
Making a Plan

I Look at the paper and look back up at the girls, then down at the paper and point at them in what I think to be the correct order

"Hancock *points at Marigold*, Sandersonia *points at her correctly*, Marigold *points at Hancock* right?"

"No I'm Hancock and she's Marigold" she points between her and Marigold with a someone huffy attitude

I raise an eyebrow and look at the auctioneer, "Are you sure you didn't get the ages backwards, your saying this shorty is 12 years old?"

"HEY YOU SONOFA-" but before she could continue with that line of thought one of there jailers cracks his whip at her sending her and her sisters fleeing to the back of their cell.

"That's enough out of you, you little shits!!!"

"HEY! Watch the merchandise! Do you think we won't demand a refund if you damage the goods?!" I say yelling at the idiot jailer.

The auctioneer paled at the thought of someone asking for a refund so he turned to the jailer with an angry look, "WATCH YOUR STEP, OR THE NEXT TIME YOU DO SOMETHING SO STUPID LIKE THAT IN FRONT OF A CUSTOMER I'LL THROW YOU IN THE SLAVE PENS!!!" He said while yelling at the now terrified jailer.

"Whatever, can I take them back to my Master's manor now?" I said giving them a bored look cause they really were just wasting my time now.

"Of course, of course we just need you to sign some documents to sign over there transfer papers to officiate the deal." I nod my head and write both the master's and mistresses names and stamped the document with there family seal.

"Good, good everything looks like it is in order, you may now take them home with you sir."

"Well it was a pleasure doing business with you." I shake his hand and he shakes mine.

"No, the pleasure is all mine, have a nice day now." he says as he hands me the chains connected to the girls as I start to lead them out onto the street.

"Alright Ladies lets move it, your girls beauty is bound to draw unwanted attention so put these shawls around your heads to cover yourselves up.

"And what if We don't want to?" Hancock says in a even more peeved mood than before.

I just look back at her with a sneer, "Then I guess I'll have no choice but to punish all of you." I say as I show them that I can draw a ball of flame out of thin air and bring it down on the chains as they start to slowly grow red from the heat as the heated metal creeps slowly towards their Necks, Wrists, and Ankles

Hancock and Marigold seemed undaunted by my threat and were actually willing to take the pain to prove a point, but as it gets closer to burn them, Sandersonia is the first to break the silence, "Please, Will listen to whatever you want, I'll do what ever you want just don't hurt them..." she says begging me to stop.

"Sis/Sonia...." (Marigold/Hancock) they say with sad but loving looks on their sister

I see this and give a look of disgust at there sisterly love for each other, "Then stop screwing around put the Shawls on and lets go already, were already attracting unwanted attention." I say as I toss the Shawls that they reluctantly put on as I lead them back to the manor.

I guess our luck was good and we weren't accosted by other world nobles on our way back, or maybe its because they saw the family symbol on the sleeve of my suit of one of the biggest playboy families out of all the World Nobles and they know not to poach women he has an eye on or else they will have to suffer the consequences.

But once we reached the gates the guards tried to take them off my hands but I refused, "The Lady asked me to personally to bring them to the VIP Slave Cells."

"BullShit, you clearly know its our job to put the slaves away and brand them, after all your just a-" before he could finish his words I cut them off.

"Vintage Wine." I say with grin on my face as I look at the both of them

They were startled when they got interrupted, but after realizing what I said they slowly grow paler and start to sweat, "What do you-" but I cut them off again

"Every time either of you or both of you guard the wine cellar a bottle or 2 of vintage brand wine suddenly and randomly disappears, now what would you think would happen if I mentioned this bit of info to the madam of the house? Because we all know that she loves her wine 2nd only to me of course." I grin a very evil grin at them.

*gulp* ".... Fine take them to their cells then." They say as they unblock the way

Negotiation/Persuasion Lvl. UP!

"Thanks for your co-operation." I say as I give them a sneer as I lead them to the VIP cells while I grab the hoof of the dragon brand off the wall that held all the weapons of torture used on the slaves down here in the cells, looking at these devices of pain and suffering give me bad memories of my early years of my life, but seeing these this just reinforces my hatred for World Nobles more than ever and after I lead them to an Isolation cell that has no light what so ever besides the fire bin used to heat of the brands to mark new slaves with, I then lock the cell making it so no one can see or hear what's going on in here.

I then toss the brand into the fire to let it heat up as I take off my hat, shades, tie and my outer coat and put them all off to the side after that I finally decided to have a good look at the 3 girls in front of me.

Hancock was the oldest of the three but was even shorter than me standing at 4'8 tall, she had long black hair that went to the end of her shoulder blades in length with 2 pony tails hanging from the side of her head with them held by golden clasps, her eyes were a deep sea blue in color, she was wearing a white cape with gold tassels on the shoulders of the cape, she was wearing a short sleeveless tank top that didn't even cover her stomach with a matching mini skirt while wearing thigh high black socks and brown boots. I could tell in the future that she'd be a very beautiful woman, but right now she was just a spoiled brat in my eyes.

Sandersonia was the Middle sister of the three, she stood roughly at 5'6 slightly taller than me, I wouldn't say she's ugly to look at It's just hard to find someone who has a head that was roughly the same size as her torso as attractive, she had wavy long green hair with green eyes of the same color, she was wearing a teal blouse with a really large hole for her large head to fit through, while wearing a dark skirt with thigh length green socks and black boots.

And lastly Marigold being the youngest but the tallest of the 3 standing at a height of 6'0 she was even taller than Mistress Mary by a few inches and she's only 10 right now it just says that she's gonna be extremely tall when she's older, she had long golden orange hair that went down the small of her back by her tail bone with her having dark brown eyes, she was wearing clothes similar to Sandersonia but she was wearing a pink blouse instead but wearing everything else exactly the same as her sister.

"What are you looking at?" (Hancock)

"I get the feeling you just thought something very rude about me." (Sandersonia)

"...." (Marigold)

*Sigh* "You girls and your intuition, but anyway lets get my introduction out of the way, Hello I'm Vargas the personal slave to the Mistress of this house hold and the man whose going to use this brand here to mark you a slaves just like the rest of us have been marked as slaves." I say as I unbutton my white dress shirt to show them my tattooed slave mark on my chest, but I notice them getting embarrassed at seeing my bare chest so I close my shirt with a smirk, "what never seen a man's chest before?"

"Were from Amazon Lily only women live on that Island." (Sandersonia)

"And what the Hell do you mean your branding us you Bastard!!!" (Hancock)

"All slaves when first turned into slaves all get branded with the Hoof of the Dragon but most nobles like to be the first ones to brand new slaves instead of letting the Auction house branding them."

"But why did you get special treatment and only get yours tattooed on you while we have to be branded with it?" (Hancock)

"..... Its the mark that only those born into slavery get when they are still a baby because almost all the times burning a brand into a baby kills them so to lessen the deaths they got there's tattooed on there bodies which is considered the worst type of mark one can get because it makes you an Eternal Slave, a Slave that's considered less than even that of normal slaves..." I say while starting to show a gloomy look on my face.

"...." (all 3 of them)

"...Sorry..." Marigold said with a somewhat sad look.

"It's fine.... I've gotten strong enough that the guards and jailers here can't really hurt me anymore, hell I haven't gotten beaten or tortured for several months now where that used to be a common daily occurrence for me, then again I am now the personal slave to the mistress of the house so that's probably the only reason they leave me alone. But enough about that to get on with the Temporary Branding for you girls."

"YOU STILL GONNA BRAND... wait Temporary Brand?" Hancock was gonna keep yelling at me realizing what I said.

"Yep a temporary brand that looks just like a normal brand but will fade away in a months time." I say as I pull a new branding rod out from my coat which I actually pulled out from my inventory, what you thought I wouldn't also have an inventory while clearly having a gaming system for increasing my strength, oh I also have a shop that I can use to buy misc. things like this brand I pulled out, there is currency that's called Zel in the game that I currently have several tens of thousands in but unfortunately I can never pull out to use in the real world but I can put this worlds currency into at a 5 Zel to 1 Berry ratio

"Why would you do that for us if you'd have to put it back on once every month for us to look like we have the slave brand?" (Sandersonia)

"Because within a months time I plan to break out of here, and you guys will be coming with me." I say nonchalantly as use my flames to warm up the wax on the temp. brand.


"WHAT!?!?!?!!!" they all shout loudly

"SHUT IT! Do you want the guards to hear you?!"

They then place there hands over there mouths to try to calm themselves down

*Whispering loudly* "Are you crazy!?!?! even if we escape the manor how will we even get to Red Port without getting lost?" (Hancock)

"Lucky you I've already memorized the layout of the city so I know where to go, Just which side of the Grandline is Amazon Lily located on?"

"It isn't on the Grandline but in the southern Calm Belt on the Paradise side of the Grandline." (Sandersonia)

"So we need to use the Western Red Port to head back to the Paradise side of the Grandline, good so when the night comes all we need to do is avoid the manors patrols, which on the night of the new moon they stay in one spot for the entire night so that's the easiest day to escape from here, then so long as we can avoid the marine patrols and reach the docks and stow away on a ship heading for any of the non marine based Islands will be home free." I say with a grin on my face

"Are you sure this will work?" Marigold was looking scared about the whole idea

"Do you girls want to stay slaves for the rest of your lives and be treated less than dirt by these bastards?"

"Not a chance in hell am I gonna stay a slave to these Pigs for the rest of my life, I'm the Princess of the Kuja and Future Empress of Amazon Lily I'm not gonna take this lying down!" she said with a voice filled with determination.

"Yeah lets do it sis lets escape together!" (Sandersonia)

"Yeah!" (Marigold)

"Alright girls enough of the excitement with the plan we need to stay focused because this next month is gonna be the worst month of your entire lives that your gonna have to go through, but so long as you don't let these bastards break you, you'll be able to see your homes again in the near future, Now show me your bare backs I'm gonna need to put the temp brand on before I leave."

They nod as they begin to blush as they ask me to look away while they take off there tank tops/blouses, after a minute they say I can look and just looking away from me at the wall while covering their chests as they are currently to small to wear bra's, after getting a good look at there bare backs I heat up the brand and stamp their backs with the Hoof of the Dragon, even though it was hot and burnt a little bit they didn't yell in pain after I was done, "Alright, that should do it now I'm gonna take my leave, Just remember don't let them break you and you'll be able to see your home again." they just nod at me while still looking away since they were waiting for me to leave to put there clothes on. after I said all I had to say I left to go find the guards to tell them to send them to one of the VIP Cells near mine.

*Everything is going to plan now all we need to do is wait for the right moment and were out of here.*

Almost 2500 words, this is my 2nd longest chapter so far and I might release another chapter today but I need to let my brain recharge after such a long Chapter


This is the Pic I'm basing there current looks on.

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