
Counter Attack!

Meng leading 3,000 mounted heavy archers and 15,000 foot archers marched behind the infantry. It is currently early in the morning with the sun still not haven't risen yet. 135,000 Qin soldiers marched towards the enemy encampment! Han and Wei now had around 80,000 troops, having failed in their attack yesterday they now were outnumbered.

With the coalition army still outnumbering them, everyone thought Qin would stay on the defensive behind their high walls. Mou Gou usually the cautious General now took the enemy by surprise and launched an attack upon the enemy encampment!

Meng observing the situation realized that Mou Gou attack had managed to catch Wei and Han by surprise! their army had managed to march under the cover of darkness dangerous close to the enemy!

Meng hearing a sudden commotion from the enemy encampment knew that their army had finally been spotted! no longer needing to be stealthy he ordered his archers to open fire! thousands of arrows rained down upon the enemy! volley after volley they fired!

Meng and his troops fired until eventually they ran out of arrows. Mou Gou having let the archers soften up the enemy, now ordered the infantry to charge! Wei and Han troops were in a state of chaos after the surprise attack, before they could form a proper battle formation Qin soldiers had charged and broken deep into their lines!

Meng observing the battle from the rear could now see better as the first rays of sunlight threatened to rise in the sky. Qin troops were slaughtering the enemy and had already fought their way into the enemies command center! the battle only lasted two hour before Wei and Han retreated with 37,000 troops!

Mou Gou army of 114,000 chased the fleeing troops! Mou Gou observing the situation could now see a column of dust on his right and left! enemy calvary from other battlefields were likely heading his way. If he continues to chase his army will likely be hit from three sides. Unsure of how many enemy troops are approaching, he reluctantly orders the army to halt and withdraw.

Day 3

Meng leading 3,000 heavy mounted archers and 15,000 cavalry, attempted to quickly make their way through the mountains.

Day 4

Meng having ridden all night finally arrived at his destination. From his vantage point atop a distant hill he could observe the Yan army as they attacked the Ousen army. Ousen haven constructed himself a formidable fortress, was using his superior position to whittle down the Yan army as they attacked.

With the bulk of the Yan army attacking and unaware of his presence, Meng was positioned to launch a surprise attack. Meng knew that the coalition army couldn't support themselves long in Qin lands with the limited supplies they brought with them and managed to loot from the Qin people.

His goal was not to attack the Yan army but to destroy their supplies! as the Yan army was busy with Ousen, Meng launched a raid upon their supply camp with his 18,000 troops!

Yan taken by surprise was slow in responding to the surprise attack, eventually they organized and were able to push back the Qin troops.

Meng and his troops had been beaten and less than 5,000 men managed to retreat! although they were defeated, Meng managed to destroy most of the supplies of the Yan army!

Day 5

Meng leading 1,100 heavy mounted archers and 2,700 cavalry slowly made their way through the mountains away from the Yan battlefield. Thanks to their attack, the coalition army was forced to supply the Yan troops with supplies from the other armies reserves.

Although their surprise attack was successful, most of the troops that Meng led didn't survive the battle, those that did now were covered in bandages or missing limbs! Meng even lost his left eye and his right arm was hanging at his side covered in blood!

Day 6

It was late in the day when Meng and his men finally returned from their mission. Slowly climbing the stairs leading up to the top of the gate to report of their success, upon arriving Meng was shocked to discover that both Generals Chou Tou and Mou Gou had been killed from an poison attack! General Kanki was now in charge!

Kanki was pleased upon hearing of his success and glad to have Meng return alive, he assigned 15,000 troops to Meng and assigned him to guard 1/4th of a section atop the wall.

Meng and his troops defended the wall throughout the day, by the time night arrived he was mentally exhausted and was eager to get some rest, his arm was coved in old bloody bandages so he decided to get it attended to, arriving at their field hospital he was shocked to discover a dying Qian Wuying! sadly Meng learned that Long Hui had been killed earlier in the day defending the gate.

Qian before he died asked Meng how his mission went and then wondered where Yin Xiuying was? Meng could barely stop himself from weeping as he told him that Yin with his 200 men had sacrificed themselves to allow the rest to escape.

Meng upon arriving at his tent sat alone in silence trying not to think about Mobs 2,3 and 4 deaths. He couldn't afford to break down here! if the coalition army defeated them, then his wife and loved one's would suffer! the people of Qin would suffer!

Meng took a second to collect himself and then went about reading reports from the other battlefields, Qin despite being outnumbered was doing surprisingly well! having turned the situation almost completely around, the Qin forces almost had equal troops to the coalition army!

Meng learning of the situation, now knew that tomorrow would likely be the last day of battle!

Day 7

Meng was suddenly woken up from his sleep! hearing a bunch of commotion outside, he quickly got ready and rushed outside! arriving at the commanders tent he learned that last night the entire coalition army had pulled back and retreated in the night!

Kanki quickly organized the army and sent out scouts to find the locations of each coalition armies! eventually all the scouts returned and confirmed that each coalition army were heading home!

(four days later)

Meng riding alongside Kanki as they pursued the enemy, was furious as he rode past another village razed to the ground! rotting bodies of babies in their mothers arms could be seen littering the ground! women had been stripped naked and nailed to trees! mounds of children's head were piled next to the road!

Qin managed to save themselves by pulling back and organizing themselves behind strong defensive positions, but sadly the refugees who weren't able to escape had been brutally slaughtered! The coalition armies as they continued to retreat inflicted as much damage as they could upon Qin before they left its borders! buildings were destroyed! farms were harvested and left in ruins! entire cities were razed to the ground!

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