
Chapter 70: Harry Potter - part 8 - end (of HP 'canon')

Harry Potter was seated on the grass by the Black Lake. He had just got out of his last OWL exam, History, and was now just relaxing, but he was pretty sure that he had done well on it. Harry had his eyes closed and was enjoying the shade of the tree that he was under when he heard footsteps on the grass approaching his position. Soon, he felt someone sitting by his side and resting its head on his chest. Harry didn't need to open his eyes to see who it was. He got the 'intruder' identity by its smell, or better saying, her perfume.

"Hey there, girlfriend."

Harry said while smiling with eyes still closed.

"Hey there, boyfriend."

Hermione said while closing her eyes to relax a little too on Harry's chest. She had almost burned herself while studying for the OWLs and now she just wanted to rest.

"How are our plans for summer break?"

Harry asked Hermione.

"It's all good. The documentation was already sent and now we just have to travel."

Hermione said. Harry and Hermione had decided that this summer they would convince both families to travel together and they had managed to do it. Their chosen destination, Hawai. Both teens stood for some more time just there in silence, while relaxing and enjoying each other's presence.

Two years later, Harry and Hermione were again seated at the same place, under the same tree by the Black Lake. Their NEWTs had been brutal as all NEWTs could be. But theirs was even worse. The results of Hogwarts educational reforms were showing for sure. At the welcoming feast of their last year at Hogwarts, Lord Ravenclaw, who appeared at the school very sporadic now because of his team of toddlers, had read to them the statistics of the last three years OWLs and NEWTs results. Records were broken year after year with the number of students passing and getting even higher marks after each year. He announced too that, with these results, Hogwarts could be considered again one of the top ten schools of magic.

But they could do better. Lord Ravenclaw said that the graduating students were a special group. Special because they got the new educational system in their third year, and that the next two years groups would be even more special by having even more time at being taught with the 'old' new educational system. With that in mind, Madam Marchbanks, who was the Head of the examiners from the Ministry got all fired up together with her team and the students were asked to do even more during their practicals.

"How are you doing with your magic circle new design?"

Hermione suddenly asked Harry. The young man, like Hermione, had been taught magecraft in a basic course offered at Hogwarts in his sixth year. Out of the basic course, Harry and Hermione had studied the subject by themselves too and he, as a member of an old family, was trying to design a magic circle for the Potters. Harry had assumed his rightful position as the head and Lord of house Potter at his seventeenth birthday, and with that, he could now access his family vaults. He had found tons of different stuff inside those old vaults. There were piles over piles of trunks that only had books. Harry had used a complicated spell to search for specific information on the books and found out that his family, the Potters, never had a member that was very proficient in magecraft. They had books about the subject that dated to the time of the founders, but not a single information about the family having its own magic circle. He was sure of it, he had triple checked. The only mention and beginnings of magic circle construction was found inside his mother's journal. The thing was stuffed inside a trunk that was on the top of a pile of trunks. Inside the trunk, aside from the journal, Harry found a lot of stuff that belonged to Lily Potter. Harry concluded that the house-elf from the family had boxed everything that could be saved and deposited inside the vault. One of his finds was now ever present at his bedside, a picture of his parents holding a baby Harry.

"Hmm… It's going well."

Harry said while extending one of his hands to his front and concentrating a lot. An emerald green magic circle started to be drawn in the air in front of the couple. Hermione opened her eyes and observed the progress that his boyfriend had made on it. In the middle of it was the Potter's family coat of arms or shield. The circle could be said ready if not for some of the lines being blurred at some places or the green light that made the circle flickering a little from time to time.

"I still have some stuff to do to get it right, but it is almost there."

Harry added to Hermione, who nodded her head and closed her eyes after Harry had let the magic circle fade.

"I sent a letter to Lord Ravenclaw about it, like he said that I could, and he told me that the reason for the circle not being stable is basically the lack of personality to it. He then suggested I do a ritual that would show me the runes that are the most compatible ones with me and my family blood."

Harry says to Hermione, who frowns at that.

"A ritual of that kind would use blood, wouldn't?"

Hermione asks Harry.

"One drop to be exact."

Harry replies to Hermione.

"And are you sure that it is wise to use blood in an unknown ritual?"

Hermione asked Harry.

"I trust Lord Ravenclaw with my life, Hermione."

Harry said to his girlfriend.

"I trust him too, Harry. But it is blood that we are talking about. You, just as I, did read the books about rituals. You know that any error can cause a disaster in rituals, even more if the ritual uses blood."

Hermione said, remembering and warning Harry.

"Yeah, I know. But the ritual is really simple. I'm thinking of doing it before our trip."

Harry said to Hermione.

"Okay, but I want to be together with you when you do it."

Hermione said to Harry with finality. Harry, knowing more than to discuss with Hermione about this, nodded his head. At this moment, the couple heard someone calling for them.

"Harry, Hermione."

The couple turned, already recognizing the voice that called them. It was Ron Weasley. He was walking to them while his girlfriend of two years, Lavender Brown, was hugging his arm, putting it right between her bountiful breasts.

Later that week, in the morning that the graduates would make their last trip on the Hogwarts Express back to London, Harry was looking for Hermione. True to the normal, he found her inside her favorite place in Hogwarts, the Library. Harry entered the library and found Hermione looking at the rows and rows of bookshelves. He approached her and hugged her from behind, passing his arms around her waist. He stood there, just giving her time.

"Seven year, Harry. We spent seven years of our lives here."

Hermione said with a voice full of yearning, as she was already missing the place. Harry let out a chuckle.

"Talk about yourself, Hermione. I visited other places of the castle too during these seven years."

Harry said to Hermione, who pinched his hand in response.


Harry yelled, faking hurt. Hermione had a small smile on her face after that.

"Thanks for everything, Harry."

Hermione said to Harry, who shook his head.

"Hermione, if anyone has to be thanked here, it is you."

Harry said to Hermione as he hugged her with more strength. The young couple stood in silence for some minutes, when Harry let go of the hug and walked to Hermione's front. Harry, who was already wearing his Hogwarts Graduate blazer, put his hand inside the blazer and retrieved something small from its inside pocket. He took Hermione's hand in his hands and joined them together. Harry then revealed what he had taken from the inside pocket. It was a ring. A beautifully crafted silver ring that had a small brilliant emerald on it. Hermione was shocked when she saw the ring. Looking at it better, the Potter family shield could be seen inside the brilliant green precious gem.

"Hermione Jane Granger…"

Hary started and went on one knee.

"Since the beginning you have been my best friend. With time, we discovered our feelings for each other and we turned into something more than friends. I want us to take the next step in this journey, so one day, I can call you my wife."

Harry said with a serious voice that was full of emotion.

"Hermione Jane Granger, would you like to give me the honor of marrying me?"

Harry asked Hermione, who had her eyes full of unshed tears since the beginning of his speech. Harry stood there, on one knee, waiting for Hermione's answer. Each second that passed seemed an eternity to the young man. He was thinking of asking her hand in marriage in the Great Hall, but Hermione had decided that a last visit to the library was necessary. It worked very well for him. Even after being in the limelight for so much time, Harry still didn't like all the attention, and the library was much more… private than a Great Hall full of passing students. Hermione shook herself up from her stupor and started to nod her head while shedding tears.

"Yes, yes, YES! I would like to marry you, Harry."

Hermione answered Harry, who let out a breath that he didn't know that he was holding. Harry then took her left shaking hand and slowly put the engagement ring on. As he stood up, Hermione jumped at him and started to kiss Harry, who answered her in the same coin. The kiss quickly evolved in a passionate makeout session that almost made them lose the train time.

On the train, the first to notice the new situation of the young couple was Lavender Brown. The blonde bimbo gave a squeal and jumped at Hermione, bombarding her with questions and was followed by Parvati Patil asking to show them the ring. After the initial wave of squeals and congratulations, the trip went on with the young occupants of the cabin recounting stories of their time as students and talking about what they wanted to do after.

Lavender had already received an invite to work for a magazine. Her columns about fashion in The Hogwarts' Voice had reached their eyes and they didn't want to lose the opportunity.

Parvati Patil was going to further increase her education. After some trips to the non-magical world with the Non-Magical Studies class, she had fallen in love with the marketing campaigns that she saw on the streets and shopping malls and decided to study Marketing in a famous University in London.

Ron Weasley was still unsure of what he wanted to do, but one thing he was sure about was that he wanted to keep participating in chess tournaments. After winning the Chess event in the Triwizard Tournament in his fourth year, Ron was given by a Professor a flier about a National Level Chess tournament that offered a good money prize for the winner and runner up. After some nagging with his mother, Ron participated in the tournament and won second place. After that, he participated in some International ones, and, after always getting close to the trophy, he managed to take the first place home.

Hermione wanted to do research. She didn't know what she wanted to research about yet, but she wanted to do research. Her thirst for the 'profession' was, probably, Lady Ravenclaw's fault. The Lady was a magical researcher and what she did to the library of Hogwarts had influenced Hermione to a great extent. And because of her outstanding marks, Hermione had received an offer to work for a magical Japanese company that wanted to expand its reach to work at their research department.

Harry, at first, wanted to be an Auror. But his opinion changed and now he wanted to be an enchanter. He had an apprenticeship waiting for him after his well deserved vacation. Who was the 'master' that he was going to apprentice under Harry didn't know. He only knew that it was offered to him by indication of Lord Ravenclaw.

As the Hogwarts Express arrived at London, the group went silent while remembering, again, their good times at school. Each of them would be trailing their own paths now and they would never, probably, meet all together again.

"Two years!"

Harry suddenly said. The occupants of the cabin were now looking at him.

"Two years from now we will have a party. A reunion for the graduates of 1997-1998. It doesn't matter where we will be, let's meet again in two years."

Harry said again, explaining his 'plan' full of conviction. The young occupants of the cabin nodded their heads at each other, agreeing with Harry's proposal. As the train stopped, the group disembarked and, after saying their goodbyes and reconfirming their promise of two years, each went their separate ways to meet their families.


Chapter #70 done!

Chapter #71 incoming in one, max two days.

Stay 'tuned'!

DonnutHermitcreators' thoughts
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