
Chapter 1: Deja Vu?

Sanemi found himself yet again in boundless darkness.

'so...back in my mother's womb...without my system...' Sanemi thought as he tried to move around a bit.

'Is this...another twin sibling? this is unexpected though I do wonder who my parents are' Sanemi thought as he felt someone beside him.

'A suction? my consciousness returned just before my birth...somehow feels similar. ' Sanemi thought as was slowly sucked from his mother's womb and felt the air of the outside world.

"Kaido-sama! It seems that you have twins! a boy and a girl! sadly it seems that the mother passed away. " The man said to no one but a giant mountain with horns.

Moonlight shined on the mountain's top to reveal a middle-aged man who cuts an imposing figure due to his extreme height of 710 cm and the bulk of his muscles, making him dwarf normal humans.

Overly top-heavy in build, he has a well-muscled torso with wide-set shoulders, thick arms, and somewhat out-of-proportion legs; far less heavily built than his arms yet about the same length (with his feet much tinier than his hands).

Kaidou's head, atop his bulky neck, is disproportionally small as well (smaller than his hands) and has a massive pair of gray-white, sharp-pointed horns come out of its sides, curving slightly to the front, then upward.

He has a longish face with a heavy, hairless brow ridge topping sharp, often bloodshot eyes (parent to small, yellow irises), plus a hook nose and a large, full-lipped mouth. Kaidou is near-always seen frowning and is moderately wrinkled: particularly prominent being his crow's feet below his eyes, forehead lines, and laugh lines from always sneering.

His black hair consists of an unruly, mostly swept-back mane down to his mid-back, which forms distinctly flat, rectangular locks of which some fall down near the front, over his ears, or jut upward. His facial hair is done in a wavy, waist-length Fu Manchu mustache that pairs with a spiked goatee across his chin.

"Huh? Worororororororo I Kaidou will finally have two successors! Inform

the rest of the crew! Today we will celebrate! Worororoororo! " Kaidou yelled without even giving second thoughts to the other news.

'Wait...that laugh...that wororororo...it can't be...my father is Kaidou! he is not the one to celebrate someone else's children! wait I am Yamato's elder brother as well! This makes things a lot more complicated...though I will be able to get access to some fine swords and devil fruits early on...' Sanemi's thoughts drifted to the possible futures.

'You intellect that you boast about is holding you back! '

'Who was that anyways...I am pretty sure my Zanpakuto didn't have spirit. It was pure luck that spirit energy also plays a huge part in Naruto world and with that, I was able to make a crude Bankai for it...' Sanemi thought as he remembered the voice he heard in the battle against Madara.

'My intelligence is holding me back...perhaps the voice meant I overthink the situation? ' Sanemi thought as he recalls the adventures he had in the world of Naruto and Yuki.

'Should I try more of a wild approach? Well, it's not like I will become wild by just thinking about it ' With those thoughts, Sanemi finally succumbed to sleep.


"Listen, everyone! I Kaido!! Declare the birth of my two sons! Sanemi and Yamato! In the future, they will join us and add power to the beast kingdom!! Worororororo! " Kaido announced as he held Sanemi and Yamaon each hand for the world to see.

"Cheers, I will drink to that! " Everyone yelled as the feast for the beast pirates began.

'A large, bulky, fire breathing father, now this is deja vu. ' Sanemi thought as he opened his eyes to see the celebrations going on.

'In this world, since I know the concept of Haki it should not be that hard to archive it back, all I should need is enough physical strength to sustain it. ' Sanemi thought as looked around and tried to move.


It has been 5 years since Sanemi was reborn in the world of One Piece he has to spot one of the crystals but Wano is a huge place to find one.

"Oi Yamato! Father said that we will be getting the fruits today wake up " Sanemi said as he barged into thier rooms.

During these 5 years of Sanemi living in a place where there are more drunkards than flies he too became rather 'wild'. His appearance also went under a huge change.

He stood about 64 inches tall with some muscles starting to appear all over him, he had medium-length white spiky hair with red ends along with two red horns on his head.

His attire consisted of an unbuttoned black long coat secured by a purple and white rope belt, along with that he wore black pants with a golden oni face belt. His footwear consisted of black wooden sandals made from Adam wood and blackguards with horn-like decoration.

"I am up brother~," Yamato said as he took a long stretch. While Yamato was indeed a girl but since she herself wanted to be referred to as a boy who is Sanemi to deny.

"Father said we will be getting our devil fruits today and maybe even start training ready up I will be waiting outside. " Sanemi said as he left and closed the door behind him.


"You are here my sons! now choose whichever fruit you like! " Kaido said as he sat down and continued drinking.

"Which one are you picking brother? " Yamato asked as she looked at Sanemi.

"Hm...I will take this one " Sanemi said as he picked a fruit that looked like a pinecone with pitch-black scales which were accompanied by brown swirls.

"Well in that case I choose you! " Yamato yelled as he picked a red mushroom with swirls and was about it but just as she was about to consume it Kaido slammed his wine bottle shaking the ground and the fruit was replaced by a brown tomato which he consumed.

"blweeea~ " Yamato immediately tried to vomit it out but nothing came except the bad taste in his mouth.

Tears appeared in his eyes as he was about to complain to his father but stopped as the name of the fruit appeared in her mind.

Dog-Dog Fruit Modle: Okuchi no Makami

"So what's your fruit? " Sanemi asked as he just saw plot armor in flesh.

"Hmm it is Oku...Okuchi No Makami?? " Yamato said all confused on what in the name of Haisha she just ate.

"It sounds like a Mythical Zoan to me, perhaps we can read something about it, " Sanemi said as he bit into his devil fruit.

'This fruit...' Sanemi thought's were interrupted by Yamato.

"Sanemi~ Sanemi! Which one did you get! " Yamato asked as he shook his brother violently.

"Fish-Fish Fruit Modle: Namazu...another Mythical are these common in Wano?? " Sanemi muttered the last part to himself.

"Father we have got the fruits and it seems like both are mythical zoans " Sanemi stated as he approached Kaido.

"Glug...glug...glug..glug...ahh~ *hiccup* Good good, now you are ready to start training find whoever wants to take you in...glug...glug..glug..." Kaido said and continued drinking away.


A/N: Haisha means loser in Japanese. A hardcore One Piece fan might have understood what Tobi is doing here

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