
*Title at the End*

After that was said and done I took the gate home and decided to call a friend of mine to ask him for a favor.

"Vargas! How have you been? I haven't heard from you in awhile, oh and is it true that you just married into Big Ma's family?" (Gild)

"Yes in fact I did, not only her I got a few of her sisters as well, and possibly more to come along the way."

"Well at least your still trying to make a family as big as Big Ma's, Now is there something you need?"

"Yes our 'bird faced' friend of ours is planning on doing something big soon and he wants some help broad casting it to the whole world."

"And 'he' is asking for help through you so you can ask me right?"

"Right so could you get me a 3 Den Den Mushi that both record and broadcast what they see to certain places, one for the whole world to see and another just specifically for the marines to see broadcast from with the other end being the camera filming it all."

"I think I can pull some strings and have it shipped over too you in 2 days, just where are you picking it up from?"

"Send them to Alabasta I have a base of operations set up there for certain reasons, that's why 2 of those are for me and the 3rd is for him to broadcast to the world."

"Well I'll send them on the way then."

"Thanks your the best man, oh and how is the whole Giant Entertainment Ship coming along?"

"Oh it's coming along just fine though it'll probably take about another year or two before the grand opening can happen, right now I'm currently living on Risky Red until it's finished so if you ever come over to the new world you can stop by and have a drink for old times sake."

"Sure when all my current business is finished I'll head over either before or at the grand opening of Gran Tesoro."

"Alright then I'll see you around Vargas." And with that the call ended.

"Now we wait, and I'll let my ace in the hole do all the work this time…."



Several Days later, Shabody Archipelago

At the docks, three hooded figures exited there ship and made there way towards the Marines base here.

And soon they entered and not more than about 5 minutes they left, but inside was just a one sided slaughter with bodies of men and women alike strewn about as the building was slowly being set a flame.

No one payed attention to them or what they did, after all who would think that someone would just waltz in and slaughter everyone in a marine base in less than 5 minutes, but soon they will start to notice the fire slowly burning down the base and none of the marines reacting at all which will cause people to investigate and find out the gory truth.

The shortest of the trio was twirling around a revolver that seemed to have a silencer attached to the end (bought from the multiverse shop of course) and was humming a song as they made there way towards the Human Auction House.

"Frère Jacques, Frère Jacques

Dormez-vous? Dormez-vous?

Sonnes les matines, Sonnez les matines,

Ding, ding, dong. Ding, ding, dong."

he kept singing this song as he walked towards the entrance, the guards of the Celestial Dragons tried to stop them but, "Un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six." he counted off as he shot them all in the head with one bullet each before reloading his gun as they entered the venue.

Up on stage the auctioneer was show casing several slaves for sale from all different types of races, humans, fishmen, mermaids, giants, long neck, long legs, minks, dwarves, you name it, it's there for sale.

But suddenly he stopped as blood suddenly came out from a hole in his head making him slump over the stand he was in and slowly fall to the floor.

It was dead silence as they watched the three hooded figures slowly walk past them and go up the stage kicking off the dead auctioneers body with a thud.

Nobody could move as a wave of pressure coming off the smallest of the trio seemed to hold them in place with fear, and there fears intensified as he pulled off his hood to reveal a bird mask.

"B-Blood Eagle!" One of the world nobles shouted in fear, now they were all officially terrified the literal boogie man was right in front of them.

"Ahh the looks of fear on your faces makes what I'm about to do to all of you worth it, though I don't have time to enjoy torturing everyone of you to death so only 5 of you will have the honor of being tortured for the whole world to see!" I say as I point at 2 women and 3 men in the crowd of roughly 12 Celestial Dragons.

His two assistants went down and grabbed the ones he pointed out before tying them up and gaging them as they were brought on stage.

"As for the rest of you…" he says as he rapidly unsheathes and resheathes his blade, "Judgement Cut: Blood Tower Mix" and with the click of his blade the remaining 7 of them were decapitated and put in the Blood Eagle Torture position.

This made the rest of the nobles still unfortunately alive to piss themselves in fear, figuratively of course.

He then turned to the slaves and proceeded to take there shackles and bomb collars off by just sending them into the inventory.

"Alright all of you get the hell out of here, I don't care what you do but I want you out of here, oh and don't worry about the marines, they've already been taken care of."

Without thinking twice all the slaves fled the auction house trying to find ways to stow away on ships to just get away from this.

"Now then, Lights, Camera, Action!"


Near the territory of ToTo Land, Fleet admiral Sengoku's ship, in the strategy room.

"That fucker is still hiding in his little hole, behind his mommy no less." (Akainu)

"It might be weeks before he leaves his hole though, but we need to be patient and wait for the right moment to strike." (Kuzan)

"Will get him soon enough let's just sit back and relax a little." (Kizaru)

"...." (Garp)

"Why are you being quiet Garp you got something on your mind?" (Sengoku)

"…. I dunno I just feel like something terrible is gonna happen or something terrible is happening and we won't be able to stop it…." (Garp)

"Hmmmmm….." Sengoku was trying to think of ways to calm his old friends nerves but then a young marine came running into the strategy room, both out of breath and shaken up.

"What is it boy!? If it isn't something extremely important that you'd break protocol your gonna get court martial!" (Akainu)

"Admirals! The broadcast room! It's-"


"Hello world, This is your friendly neighborhood psychopath and known murderer of Celestial Dragons, Blood Eagle here to give you and the government an exciting announcement." I say as the lights come back on in the Auction house showing the audience around the world a few of the currently tied up CD's behind me.

"We're coming to you Live from the Shabody Archipelago right inside the Human Auction House to give the world my own personal message."

"You maybe wondering why none of the marines in Shabody have shown up, well my lovely assistant can you please show them the live footage of what's going on at the marine base here in Shabody?" They nod as they switch the feed over to the 2nd Camera Mushi showing the burning of the base and the exposed dead bodies being burnt up by the flames.

"Aww isn't that a shame? Seems like no one will make it in time to save these 5 remaining World Nobles, oh right there were more of them, but they are currently indisposed at the moment." He says as his assistant turns the camera Mushi to where the audience would be to see the decapitated and mutilated body's of 7 other World Nobles.

"Oh I'm sorry I should have warned you to not let children watch this or those of the faint of heart after all this is gonna get messy…"

"…. Why are you doing this to us?" One celestial dragoness asked him.

"Why do I do this? Hmmm I dunno, maybe because I enjoy chaos and I want to see the world burn, maybe I just hate you nobles for all the shit you can do and get away with scot free, maybe it's actually in the pursuit of True Justice."

"And what would a monster like you know about justice?!"

"Oh you poor, poor soul, you think just because of what your family did centuries ago entitles you to be above the law? No because what Marines follow is called Absolute Justice, but that's a justice that only benefits the world nobles and no one else, but what I believe in is True Justice."

I then go around removing there stupid bubble helmets forcing to breath the same air as everyone else which causes them to gag and cough at the smell in the air.

"*inhale* Ahhh smell that? Smells like True Justice has been dealt to me, oh but my other lovely assistant why don't you take these 4 off to the side while I continue my conversation here."

They nod as they drag them off stage and out of the cameras line of sight as they begin to torture the remaining ones severely, there cry's of pain an agony can be heard to the rest of the world.

"Mmm music to my ears! Alright shut them up I have some more talking to do." They then gag them as they continue with there torture in the background.

"Now where was I… ahh yes of course what is True Justice? It's Justice that puts everyone to the blade for there crimes they committed, you do realize that slavery was banned over 200 years ago and yet every World Noble I have ever met seems to not care for that law and the marines just turn the other way when they see it as if it's not happening."

"Tch what do you know, we run the world! Of course we're above the law!"

"You see that's the thing, if the Marines were there own form of governance that followed True Justice then this would never had happened, hell I'd probably not be a pirate right now, if everyone of high status here was brought to the blade equally and justly, but no since your above the law and abuse your positions of power I had to come into the world as the antithesis of everything the World government stands for."

"And you'll be hunted for the rest of your days for what you have done!"

"Now lady I'm gonna let you, the marines and the world even in on a little secret, and it is that I don't care for you see." He says as he removes his mask for the world to see his face but behind the mask is just a skull.

"I can be anything I want to be like a skeleton here."

Then he changes his face into Garp, "or maybe I can be the old hero of the marines, or maybe I'm actually the Fleet admiral." He says as he switches his looks to Sengoku.

"No wait maybe I'm just a Fish-Man, no wait wait I can do better than that how about I'm Katakuri of the Big Ma Pirates?"

"Or maybe I'll just take the face of a long thought dead man back from the grave." He says as he shifts his face and looks into the once infamous pirate from over 30 years ago, Rocks D. Xebec.

"You see I can be anyone, I can be anywhere and no matter how hard they try to hunt me down they'll never be able to catch my shadow, for I am the ghost that goes bump in the night, I'm there own personal Boogie Man that they know they will never be able to capture me, so if your kind wants to live it's best you go off and stay in your hole that is Mary Genoise, but I think I've talked to you long enough." After Saying everything he had to say he had a grin that benefits the face of the one once known as Rocks D. Xebec.

He then re-gaged her as he let the world see the full extent of why it's called the blood eagle.

After he looked at his handy work he just turned back at the camera as he wiped the blood off his hands onto his coat, "and that students is how a Blood Eagle is done, oh and for you dogs known as marines you try this kind of shit again I'll either do one of three things, destroy Mary Genoise, release all the prisoners in Impel down, even the ones you want the world to forget about or lastly just go and destroy MarineFord, this is my one and only warning I'm giving, but I will say this good luck finding me, after all the whole world knows me now and I have implanted in the citizens what True Justice really is, because after all, I. Am. Justice." With that said he smashed the camera mushi into pieces with his hysterical laughter cutting in and out until there was nothing left but static.


Broadcast room on Sengoku's ship,

No one said anything and we're deep in thought, Akainu was enraged but couldn't vent his frustrations.

After awhile, ".... We're going back to MarineFord..."

"..." no one refused as after all the guy they were after slipped past them back to the Paradise side of the Grand Line and killed well over 10 World Nobles with no time to retaliate, even if they go back they wouldn't have made it even at full speed so like the dogs they were they tucked there tails between there legs and headed back to HQ to face the music.


Meanwhile in Amazon Lily

Laying on a beach chair drinking some juice and resting all I have to say is, "it's nice to have a Ace in the Hole after all…"


'The New Emperor of the seas has been born!'

Shadow Emperor, The Man with 10,000 Faces, The Boogie Man, The Worlds Monster, Blood Eagle



3,000,000,000 Berries

*True Justice: A New Emperor is Born!*

Next chapter