
The True Love

Today is the day when the full moon will appear tonight. Tama was very happy because it was his day off. All of the Villa employees rejoiced at the day when they could turn back into humans without using magic.

Tama came out of his room and took a breath of fresh air, he saw Kirana and Denok who were preparing the booth.

"What are you doing, ladies?" asked Tama.

"We're getting ready for work". Denok replied.

"What kind of work is this?"

"Hey shut up, you're off today, when you're off, I have to work so you can get paid", answer Kirana.

"Wow.. I forgot to ask that, where is my salary?"

"Denok, give him his salary because he has only been working for a few weeks, just give him 3 million rupiah". Kirana orders Denok.

Tama is very happy because the salary he receives is greater than the standard salary of a valet in general. He's only worked for a few weeks and he already gets 3 million, especially if he works for a whole month.

Tama is curious about Kirana's work every full moon, why she can make so much money. But the full moon is a precious time for Tama, he can't just pass it up just to find out what Kirana's job is.

On that day, the Villa appeared to the surface, so the atmosphere in the Villa felt really alive. But unfortunately, the villa is very far from the residential areas. Because after the Villa that used to be a Castle sank into a lake, all the residents left the area.

"Huah.. the air is so cool, this time I really can breathe as a human" said Tama.

Tama walked around the Villa until he finally found a small temple. Like his temple, it is a cemetery. Someone has spread flowers around the temple. But unfortunately, there is no tombstone there, so Tama can't find out whose grave is there.

After that, Tama walked past Mr. Udin's room. There, Mr. Udin was engrossed in blowing a bamboo flute. Tama also greeted Mr. Udin.

"Sir, why aren't you ready to go out today?" Ask Tama.

"All my family is dead, so there's no one I can see". Mr. Udin replied.

"Oh, I see, well I'm going to my room to get ready".

"Yes, be careful".

As Tama walked towards his room, he saw Limbur who was busy chopping wood. Then he approached Limbur. Since Tama was curious about the tomb he had just seen, he asked Limbur.

"Oh, that's General John Willem's grave" Limbur said.

"John Willem? Who is he?" Ask Tama.

"Oh, he used to be a general from the Netherlands, the princess's ex-fiance"

Then Limbur tells the tragic story of the Princess who lost her true love.

"Actually, we were almost back to being human, but the day before the Princess's wedding, General Willem was killed by Prince Wardhana. Prince Wardana is the Princess's younger brother and he was also the crown prince".

Then Limbur explained the reason for General Willem's murder. He was killed because he was accused of being a spy in the territory of King Sanjaya. But in fact, General Willem has long sided with the royal family, he even sent a letter containing fake news to deceive the Queen of the Netherlands who at that time wanted to colonize the Kingdom led by King Sanjaya.

But unfortunately, King Sanjaya and Crown Prince Wardhana have lost faith in General Willem. They went after General Willem to execute him. But General Willem hid by the lake, he was saved by the princess.

Princess planned to distract Prince Wardhana, she turned into a snake figure and approached the prince, but at that time the prince swiftly took his spear. Seeing that General Willem couldn't stay hidden. He came out and saved the Princess. Finally, the General was hit by a spear that Prince Wardana threw at the Princess who transformed into a snake. Princess is very sad and devastated by the death of the General. Then he buried General Willem in the Princess Villa.

Unfortunately, King Sanjaya and Prince Wardhana did not know that Princess Kirana was still alive as a snake demon, and they did not even know that the princess would marry General Willem on a full moon night to release the curse. All they know is that Princess Kirana has died due to a natural disaster that made the castle where she lives sink.

"Actually, until now the Princess is still waiting for the reincarnation of General to return". Limbur said.

Hearing that story made Tama touch his heart. How sad Kirana lost her true love. Even had to wait hundreds of years. Meanwhile, he can still meet his love even though now he and Nadia are in different realms. On that day Tama decides to help find General Willem's reincarnation after he completes his love story with Nadia.

It was getting late, Tama rushed to Jakarta to meet Nadia. He will go using Kirana's carriage which has been transformed into a car. But this time the golden carriage was only transformed into an ordinary car, not a sporty car like when it was brought to the workshop yesterday.

"Well, how come it's an ordinary car, not a sporty car?" Tama said.

"That's why it's capital if you want to date! Do you want it? If you don't want it, I'll return it to the garage". Kirana said.

"Uh, no.. no.. no.. I will use it"

Tama has arrived in Jakarta, he managed to find the address of Nadia's house. Tama can't wait to meet Nadia. Without wasting any more time, he immediately knocked on the door and met Nadia. Tama is welcomed by Nadia's mother.

"Well, Tama, come in here. It's been a long time since I saw you, what are you busy with?". Ask Nadia's mother.

"Oh, now I'm busy working at a villa".

"Wow, it's fun to be on vacation".

Not long after, Nadia came. She just got home from work. Then Nadia's mother left them both in the living room.

"Tamaaaaa, I miss you so much!! Where have you been?" Nadia asked.

"Oh, I work at Villa Nad, how about you?".

"I work as an accountant at a mining company".

"Wow, that's cool."

Because they haven't seen each other for a long time, Nadia invites Tama to go to the night market near her house. Arriving at the night market, they rode a mini Ferris wheel, then Tama confessed his love for Nadia. Nadia also accepts Tama's love. Tama is very happy.

As they were walking around the night market, they saw a tent that had a very busy queue. It turned out to be a fortune teller tent. Nadia wants to be predicted, she invites Tama to queue.

After waiting in line for a long time, it's Tama and Nadia's turn. The two of them entered the tent to meet the fortune teller. Suddenly Tama is surprised to find that the fortune teller is Kirana. But both Kirana and Tama, they both pretended not to know each other. Nadia asks the fortune teller to read Nadia's future. After Kirana revealed her prophecy, Tama and Nadia went out of the fortune teller's tent. They went back around the night market for culinary at night.

While they were walking around the night market, a man accidentally bumped into Tama. The man looked like the man he had seen in a dream.

"Is he the general's reincarnation?"

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