

Kayne and Tom were from the dog tribe, Lia, Mee and Noa were from the cat tribe. "Can you show us your magic?" the kids asked them. They showed them their weakest spell the MOUNTAIN BREAKER. They went on the terrace of the house and aeros pointed on a mountain and shot. Nothing happened and suddenly the mountain broke down and completely disappeared. The kids were surprised and then zen showed his weakest spell CORE MOVER and the earth started to vibrate as if an earthquake came. Then lue showed his weakest spell the TORNADO and a tornado appeared, the weather became rainy and thundery. The kids got scared and hid behind the old man. Aeros showed them the CREATE magic and created a castle. The children and the old man were surprised. Aeros asked the old man why he was surprised, he said "It is the long lost magic". The three were shocked, they asked "When was it lost?" the old man said that it was lost when the HERO AEROS disappeared. The three of them were shocked about the fact that aeros was still called the hero. They asked the old man about the hero's teammates, the old man said that he didn't know because it was 200 years ago.. "Well whatever, you guys should join the rosewood magic academy" the old man said, they asked why and he said "Well, you can't stay at home forever, you guys are strong and can join, the other kids stay here because they were rejected", they said ok because they wanted to train their bodies to use their strongest magic spells. "But there is a problem, the student accept only strong candidates and is full of nobles so you'll be looked upon". "Ok, we will take care" the three of them said and left for the academy.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Mohammad_Momincreators' thoughts
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