
The Use Of Words.

She was hoping someone would be more angry than her and angry enough to actually stand out and fight. She was also hoping that she was wrong about Legion-5's ambitions. 

Then she saw Legion-5 leave the base of the third Supreme beast he visited. He didn't leave empty-handed. There was a large batch of resources and manpower outside this base. The manpower are mana entities that have been forcefully recruited. So they are slaves. 

The Supreme beast that owned them gave them to Legion-5 with some ores. Legion-5 ordered them to carry his newly acquired resources to his base while he flew towards a fourth base. 

She saw the train of slaves and resources moving toward his base and Legion-5 moving toward another base. This was too much stimulus for her non-existent heart. It dropped from her chest and sank into the pit of her stomach. Dread began to rise up from within her. 

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