is now, that the second the borders are opened to the rest of the world that the WG would do anything to take Wano under there command and most likely by force causing a lot of innocent people to die as a consequence…"

"Yes… they would do that in a heartbeat, Wano is the only place in the world with a extremely large ore deposit in both Seastone and Gold and other metals that can be used to make weapons…. That's why any of my enemies I defeat I force them to work in mines or work in the weapon factory's to make my pirates more weapons after all."

"Though I do believe that Wano should be opened up at one point to another."

"And why the hell would you say that, it's better closed off for good, that country is an impenetrable fortress on its own, opening it would get rid of that defense for good."

"But what if there was a mechanism somewhere in that country that can both open and close the country at will?"

"Hmmmm…. If that expiated then if we controlled it we can open and close the borders whenever we want, at times of peace keeping them open and times of war keep the country close…. Wait do you know that such a mechanism exists?" He says intrigued at this bit of information.

"Vargas has Nico Robin under his wing, and they have been hunting Polyglyphs about the Void Century and one of the recent ones that they found, supposedly one she found when she was younger but didn't understand at the time, talks about Wano and that it was the Final Stronghold of the Great Kingdom that they used as the place to protect there descendants so that they can wait for the right time to open back up to the rest of the world…"

"…. And that's only when the world government, made from the 20 kingdoms, are finally destroyed that it would be safe for Wano." Kaido says as he looks into his Sake stewing in his thoughts.

"Yamato… I know that you two haven't really ever been a family, well mainly because he doesn't like you looking up to Oden, but Wano will open to the rest of the world but only if we change the world first, you need to understand that." I then turn to look at Kaido himself, "If she is willing to help you with any of your plans you have for Wano and the rest of the world will you ignore her looking up to Oden and not keep her locked up?"

"...… *Sigh* Fine if he stops being rebellious and is willing to help me and the rest of our crew I'll over look him idolizing Oden…. Doesn't mean I'm gonna like it though…" he says as he drinks more of his Sake with his checks taking on a red hue from all the alcohol.

"And what about letting her out to see the rest of the world? I mean it's not exactly the best thing to keep her locked away like this, plus if she's gonna be helping you out I say she deserves to see the world for once."

"Well I could take him out on pirate raids with my crew…. But I doubt he would like that much since I don't honestly leave the New World since there's no challenge anywhere else and I know he wants to travel around everywhere…."

"Well I have heard from her personally that she finds me to be her 2nd idol, so if you want I can let her see the rest of the world in your stead…." Hearing that begins to smile widely while staring at her father with a rather puppy dog looking look.

"….. Son would you mind stepping out while me and Eagle talk in private?" Yamato reluctantly nods before leaving the room to leave us to ourselves.

After she leaves he looks at me, "… Why do you care about my sons happiness and letting him see the rest of the world?"

"Well besides the fact of me knowing what's it feels like to trapped in one place for several years, she is also idolizes me so I think she deserves to see the world and I'm her best option but if you need something to sweeten the deal I have something here that some one that has eaten a mythical Zoan would like…" I say as I pull out the neck jewel of a true dragon that I got as part of that dragon corpse I got a few years ago.

Seeing it placed in front of him his eyes widened in surprised as he looked at it, "… I can sense it…. This came out of a true dragon didn't it?…. Where did you get this?"

"… not long after the 3 of us escaped back then I returned to the remains of of our tribe seeing it in ruins I went to what remained of my old home I found this among the remains, it was something an ancestor of mine got from slaying a dragon is what I was told as a child, luckily it was buried under a hidden hatch in my home so it was never discovered…. We had no use for it so finding out that you can turn into a dragon that it may be of use to you…" I say as I place it in front of him.

"… This is worth more than you know to me…. Just letting my son join you to see the world wouldnt equal the value of this jewel…. This is more equal to a dowery than anything else, are you interested in wedding my…. Daughter?" He says as he decides to drop calling Yamato a man, but hearing that I spit out my sake in surprise.

"Wait what? Marry her? I mean she is beautiful and all but I wasn't thinking about that with giving it to you, but I mean if your fine with it I'll try to pursue her, but are you sure?"

"... *sigh* no but from everything I have seen you are the youngest but also strongest of this generation of pirates that you have earned the title of emperor that only 4 others have earned the title of…. So you are the best bet as a husband for her out of anyone else in all of the world…."

"…. Well I'm flattered about how you view me but I know you would want something else out of all of this as well…."

"Right…. Vargas has Nico Robin I need her to translate my Road Polyglyph so that I am one step closer to getting the one piece…. Unless your after it as well?"

"I could honestly care less about the One Piece or the title of Pirate King like everyone else, I already told you what I really want and need with the world as a whole…. In the end the destruction of the World Government must be done to make the world in its own way better than it is now…. And I'm developing weapons to take them down once and for all… after this let me see the Road Polyglyph and I'll send a copy of a full translation back to you… now let's get down to more mutual business deals."

"Right, I heard of the islands that you have claimed for yourself just recently here in the New World… are you planning on making an orchard to mass produce more artificial Devil fruits there as well?"

"Of course the one to the south filled with ancient beasts I plan to figure out a way to make Artificial Ancient Zoans and to the north see if it's possible to make Artificial Logia fruit as well, but the artificial Ancient Zoans probably the only thing that genuinely interests you after all, when they become available in large quantities I believe a exchange can be arranged."

"Sounds good to me, though I have a project that I have planned to commence in the near future… and if things go as plan Wano will fall under my daughters rule when I begin my New Onigashima project and I hope to have your aid in this if things between you two progress in the right direction…" he says chugging down more Sake not to think about that as much.

"Sounds fine by me, you want to take over Wano and I'll help in whatever way I can, and I will make you even more artificial Zoans and later ancient Zoans so long as I make money in the end you have an Ally in me in my crew…" thinking that thought I stand up and hold out my hand to him.

"How about it then? Want to work together to see the World Government burn to the ground?" Kaido just grins and grabs my hand roughly putting in a lot of force nearly breaking my hand but I just grinned and put all my strength to fight back as well before we both pull away.

"May our alliance last well beyond the fall of the World Government… Now I believe it's time I tell Yamato the good news.."

"Hmph, go on then let my daughter see the world she so wishes to see, may our alliance see a new age come about."

"…. Though I think we should wait for awhile before we decide to announce to the world of our alliance, at least until I have built an army under my banner as well."

"So be it, when your ready we shall announce to the world of our alliance and our mission, now before you go to my daughter I'll show you the Road Polyglyph…"

"Great, and that's the only Polyglyph that you have because if you have more I'd like to see that one as well…"

"… I do have one other one I can show you as well, think of it as a gift for you to let Nico Robin to study as well, so follow me." He says as he leads me first to the Road Polyglyph and then after I got what I needed he lead me to the one other Polyglyph and soon after I got it as well we both went to a cell deep within Onigashima where Yamato was waiting.

"Son…. Go with Eagle and see the rest of the world with him and his crew, gain knowledge of the world and grow stronger as well…" he said before just nodding at me before leaving us and heading back to his room to drink some more.

"Well then don't just stand there shocked stiff like that! Grab your stuff and let's head to my ship, when we arrive on my Fiery Haven we'll have a party to celebrate." I say with a grin seeing her shocked look.

She then got extremely excited before grabbing her things and stuffing it into a bag before with a wide smile decided to follow me to the shore.

But as we got to the harbor of Onigashima we were both stopped by two individuals in particular, the sibling duo of Page One and Ulti, and the instant she saw me she came to attack me but when I just took on the clawed stance she instantly skidded to a halt and fell back hiding behind her little brother.

"Sis….. could you get off me?" Page one says being a bit embarrassed that his big sis was acting like a scared animal in front of Eagle.

But all she does his poke her head out, "I refuse to let you just leave like that without me getting my revenge on you for making me hurt my little Page-tan! A-And what you did to me after that you d-demon!" She says all embarrassed like at what happened to her.

"So what do you want to fight? Because you can't handle me on your own and I'm not gonna be fighting on my own this time." I say as I place my hand on Yamatos shoulder who then slams the mace into the ground.

"You two are not getting in the way of me getting to see the rest of the world when I finally have the chance that was approved by my father himself!!!"

"No I refuse to let you walk out of here without me beating the shit out of you Eagle!" Ulti says while stamping her foot into the ground cracking the pavement below.

"Hmmmm…. I have a better idea, why don't you two join us for awhile as I head north towards one of my new bases of operations I call Fiery Haven and I'll let you fight me as much as I want but so long as I win you follow my command, and when you either need to come back or want to come back I'll have my crew send you back here to Onigashima.

"… I think we should ask Commander Kaido first…" (Page One)

"Ahhh why are you being such a baby?! He doesn't care what we do until he calls for us specifically, and usually it was only when Oden here kept causing stupid problems that we had to step in, besides that he doesn't care." Ulti says while strangling her brother.

"Can we please not bring them? Then being there is just gonna make things annoying for me.." But as soon as Yamato says that Ulti rushes over and gets all up in her face… we'll try's to but with Yamato being over 8ft and Ulti being a bit under 6ft it was more like face to breast, also seeing Yamahas decided to loosen her binding raps that compress her chest letting it be its original size made Ulti look down at her bust before looking back at Yamatos

"What are you looking at?" Yamato asks before Ulti just roughly grabs her breasts angered by the sheer size difference.

"You you Cow Udders!!!" Ulti says as she keeps messing with Yamatos boobs while she grabs Ulti's wrist trying to stop her.

I wouldn't mind watching this going on for awhile, I needed to be the adult here so I gave a haki infused chop to Ulti's head hard enough to smash her face into the ground.

Enraged she got up and was about to attack but seeing me wiggling my fingers she instantly hid behind her brother again scared of what my hands can do to her.

"Well if it is as Ulti says then just come along then, though if you really want a rematch you'll need to beat my crew first before I consider it, but if you want I can also help you two get stronger than you currently are right now and same goes for you Yamato but I was gonna do that anyway."

"Hmph! Who wants your help?! We're enemies not friends!"

"Actually me and Kaido are in an alliance now though until I build up my crew we're not gonna announce it to the world just yet, but when we really put things in motion this world will change for the better of our crews as a whole." I say as I head to the small boat that Theo was waiting on for me.

Yamato followed after me while Page One and Ulti just looked at each other before Ulti just follows after us, Page One contemplates about it but decides to follow his sister towards the docks as we go towards my ship.

Back in Onigashima Kaido was drinking with King, "Boss you sure it's alright to let your kid go along with him?"

"It will be fine, we will be bringing in a new era soon and he will be a valuable ally for us…. Hmmm he's also LinLin's son in law too, maybe we can make this into a three way alliance in the future…. Then again me and her don't really get along so I'll have to think about it for now, but I believe that my son being with him will make him stronger than he ever could being locked up here, he will help my son become a fine successor to my crew when the time arrives…" Kaido says to King before sitting back and thinking about what shall be done for the future.

*Alliance between Beasts and Monsters*

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