

A glare from Kane had Freya and Yodah shutting up their mouths.


"What are you two laughing about? Don't you ever think that I am letting you off the hook like Blenda had! You both had lied to me, and then sneaked down here to do whatever it is you people were down here for..." Kane started, still glaring at the two who bowed their heads in shame at being shouted at.


"Kane, take it easy on them. Remember, they are still fledglings." Dobah intercepted, wanting to cover the offending duo from the anger of his twin brother.


"My taking it easy on them had been the reason why they had thought that they could fool me easily." Kane pointed out, seething in anger, especially as he took note of Aiden's now protective stance behind Freya. What the hell was the scallywag doing?


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