
Ring the Bells! Shandoria Returns!

I even got Enel's thunder thunder fruit that was added to my Devil fruit orchard.

After recovering from over taxing my body by entering the Kagutsuchi form, which I'm not gonna use until I hit my final evolution because I feel my body can handle it by then, but the cost is too much too bear.

"God damnit!!!" I say as I slam my fists in the ground.

"What's the matter kid? You still in pain?" (Owen)

"No…. Just I had to waste so many Fire Metal units just to take on that form for a short time….. that was like half a years worth of them that I was saving up for after my next evolution in the future….." I say all sad like.

"Don't be sad, I mean it's just gonna take awhile and you'll have them all back." (Baby 5)

"Yea Big Bro! Plus you said after all that it's gonna take a long time for you too evolve anyway so you have time to get more!" (Perona)

"*Sigh* you're right, thanks girls." I say as I rub there heads before I get up and put my regular outfit back on.

I mean I could use that Dragoncite to evolve but thats one of the things to evolve Big Ma including the Chalice of Eternity and several other rare evolution units and materials needed to help her evolve that I still need to find, I feel it will be several years before I can evolve her unfortunately due to how valuable the overall materials are.

(A/N Not till after the Whole Cake Arc.)

"Alright time to head back on down I guess, whatever that was of valuable up here was ruined during our fight." I say as I look at the smoldering ruins of God's Shrine.

I just smile as I put Baby 5 on my back and hold Perona on my front as I do a leap and start to fall towards the bottom of the beanstalk.

Owen just shakes his head, "Showoff." He then jumps and follows after us.

Not long later we arrived we discovered the City of Gold Shandoria, even Zala's group has arrived here as well.

"Captain!" Everyone said as they saw me come down from above with my still burnt looking skin that was healing quickly thanks to the cure I drank on the way down.

Even Zala came up to me checking me over, "Are you ok?" She said seeing me worse for wear.

"I'm ok, I just over taxed my powers to take on a new temporary form that left me in this state after I used it for a little while."

"Yeah! He was so cool looking! It really was like a god of fire form like he said!" Both Perona and Baby 5 were gushing about my Kagutsuchi form.

"But it really hurts to take on that form, so until I reach my final evolution I don't think I'll take it on any time soon."

"Mmmm well I wish I saw it, but besides that look at this! It's the legendary City of Gold!" Zala says as she motions around at the city covered in mossy gold that is used to build this large city.

"It's probably just as big as the capital city of Amazon Lily." I say as I give the city a once over.

"Alright while you guys take all the gold you can get and put it in the city, cause it looks like Nami has already been doing that from what I can see from here, you guys help and if you can try not to break the buildings if possible, I'm gonna see if I can find Robin and help her find the Polyglyph." I say as I begin to walk off in the general direction I think she would head off too while using my observation haki to search for her.

After awhile I sensed her presence and went towards her, seeing her looking at a stele and trying to understand the text.

"What does it say?" I say as I come up next to her.

Unfazed by my presence, "This isn't the Polyglyph, but it does lead to where the true Polyglyph is, it's on the golden belfry that was a major symbol of significance to the people of Shandoria, it also mentions the history of there people and that the Skypeian's, the Shandorian's and another tribe called the Birkan's were all originally from a place called the 'Fairy Vearth' which from what I can tell is what they call the moon…." (Robin)

"So the original inhabitants of these sky islands were from the moon and that they came down to our world at some point for some reason and settled on these sky islands right?"

"Yes it does appear so, though this doesn't give any information on the void century as this predates the void century by several hundreds of years…. But the golden belfry must have information on the void century so let's go find it." She says as she looks at the compass that leads to the golden belfry.



About an hour later of following some winding paths we ascended some stairs enshrouded in clouds that went up and up for a long time but finally when we reached the top we saw a giant golden bell the roughly the size of a large house.

"That's one huge bell."

"Look, at the base, that large black square must be the Polyglyph we have been searching for, come on let's go." She says as she starts to rush up the stairs to reach the base of the bell, and I followed suit.

"I wonder how much gold I would get out of this if I smelt it down." But after I say that Robin just crosses her arms and gives me a look of like 'Really? Are you sure you want to do that?'

"I said if, I would never do something that would destroy something of such historical significance to the people of Shandoria." I say as I raise my hands in surrender, she just nods and begins to brush off the moss covering up the Polyglyph.

But I see some ancient script that was printed on one of the pillars holding the belfry up that seemed out of place, it didn't seem as old as the writing here but at least more than a decade old from the markings.

"Hey Robin before you

Read that could you read what this says here?" I say as I show her this hidden text left on the pillar.

"Let's see here, 'I have come here and will lead this passage to the farthest ends of the world. - Gol D. Roger….'"

"Wait what?! Roger and his crew actually came to Skypeia before us?"

"Obviously, you need the Polyglyphs to get to Laughstale where the one piece is located after all, he and his crew must have come here before they found Laughstale to discover the mysteries of the Void Century like we are now." She then goes back to the Polyglyph and begins to study it.

"When your done tell me, because I'm gonna signal the people of Skypeia that they are free now." I say before I lay down and take a nap while she translates the Polyglyph.



Hidden up in the clouds, the small hidden village of the Shandorians.

A young red head teen was currently venting his anger by fighting his fellow Shandorians alone while 10 plus were fighting but because of his shear ferocity in this fight he eventually comes out victorious, this lets him hold his place as strongest of the younger generation of Shandorians.

"Damn that man and everything he has done to our people." (Wyper 15) says as he walks back towards the chiefs tent as since he was young the chief has raised him like his own since he parents vanished without a trace not long after he was born.

"Calm yourself Wyper, things may look bad now but I know soon things will get better, we must wait until we have the strength to fight back and reclaim the lands we lost, and finally make peace with the Skypeians like we wanted to before he appeared." The village chief says as smokes from his hookah.

"Screw peace! We should just have this island to ourselves alone just like we did back when my ancestor met Noland….. I feel that he will never truly Rest In Peace until we hear the bell of Shandoria ringing again…." He says sadly as he takes a seat and lies on his back.

It's been hard these past few months since Enel took over and there entire tribe had to run and hide into the far corners of Skypeia just to be safe from his wrath should he know of there location just like he did with Gan Fall, the former god of Skypeia, and his followers.


"!!!" (Wyper)

"!!!" (Village chief)

"!!!" (Gan Fall)

"!!!" (Everyone Else)

"I-is that what I think it is?" Wyper says with tears streaming down his face.

"The Belfry! It's been found! Our home has been found!" The chief shouts as he rushes out from his tent.

"Gather everyone! Follow the sound of the bell! It will take us home!" As he says that everyone, man, woman and child alike took there Waverider Dials and took flight towards the sound of there true home.


"Someone found the golden belfry of Shandoria? Looks like Enel has fallen because I know even if he found it, he wouldn't sound that bell, must have been those from the Blue Sea that must have dealt with him…. I should head over there as well to see what's going on." (Gan Fall) he says as he dons his cloak and steps outside before he whistles.

"Pierre! We're going to see what that noise is all about!" As he shouts his horse sized bird Pierre comes down from his perch before he jumps on and flys off towards the sound of the bell in the distance.


"Damn! Bell is really loud when your this close to it." I say as I smack the side of my head trying to get the ringing out of my ears.

"So you got everything you need? I also have the pictures I took from the system just in case you need more references."

"Thanks Captain, no Vargas for all you have done for me." She says with a smile on her face.

"So does that mean you'll go on a date with me?" I ask with a smile on my face.

"Hmmm…. When we get back to base you can take me on a date, and if you do well enough maybe I'll let you give me a massage." She says as she brushes her fingers across my neck with a teasing smile as she begins to walk back down the stairs.

I'm just stunned for a few seconds, then I look down at my raging boner, "This woman can play me like a fiddle… and I like it." I say with a grin and stay there for a bit to let my boner settle down before chasing after her.

Not long after we left the bell and Polyglyph behind both of us reach the center of the city seeing a large pile of of gold that both Nami and Nojiko were dancing around all happy like.

"You two seem to really be enjoying yourselves." I say as I sit down and take out one of my cigars before I light it and start smoking as I look upon our hord of gold that was slowly getting bigger as people were gathering more of the gold from the city.

"Don't worry Robin I made sure that they don't take anything that could cause the buildings to topple over from being unable to hold there own weight, so they only took what can be taken after all." I say to alleviate her concerns if she had any.

"Of course you would, after all you wouldn't want to make your date upset now would you?" She says with a grin before she sits down on a short wall as she begins to read her notes.

I just shake my head and sigh out my smoke as I just stare at all the gold here.

"Alright that's enough for now, not like we can't get more later down the line, time to pack it up before our guests arrive." I say as I wave my hand and making a portal that brings all the gold we collected so far into my inventory.

"The good kind or the bad kind of visitors?" Gem says as he pulls out his BB gun.

"Depends but just be ready for anything, here they come." I say as I look towards the bean stalk to see a large group of tribal looking people come flying down on what I could call surfboards that can fly, they seemed excited to see the city, but when they saw the group of us they got cautious and began to circle us before they land and the men surround us.

Everyone in my group readies their weapons, the only ones that don't are me, Owen and Theo, and both me and a rather older looking man who I believe to be there chief raise are hands to stop our allies from attacking eachother.

"I must thank you for finding our ancestral city and ringing the belfry to signal to us that our home has been found." He says as he bows his head to me but before he can continue a old man flying on a bird comes down from the clouds above seeing the city and us and the Shandorians in there center of the ruins before landing by us and hopping off his bird.

"So these are the youngsters that took down Enel Huh?" He says as he approaches while stroking his beard.

"Gan Fall, to what do I owe the former god of Skypeia his presence?" (Village chief)

"The bell attracted my attention, and that I knew that Enel wouldn't care for the stories if he found it himself so I knew it had to be these young friends here that defeated him, which I thank you for doing." He says as he bows towards me.

I just nod in return, "We were bound to fight at one point to another so I decided to face him first before he could come to me, but I should show your people the location of the bell, since I have learned of its significance for the Shandorians after all." I say as I head off into the direction of the bell, they just look at eachother first before the chief and Gan Fall decide to follow me and the rest of the tribe following after them.

After awhile we ascended the steps and let them see the belfry and all of its glory, it actually brought most of the tribe to there knees in tears as they looked upon it.

"Thank you young man, you have help us not only find our ancestral home but also the belfry that tells to the world that we are here and that we still exist, for that you have the gratitude of my tribe, I noticed that some of the ruins were missing there golden outer layers on them, I assume it was you since it looked fresh, but I feel that's what you from the Blue Sea like the most is gold after all so you can come back anytime and take as much as you want we're just happy to have our city back, now what we really need to do is start restoring it so we can all live here from now on." (Village chief)

"Well kid you beat Enel so if you want you can be the new god of Skypeia." (Gan Fall)

"Thanks but no thanks I have no love for a title such as god, though you should take that title back Gan Fall since you were the previous one, the most for a title I would take is something like an honorary god of Skypeia."

He strokes his chin a bit before he nods, "That's fine by me just know because of your actions you and your friends will always be welcomed in Skypeia." He says with a smile.

"Thank you, But I think we've overstayed our welcome for the time being and I think my crew would like to get back to the Blue Sea as you say, Just let me do one thing first." I say before going to the other pillar that has no writing on it before touching it and suddenly a door appears attached to the pillar, it looked more like it was etched into the pillar than a real door but when he touches it it turns into a normal door that you can go through.

"Kid… What is this?" Gan Fall says amazed at the appearance of a door on the pillar but as I move away it just turns into an etched outline of a door that does nothing no matter how he touches it.

"This is a Gate, this will let me, when I get home, instantly travel to Skypeia should I want to by going through these doors, though it only works if I'm opening it otherwise it will just look like an etching that does nothing should anyone else see it."

"Huh… you must be something special kid, but if you guys want to start your journey home I won't stop you, now if you will excuse me, me and the chief here need to talk about finally putting the hostilities between our people behind us and start a new age of peace." (Gan Fall)

"Alright see you around old man, come on everyone let's go back to Angel Island and start our journey back home."



Several hours later, on our ship.

After letting a Octopus Balloon grab onto our ship.

"Alright it's time we go home." I say as we remove our ship from the dock as the Octopus Balloon helps us descend from the sky and only an hour later we're finally back on the sea.

*Alright time to get home and well… call on some new friends…. After my date with Robin of course.*

Next chapter