
Chapter 10: The Battle Ends

'Zepher, Ain and Kuzan thier current ranks should be of Admiral, and vice-admirals respectively. ' Sanemi thought as a grim made its way on his face.

"We will take care of the Red Oni rest of you formation B with the new recruits at the center! " Zepher shouted the battle strategy as he along with Kuzan and Ain rushed towards Sanemi.

"Frostvine! "Kuzan exclaimed as he slammed his palm on the ground and created multiple ice spikes in Sanemi's direction.

Sanemi flipped back in order to dodge the spike but Ain used her devil fruit and created a string of ping energy towards Sanemi. With no other choice, Sanemi used Geppo to escape the ability.

'According to my memory, her ability allows her to reduce anyone's age by twelve years, if get hit I will be reduced to the age of three' Sanemi thought as he again dodged both of the vice-admirals combination attacks.

'Both of them are not complete pushove-' Sanemi's thoughts were cut by Zepher who in a burst of speed punched him in the guts.

"Aaakh!" Sanemi yelled as he spat out some blood and got knocked back.

'What was that!?! that speed and strength...it was quite close to Madara's ' Sanemi thought as he wiped out the blood near his lips.

'They are strong I need to focus more on the fighting' With that Sanemi flared his observation haki and flipped just in time to dodge Zepher's punch.

"Frost wave! " Kuza muttered as he launched a tornado of cold air with multiple sharp icicle shards.

"Fuuuu....." Sanemi took a deep breath as his hands got covered in Armament haki and then performed a loud clap.

'Renewal Taekwondo: Air Pressure!' caused Kuzan and Ain to lose thier balance for a moment of time.

'What weird technique, it's like a weaker version of Conqueror's Haki Zepher thought as he observed Sanemi's technique which caused Kuzan and Ain's concentration to disrupt.

Sanemi then in a burst of speed approached Zepher and with the palm of his feet kicked him on the chin, and while Zephter was mid-air Sanemi twisted his leg which was on the ground, and performed a round-house kick.

"Ice Time Capsule! " Kuzan muttered as he slammed both of his hands on the ground creating a layer of ice in Sanemi's direction

'They recovered rather fast' Sanemi thought and then used a mixture of Geppo and Soru to escape his predicament.

"Amer Raisen" Sanemi muttered as the ground below him crystallized into golden crystals and then launched towards the oncoming Zepher.

"Raaaahhhh!" Zepher roared as he used his Armament-covered arm to clash with the rock and then destroy it. But due to the loss of momentum, he met with Kuzan and Ain and they stared at Sanemi who now had the higher ground.

'With Kuzan as support, Ain as a sure kill, and Zepher being a close combat master this is getting way to ridiculous' Sanemi thought as he stared down towards the three of them.


'My name is Eniward Damian I am 21 years old and I am the current user of the Jacket-Jacket fruit. I am one of the lucky guys to come with Red Oni Prince Sanemi-sama himself! Today we are fighting with some of these marine scums...today I will show Sanemi-sama my strength and maybe become his first-mate!' A man with a bandana and a stubby beard thought as he sliced another Marine with his hook.

"Sanemi-sama! appritaite-" The man's muttering was stopped by two marines who jumped him beating him left and right.

"Take this pirate scum!" The first marine yelled as he pummeled Damian.

"Maybe Ain-sama will notice me after this "the second marine thought out loud.

The look of the battlefield looked grim for the Oni pirates the large number of marines had little to no problem with attacking the amount of Oni pirates.

For each Oni pirate, there were about 2 marines present which made the situation worse, with none of them knowing any actual fighting techniques or having useful fruits they are getting annihilated.

Previously such situations were purely handled by Bounty and Prize who with thier devil fruit could cause huge AoE damage. But after their deaths and Sanemi being held by two vice-admirals and an admiral, the Oni pirates were nothing but fodder waiting to be killed.


'Pheonix stomp' Sanemi thought to himself as he stomped on Kuzan's foot making a shockwave travel up his body.

"Huaaah!" Zepher roared as he came to punch Sanemi's head.

Sanemi ducked in time to dodge the first punch but Zepher's second punch landed on his gut and he was sent flying into a mountain.

"Haaa!" Ain yelled as she launched a beam of pink energy in Sanemi's direction.

Seeing the oncoming beam Sanemi stomped again which created an earth wall to defend against the beam.

"Ice Block: Pheasant Beak" Kuzan muttered as he released a massive pheasant made up of ice towards Sanemi.

Sanemi coated his arm in infused Armament and Conqueror's haki and punched the pheasant which shattered into multiple pieces.

Zepher, Kuzan, and Ain regrouped as they got ready for Sanemi's next move.

"Huff...huff...huff" Sanemi panted a little his body was now filled with scars and scratches.

'This is getting to ridiculous, thier recovery rate and combined power is about a similar level to mine, and with their numbers, it's almost impossible to fight back or focus on one of them. ' Sanemi thought as he wiped out a trail of blood from his mouth.

'In that case...'

"Hufffffff" Sanemi released a deep breath as the air around him started to vibrate.

He clenched his fists and gritted his teeth as a green aura surrounded him.

"Sensei what is he..." Kuzan asked at the phenomena occurring in front of him.

"I am not sure but could be one of the powers of his fruit be careful it can be anything," Zepher said as he got ready to tackle anything Sanemi has.

"Gate of Opening: Release"

"Gate of Healing: Release"

"Gate of Life: Release"

The green glow around him intensified as Sanemi's skin started to turn a little red.

'With this new body performing all the right gates is not possible, I can only open the first 5 for now...it will be enough for them' Sanemi thought as the stream around him started to get hot raising the surrounding temperature.

'What type of powers are these? first he could control the rocks and then he could use attacks similar to Whitebeard and now some type of heat-producing powers?' Zepher thought as he experienced the heat growing around him.

"Gate of Pain: Release"

"Gate of Limit: Release!"

With that, the glow around Sanemi turned dark green as his skin turned red, his eyes turned completely white and the ground below him cracked.

In a burst of speed, he tackled Ain and then punched her and created a shockwave that sent her flying in the air.

Not even giving Kuzan the time to blink Sanemi used Soryu Style and attacked Kuzan's neck with his elbow temporarily shutting the connection between his brain and Spinal cord and punching him in the gut also ending him flying away.

"Huuuaaah!" Zepher roared angrily as he punched Sanemi again sending him flying as well as he used Geppo to chase after him.

Sanemi crashed on the ground as Zepher lunged on top of him and punched him on his face crating an even bigger crater.

'Damn it this body is too weak to endure the gates full power.' Sanemi thought and used a burst of Conqueror's haki making Zepher immobile for a second to escape and face Zepher again.

"Just how many more tricks have you saved up your sleeves? " Zepher asked his sunglasses were now broken and he too was quite tired from fighting Sanemi.

"Dunno old man...but I can do this all day," Sanemi said as he got ready with Amenius.

'Amenius is about to break...it seems that this will be our final fight together. ' Sanemi thought as he held Amenius tightly and covered it with his fruit powers and infused Armament haki.

Amenius glowed golden as the power of shockwaves covered it. The air around it began to vibrate under pressure.

'This is the riskiest way to do it but...a sword stance is a sword stance Sanemi thought as he took a deep breath.

Zepher's arms got covered in large amounts of Armament haki as his whole arm turned pitch black and reflected the glow from Amenius.

"Wind breathing sixth form" Sanemi muttered as he clenched Amenius tightly and its glow grew brighter.

"Special marine technique" Zepher muttered as all the armament haki from his left arm shifted towards the right and a white glow gathered around it.

"Black Mountain Mist!" Sanemi shouted as he in a burst of speed approached Zepher.

"Black arm!" In a similar fashion, Zepher yelled and punched in Sanemi's direction.

Both of the attacks clashed causing the shockwaves to crush the air between them making cracks appear all over the air.

"Haaaaa!!!" both of them screamed the world grew silent. Then just like a bomb, the after-effects of the clash created gigantic shockwaves which crushed the ground below them and cleared the skies.

Both Sanemi and Zepher now had their backs against each other as the rest of the marines including Kuzan and Ain reached the area of the clash, From the results the victor was clear.

Amenius laid there broken in pieces along with Zepher's sliced arm. Unable to stand up Zepher dropped on the ground over his own pool of blood.

"huff...huff...huff...that was good journey partner..." Sanemi muttered as placed the handle along with whatever was left of the lade back in its sheathe on his back and faced the marines.

Sanemi's conditions were quite bad as well from using the first gates of the eight gates technique on a weak body caused him to have huge internal injuries and the fight with Zepher just amplified it.

Sanemi glared towards the marines his body bloody and broken. The marines were not in a good shape as well, the Oni pirates while weak and low in number did put up a good fight which caused about 1/4th of thier men to lose thier lives.

Both of the parties stayed on their ground waiting for the opposition to make a move. Ice-covered Kuzan's hands as a purple flame-like light appeared on Ain's fingers.

A golden glow appeared around Sanemi's palm as his appearance went through a change. His height grew along with his muscles and black scales covered all over him. six gills appeared on his neck( three on each side) as two black whiskers grew right under his nose.

'The hybrid form gives me a huge boost in strength but it compensates with my speed...but for a clash like this...it should be more than enough' Sanemi thought and then he punched the ground with all of his fruit powers casing the huge island to break apart.

"That bastard!" Ain exclaimed as he got what Sanei was doing.

He was going to destroy the entire Rosito Island!

A huge tremor passed through the entire island as it began to crack at multiple places. The island filled with greenery and flowers was now filled with bodies of Oni pirates, marines, and cracks which slowly started to grow apart.

"Kuzan!" Ain yelled bringing Kuzan back to his senses as he used his fruit powers to create a sheet of ice joining some of the areas around them making it a temporary small island.

"Open fire!" Ain commanded as the marines behind them started to fire thier guns towards Sanemi's direction as Ain and Kuzan rushed towards him.

The bullets simply bounced off Sanemi's scales as covered his arms in Armament haki and Fruit powers and clapped creating a strong shockwave that sent both of them including an unconscious Zepher flying back. With that Sanemi jumped into the ocean as he turned into a giant catfish.


The marines along with Kuzan, Ains, and Zepher managed to reach thier vassals just because of Kuzan's fruit which allowed him to freeze the water and make the way.

"Damn pirate scum...he escaped," Ain yelled in frustration.

"You and me...we both know he didn't escape...he just let us live," Kuzan said as he grabbed Ain's shoulder lightly.

Ain shrugged his arm off with a frown as he went inside her room.

"Arara~ woman will be woman," Kuzan said as went to the room where Zepher was being treated.

"so how is Sensei's health?" Kuzan asked as he approached one of the doctors.

"The situation is very grim, along with losing his right arm, he also has 121 cracked bones, over 300 torn muscles, 136 cuts, and most of his organs are in bad conditions. The chances of Admiral Zepher are very slim we can just do what we can here but the main procedure can only be done at the headquarters.

"Arara~ what a troublesome guy," Kuzan said as remembered his clash with Sanemi.

'Strong and Unpredictable just like natural disaster' Kuzan thought as he let out another sigh.

"Kuzan-sama you and Ain-sama should also get checked up both of you were hurt quite badly as well," One of the doctors said as he approached Kuzan.

"No worries I am quite fi-" Kuzan's words fell short as he slumped on the ground unconscious.

"Kuzan-sama! the doctor yelled in worry as he checked Kuzan's unconscious body.

"What happened "some of the marines asked.

"Nothing it seems that he just exhausted himself too much it was to be expected, some of you check up on Ain-sama as well, she might be in a similar position. " The doctor replied as he picked up Kuzan with the help of some of the marines.

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