

The tension in the room was so thick that a knife could slice through it, as everyone was left to his or her thoughts. By the side of the room, was Melvina; and she felt a little bad that she had to lie to her mate, but then finally concluded that it was necessary; that it was better this way, knowing that she would still tell him of everything later.

On another side was Derek. And as he laid a strong stare on his cousin, he wondered why she would forge that kind of lie.

'Was there no other lie, other than a one that would bring enemity between her and his father?' He thought. Although he was happy that at least his father's attention had been diverted from the truth, he was still a little bit sad of the bad relationship that will ensue between his father and his cousin. He didn't like that part at all, and he didn't know why. Perhaps he was already forgiving his fiesty cousin, bit by bit.

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