
Formation of the Firebrand Pirates

After that for a few months me and the girls rested and relaxed back home and just passed our days leisurely.

But about 3 months after the meeting I received a call, it was from Gild so it might be something important.

"Yo Gild what's up? You need something from me?"

"Well before I get into that I should say congratulations on becoming one of the warlords of the sea."

"Why thank you, now what business do you got for me?"

"I was wondering if you had a close relationship with Doflamingo?"

"I mean we met once and I don't hate him, but he's not a friend if that's what your wondering. Why you planning on screwing him over?"

"Well something like that, in a couple months he's gonna auction off a devil fruit called the gold gold fruit and I plan on stealing it from his auction house with a group of guys I'm hiring for the job."

"Oh well I don't give a shit if you fuck him over, if it'll help your dreams come true and become the star you want to be then do what you got to do just don't forget about your friends you made along the way alright?"

"Don't worry and I won't and if I do I know you'll probably to slap me around to wake me up if I ever become that."

"So long as you don't end up being as bad or worse than the world nobles you have free rein to what ever you want as I always say, the world is your oyster so make the most of it while you can."

"Alright I'll keep that in mind I'll talk to you sometime ok?"

"Alright, oh wait before you go I got a favor to ask you."

"What is it? If I can do it I'll help you out man."

"When you start to swim in women from all the fame you got can you send one of the best ones my way? Preferably one you haven't done of course."

"…. Don't you have like 3 wives already?"

"Yeah but I plan to have a family rivaling Big Ma's family by the time I'm her age, and I can't all that pressure on the 3 of them so I need more women."


"You know I never had a real family before that's why I want to surround myself with women and our children so yeah I'm gonna do that and that's my whole reason for doing it, it's selfish I know but it's my goal like it's your goal to be insanely rich and be a star too so come on man when your at your peak besides money help me find a girl who doesn't mind a guy with multiple women."

"*sigh* fine when I can I'll help with that alright?"

"Your the best man, call me if you need help with anything within my power alright?"

"Got it see you Vargas." And with that he hung up.

*sigh* "now I got to think about how to convince the girls about me getting more women…. How am I going to go about that anyway?" As I say these thoughts out loud I finally notice the murderous presences coming from right behind me.

"….. I'm only thinking about those ideas for your own health you know…." The murderous aura fluctuates slightly but stays the same

"You three are not big ma, your bodies won't be able to handle the constant pregnancies you'd go through if I only had children between you girls, the strain one day and you might miss carry or worse due while giving birth to our kids and I can't see that ever happening to you guys that I'd never for give myself for the rest of my life…" the aura was starting to wane a bit not being as strong as it used to be.

"If it makes you guys have a 100% belief I'd never cheat on you unless you have approved the woman I'm after I'll accept a soul bound contract that I'll die if I don't keep my promise." But before I could go any further they came from behind and hugged my shoulders with tears streaming down my back from all three, feeling that I felt extreme guilt as I pulled them all to my front as I cuddled and hugged up to them so they would feel better

"Don't ever suggest that you'd put your life on the line like that! It makes it sound that we won't trust you if you do something dangerous for us to prove you still love us when we all know that you love us very much." Hancock says while sobbing into my chest.

With tears going down my eyes I try to hold myself together as best as I can. "….. I'm just the worst kind of guy aren't I?"

"Yes you are, but you care enough about us that you genuinely feel bad about what you've done." They say as it goes from me consoling them, to them consoling me with my head buried in between there breasts.

*sniff sniff* "unless you girls give the ok and genuinely like the girls I won't ever touch them of my own free will."

"Oooh alright you big baby we trust you, because we know that we're the whole world too you after all." They all just hold me closer as we all cuddle up to me.

In reality they knew about his dream back when they had just gotten free as slaves that he wanted a huge family, and realizing a woman having many births though her life is very dangerous, they knew that he'd also search for more women after they got officially married, but they left a deep enough mark on him that unless they gave the ok he wouldn't lay with another woman.

After a few days of me just being with them and showing all the love and affection I could to them they decided to show me something that has been in the works for several months that I haven't even realized since most of the time was spent either with them or sleeping in the virtual battlefield training and strengthening me and my comrades, I was actually getting close to another evolution, by then I'll be able to bring them in between this world and that world by creating gates in between.

The next form being the Holy Flames form it seems, but I plan to do an evolution on Hancock and her sisters first since they reached there true potential but growing up fully now, real people need to be considered adults before they can do there evolutions for the same time and they were waiting till a while after the wedding for them to do there evolutions

But they wanted to show me a gift they have had the women at the docks been making for me, it was a brand new ship!

I looked similar to the Perfume Yuda as it was a Junk/paddle boat combo with the Yuda that I have been using for all my travels as the one to pull my boat.

"We know that you'll be going on trips without us some of the time so we decided to have your own pirate ship made and we named it the Flame Yuda after your old ship we used to get back to Amazon lily all those years ago."

"It's beautiful." I say as I hug all the girls and twirl them around while kissing each of them, even if Sonia and Marie have to bend down to kiss me now.

It looked similar to the Perfume Yuda but the pirate symbol was different with it being a skull wrapped by 3 snakes in a circle with flames in the background, this is my official pirate symbol, with this the Firebrand Pirates were officially made.

"Well before I head off on an adventure of my own, I've finally gotten all of the necessary materials for you girls to go through you evolutions if you want."

They looked at each other before nodding at him wanting to go through there evolutions.

So we headed to a Norse secluded spot of the island to do there mass evolutions, with a blinding flash of light and energy pouring into them they began to finally evolve, they for the most part still looked the same, but they felt a massive amount of their potential unlock as a result and discovered new ways to use there devil fruit powers, Sonia could now have her hair act like snakes similar to Medusa in the legends had hair made of snakes, she also said that she could use the snakes as alternative mouths and eyes for herself if she focused on them as well as turn her hair into extremely tough binding when wrapped around her foes.

Marie's hair could do something similar but was more turned into Fire like hair whips she could use against her enemies.

And lastly Hancock in my opinion got even more beautiful and found another way to use her devil fruit to unleash it in a barrage of heart arrows to rapidly attack huge swathes of enemies all at once.

"You say those snake heads can be used as alternative mouths use say?"

"Yep I can breathe from them and see from them if I focus hard enough.

"Same with my fire snake hair."

"Mmmm seems I have some new ideas for us in the bedroom when I get back from my trip…" I say giving them a evil grin.

They shiver in excitement at the thought of me coming up with new ideas to play with them.

"But that will have to wait I need to head off our too sea and find me a crew of my own and maybe an island that we can call our own base of operations in one of the seas or even the grand line, I'm not quite sure yet."

"Well let's just hope you don't go around finding only women for your crew alright?" They said giving me a stern look

"Alright, alright I promise that I won't just go looking only for women to join my crew ok?"


"I promise."

"Ok well you go out and have fun trying to find your crew out there in the world alright?" They say as they begin to hug and kiss me goodbye as I start to board my ship.

Not long after I was leaving to officially find my crew.

I, Vargas who just turned 17 two weeks ago, was on my way to find a crew of my own.

But before I could really get going I need to call a certain fleet admiral of my new crew being formed so the marines don't get on my back for being an unknown pirate, after a few minutes Sengoku finally picked up.

"What do you want Firebrand?" He said clearly annoyed I was calling him.

"Oh nothing much just wanted to say hi and tell you I formed my own separate crew from the Kuja Pirates."

"What did you have a lovers quarrel with one of your wives that your leaving them?" It was a known fact that I was the husband to Hancock and her sisters to the envy of all men who know of their beauty.

"No, no if I'm to be a warlord of the sea I need my own crew right? So it's more like my crew is apart of a familial alliance with the Kuja Pirates."

"Alright what's this crew of yours called and describe your Jolly Roger to me so it will be on file."

"Firebrand pirates of course, and the symbol is a skull wrapped around by 3 snakes with fire burning behind it."

After a few seconds of silence, "alright I wrote it down, anything else?"

"Nope that's it have fun with all the paperwork old man." I say as I promptly hang up.

"….. the one thing I hate about this job is all the paperwork I have to go through." He says as he keeps working on stacks upon stacks of paperwork.

"Now then…" I pull out a map of the world that is currently the most detailed to date that I got from the marines and placed it dead center on the map covering reverse mountain. "Show me where my new crew mates are at…"the compass begins to point in all kinds of directions until lit points to one specifically.

"West blue huh? Now where?" I say as I have it placed in the center of the section of the map of west blue, with the compass constantly pointing at the island known as, "Las Camp Huh? Guess that's my next location then." With that said I tell Yuda where to lead us to by heading due west to the red line then head south into a bit of south blue to then take the path up reverse mountain to use it to take me to west blue.

System notification: congratulations host for becoming a pirate and starting your own crew as a special bonus for starting your pirate journey in your own crew I've given you 2 free summons so you can bring 2 of your allies from the Frontier into this world, also to send them away and call them back to your side when they are needed.

After getting that surprising notification from the system as I smile with joy knowing the 2 guys I'm gonna summon right now.

"So this is your world huh kid?" Said Owen who would be my Vice Captain and Quartermaster of my crew.

"Hmm quiet interesting your saying that this world is primarily made of islands correct?" Said Theodore the man who would be the doctor aboard my ship.

"Yep that is correct now with you guys here I can go scouting any woman I want for my crew." I say as I burst out laughing at my genius.

"…." Both Theo and Owen looked at each other and just sighed.

In a certain section of Las Camp only known by the name as ghosts alleyway there sat a girl sighing while looking out at the sea from her dingy apartment with her teddy bear on her bed behind her, "I hope dads doing ok, I wish he'd take me on his crew so I could go out and have fun…" she says sighing before going back to bed to sleep some more.

On the other side of Las camp a rather seductive looking woman with an afro was working at a front desk of a large merchant company, day dreaming of being something more.

And another woman was working in the underground as an intelligence officer currently go through papers, "Mom…" but not letting her thoughts get her down she went back to work.

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