
Chapter 94: Waking Up A Brand New Girl!


[Name: Zoey]

[Sex: Female]

[Body: 5.5]

[Mental: 2.3]

[Magic: 6.0]

[Skills: 13]

[Zoey's Victorious Boxing Lv1]

[Focus Lv9]

[Teaching Lv16]

[Abnormal Conditions Lv20]

[Endurance Lv20]

[Fighting Aura Lv1]

[Gaming Lv8]

[Mahna Manipulation Lv19]

[Combo Magji Lv16]

[Twisting Force Lv18]

[Mahna Gathering Bomb Lv2]

[Overdraft Lv2]

[Symbiosis Lv1]

  Zoey stared at two copies of herself. One was grinning while the other was herself when she was a child. The smiling one suddenly groped her breasts, and Zoey punched out in shock. There was a child here!

"That fucking hurt?" The smiling copy replied in surprise, holding her nose.

"What the hell is going on?" Zoey asked.

"That parasite you picked up at the school is doing some remodeling to our body." She gestured at the child.

"Good remodeling, or we're about to have a daemon baby burst out of my chest remodeling?"

"I think good." She shrugged.

"What did it do so far?"

"It removed all our limiters. So, controlling our strength is going to be a fucking bitch when we wake up."

"I just noticed you keep saying our instead of my. I'm pretty sure I haven't cracked yet and developed another personality."

"I fucking wonder." She rolled her eyes as a familiar purple flame burst into existence around her.

"Ah, come on... My delicate psyche is already breaking apart! I can't be split into 2 or 3 different people!"

"Don't be a fucking retard. We're not two people but two sides of the same coin. You watched enough anime. This shit is just like the other side of you that you refuse to accept and try to hide away or defeat."

"Ah fuck. Are you trying to tell me I gotta face the world honestly?" Zoey cursed.

"I'm not telling you shit. I'm just saying how it is."

"So, I don't have to come out of wherever this is a changed person?" Zoey gestured to the weird flesh area they were in.

"We both know you're too much of a pussy for something like that. Always caring about the opinion of other people. Always looking for acceptance and acknowledgment. Fucking desperate attention whore." She sighed.

"There's nothing wrong with wanting to be liked and accepted! You're exaggerating things!" Zoey defended herself.

"Yeah yeah, whatever. Now go break those dipshits about to break into your hospital room. Don't forget to take a look at the box too. We got some crazy good experience after that school shit."

"Box?" The child finally spoke.

"Break into my what?" Zoey was violently sucked out of where she was.

  She sat up in her hospital bed as her door was being violently banged on. With a quick look at the Box, Zoey saw her boxing gloves resting on the floor next to her bed. Considering the door was about to shatter, Zoey didn't bother putting on her cursed gloves. Dressed in a hospital gown with her little toes free in the air, Zoey decided to do whoever was at the door a favor. She opened the door to multiple masked people trying to break in. One fell in the doorway, and Zoey immediately went on the offensive.

  Her fist came striking down like a lightning bolt to the face of the fallen assassin. He didn't even get the chance to scream before his face caved in. Zoey frowned after seeing how much damage she did. Hopefully, she didn't kill him. It looks like her other self was right about her limiters being removed. She clutched and unclutched her fists as she felt her mahna flowing through her perfectly.

  Her body felt so light. Too light if she had anything to say about it. Thankfully, she had these guys here to help reorient herself. They all attacked her together with their blades. Strangely enough, Zoey didn't feel that she was in danger the slightest bit. Just what the hell did that parasite or symbiote do to her?

  Zoey's frown grew deeper as she effortlessly avoided the skillful killing attempt by the assassins. It was like she grew wings when all she ever had were chains shackling her body down to the earth. Each testing jab was enough to break bones. The situation didn't change even when the assassins began to turn all ghost-like. With Zoey's regular power no longer restrained, reacting and avoiding their killing strikes was a piece of cake. Zoey used Mahna Gathering Bomb to keep track of all the assassins just like she did with Hayato and simply waited for them to attack before punishing them with a critical counter blow.

"Ah, just to be sure, you guys are definitely from the Hanma Clan, right?" Zoey felt the need to ask.

"..." None of the assassins responded.

"Well, alright." Zoey felt a little bit confident in her strength.

  She wanted to see just how far her body was remodeled by the symbiote. Crushing an unnecessary clan into extinction seemed like a good way to test her strength. It definitely wasn't because she was pissed about constantly being targeted by assassins. If the OM had a problem about it, she didn't mind going a step further and seeing them try and defend the Hanma Clan. They could get a piece of her too. Zoey was fed up with them as well. They were probably the reason these guys were here in the first place!

  Every punch of Zoey's sapped the mahna of the assassin each time they failed to land a blow on her. They got weaker and weaker as Zoey retained her strength. Their collected mahna floated above Zoey's shoulder, increasing in size bit by bit. It was in the shape of a sphere, and every hit they suffered allowed it to grow more and more.

  Eventually, the assassins realized their mission was going to end in failure and signaled to retreat. They would strike another time when the target was off guard. Any assassins who were capable of moving used their clan's connate magji to vanish from Zoey's sight. Unfortunately, in the midst of their escape, they suddenly realized that the girl didn't just have an impressive reaction time. She could sense them all along!

  Zoey sighed as she tried to wipe the blood off of her hospital gown off. It didn't work and only stained it more. From what she could tell, all of them were still breathing and living, thankfully. She collected her belongings left by whoever dropped her off here and began to text her friends and family about her current status. Lying to her friends about disappearing for days, telling her family she got caught up in something after the mission, asking her magji friends what's been going on, and specifically messaging Hayato to send her the address to his clan.

  Friends were worried and upset, family was worried and upset, magji friends were worried and told her some very shocking news, and Hayato asked her why. Ignoring Hayato for a moment, apparently, Victor saw it necessary to cleanse the OM from the top to the bottom. He killed those in charge and those known for their terrible character before announcing his own punishment for his actions in murdering so many magjistars. Victor saw it fit to ban himself from the American Magji World and not get involved in their matters from henceforth.

  Zoey didn't know why the hell he would suddenly do something like this. So, she called him.

"So, uh..." Zoey muttered when he picked up the line. "Am I on my own now?"

"In a way. I can still give you advice from time to time, but if it involves the AMW, I cannot personally get involved." His voice sounded strained.

"That's good enough." Zoey let out a breath of relief. "So, why'd you do it?" She was concerned.

"You'd like to know, wouldn't you, little monster?"

"Your personality is too crap for you to do this out of justice or for the weak and exploited. Tell me the truth." Zoey demanded.

"I'm not that bad a guy." Victor loudly laughed. "I just got sick of those evil bastards making a mess of things. The only enemy the OM should be focused on are exterminating daemons, not their own magjistars. Somewhere along the line, those old fogies got addicted to the position and power it gave."

"They were going to kill me?" Zoey read in-between the lines.

"Maybe? Eventually? They were planning to do the same to any other genius that refused to listen to them in time. So, don't think you're special or anything, brat." Victor reassured her.

"I was planning to go crush the Hanma Clan for sending assassins after me again. Should I do it, or will the new head of the OM label me as a criminal or something?"

"Now is the perfect time to do it. They haven't sworn in anyone just yet after my announcement. Just make sure you wear a mask or something so that they can't properly identify you. Even if they call you in for trial or something, if they don't have any certain evidence it was you, it won't end in anything."

"Can't they extract my memory or something and use that as evidence?"

"Nah. For some reason, they don't do that. It's stupid, I know, but apparently, people think the rights of the accused are more important than undeniable evidence. Taking out someone's memory is seen as a massive invasion of privacy that should only be done with consent between the two magjistars, normal humans, or already convicted criminals."

"What about blood or identifiable weapons?"

"There's no way to track someone through their blood in the magji world, and anyone can fake weapons through magji."

"Shouldn't you be trying to convince me not to go severely injure a large number of people!?"

"Severely injure? I thought you were going to kill them all!"

"I don't kill humans!" Zoey shouted.

"What the hell kind of sense does that make?! How can you crush a clan if you aren't going to kill every single one of them!?"

"I'm just going to teach them a lesson for trying to kill me! There should be consequences to trying to kill people, and I'm just going to reinforce it!"

"You're stupid, kid."

"What do you know!? Have you ever taken out a clan before?"

"Ah, just a few times." Victor casually bragged.

"So, what! I'll show you it'll work out! If a person gets beat hard enough, they'll know better not to do that next time!"

"Well, good luck. I'm sure you already know Mahna Gathering Bomb can counter their connate magji. So, be careful not to get surrounded and fight the patriarch carefully."

"..." Zoey hesitated.

"Stay safe, you little freak."

"Thanks... for everything." Zoey swiftly hung up.

  Victor just laughed after realizing what she said. Who knew being a teacher could be so demanding on one's emotions and psyche? He only taught her for half a year, and he was already attached to the little bugger. Constantly sacrificing things just to help her progress through life better. If someone told him the things he had to give up once he became a teacher before he met Zoey, he would've never took in the monster no matter how interesting she was.

Comment/Review on the story readers and give me ideas on possible skills, situations, developments, and etc of things you want to see! No guarantees that I will add what you want. But it helps to have ideas out there. Please point out any mistakes you notice or anything you're not clear about. I'll try to answer them and fix them to the best of my abilities.

CaptainBoyHolecreators' thoughts
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