
Chapter 79-81 The Joint Case!

  Zoey happily scrolled through one of her social media pages, reading some of the posts and articles shared with her by her fans in the courtyard of the daemon-infested school. It only took a single look at the number of followers she had to realize just how famous and popular she was now after participating in the YFTL. Over 600k followers across multiple social media apps and websites with thousands or hundreds of comments on each of the posts she makes or made by Angelica.

  But wait! Zoey didn't let these real but imaginary numbers go to her head just yet! As much as she wanted to boast about how she was no longer the awkward loser that nobody but her family knew, these numbers and heartfelt comments meant nothing! Well, they didn't mean nothing at all. Zoey's heart grew three times as big every time she read someone complimenting her on her fighting ability, appearance, or interests.

  There were multiple fighting competitions coming up soon that Zoey wanted to participate in but very few that involved minors such as herself. Zoey didn't realize just how rare something like the Youth Fighting Tournament League was until after she defeated the champion and gained worldwide attention from thousands of people. It looked like, she had to wait until she was 18 if she really wanted to get involved in the global fighting scene but she did have another choice. The Olympics! Zoey talked to Coach about it, and he was more than happy to hear that she had to time for something like this but instead of Women's Boxing, it would be better for her to debut in Women's MMA instead due to the dying popularity of boxing for women.

  Zoey didn't have a problem with it but she wondered if that would be a problem with the Olympics thing. As far as she knew boxing and wrestling were Olympic events but not something like MMA. Maybe Coach was giving up on the Olympics and saying that MMA would be better for her or something. Zoey didn't know and knew that he'd handle everything for her as her Coach. All Zoey had to do was make sure her schedule was free when it needed to be and to win some fights. Thinking wasn't her specialty and having people to think for her always felt best. It was less stressful that way.

  Even now, just sitting outside this school filled with evil creatures that want to feed on the hearts of humans couldn't stop her from giggling and smiling like an innocent school girl as she read some of these comments. Not to mention, she might even have something of a date coming up soon! James dm'd her about wanting to get to know her some more after complementing how skilled a fighter she was. When he saw her win against Cory, he said he fell in love for the first time and how could a virgin inexperienced in the ways of romance and flattery like Zoey defend herself against that?

  Zoey had a date with James this Saturday at the movies. He would pick her up in his truck and they would drive there, eat somewhere, then he'd drive her back home. All of this sounded perfect in Zoey's head and all because James wasn't bad looking and his confidence made the Inner Zoey want to shake him all about. But, Zoey was still 17 until December 15. Which meant, her coming and going from the house needed to be properly communicated with her parents.

  However, Zoey hasn't reached the age of 17 without picking up a few tricks here and there. Zoey sent a text in one of her group chats.

Callie. Katlyn. I need a huge favor from the both of you. 🥺🙏

Katlyn: What's up, Fighting Queen?

Callie: It's a boy!!!

  Zoey was utterly speechless in how Callie somehow managed to figure out the core of her predicament. Boys didn't come up too often in their conversations because Zoey still didn't feel comfortable just yet talking to them about how she talks to herself about boys and Katlyn was gay. They'd definitely judge her and it's way too soon for that type of Zoey to come out anyway! Maybe in a couple of years, she could be more open about how much of a freak she is. For now, Callie was the boy expert of the group and it seems like for a good damn reason because she found out Zoey had trouble that involved a boy!

Katlyn: 😶What???


Katlyn: She's right!?!?!? Tell me she's not right! You're just speechless because you have no idea why she thought that! Right!?

Callie: It was obvious. 😊 When would Zoey ever need a favor from us unless it involves something she's not experienced with? Remember how scared she was when I told her I'd make her friends with everyone on the track team?

Katlyn: It still could've been something other than boys! Just how did you instinctively know? That's so damn weird!

Callie: It's called having good best friend senses. I guess you could call it a superpower. 😁

It is a boy...

This Saturday we're going on a date before he brings me back home.

But I don't know how my mom or dad will react. So, I'm going to lie that I'm hanging out with you two this Saturday night so that I can avoid it entirely.

Katlyn: Girl, no.

Callie: Omg!!! You can count on us!

Katlyn: You don't need to lie that you're going on a date. You're fucking 17 years old Zoey and I've met your parents. I'm sure they'll be cool with whoever you're going on a date with. As long as he's not like old or something.

Callie: I completely agree with Kat but I am still more than willing to do your suggestion too because it sounds fun.

You really think they'll be okay with it?

Katlyn: Is there something wrong with him? 🤨🤨🤨

Callie: HOLD THE FUCK UP!!!!!! ✋✋✋✋✋✋✋✋✋✋✋


Katlyn: That is a good question... 😏

He didn't snatch my heart!

I just think he's a little funny and I wouldn't mind getting to know him better. That's all.

Callie: She's already in love before the first date. 😮‍💨

Katlyn: Zoey, you are not ready for a date night. Change those date plans to something during the daytime because you are not the type who can say no when you are pressured by someone you like.

Callie: Ah! That's true! If he's just trying to get some, how could Zoey say no if she likes him! She can't be too easy and give out on the first date! You hear me Zoey!? Not even a hug will be allowed!

I could say no if I'm pressured by someone I like.

Katlyn: Mhmm. Anyway, remember to reschedule the time of your date to something like right after school.

Callie: We're going to go to the mall this Friday to buy you a fit to drive this mysterious lover of yours crazy. And no, you can't say you're busy with work or whatever. Wewillfindyou.

He's not my lover and okay, thanks. 🙂

  Zoey thought that was the end of their conversation but she was terribly wrong. After rescheduling with James and going back to social media, her phone was suddenly spammed with several notifications from her group chat. Both Katlyn and Callie were demanding that she tell them about her "mysterious lover." With how often her phone's screen was covered up by their texts, Zoey had no choice but to give in. Even if she muted the group chat, the notifications would still fill up silently.

  So, Zoey spent the rest of her free time before the case began, sharing some screenshots of the messages that she and James sent to each other. Then even more of that free time defending herself, defending James, and desperately trying to convince them she wasn't in love with him. Even if she was in love with him, she definitely wouldn't fucking know. It wasn't like she's ever been in love before but it was 2021! Zoey did not know what love was but she did know what she wanted out of a relationship. A friendship with extra steps.

  She planned to become friends with James then if she started to like him a bit more than a funny guy that was a little cool then they could maybe go out. James was very upfront about how he felt about Zoey but Zoey barely knew him outside of his fighting career. Zoey needed time. Time to get to know him and time to understand more about herself. If a relationship was something she could even handle at a time like this with the magji world stuff. But she was handling school pretty fine right now and school is basically a love-hate relationship depending on who you ask. So, it couldn't be that bad, right?



"It's time to move in. All preventative measures have been put in place. Get in your squads and move out." One of the high-ranked magjistars shouted with a hand-sized megaphone.

  Zoey apologized to her friends saying that she had to go back to work and get off her break. An excuse they weren't willing to believe but it didn't matter if they believed it or not. She had work to do! Zoey began wrapping her fists in preparation to put on her cursed boxing gloves. If she's going to bust some daemon heads, it would be better to be safe while doing it. Wouldn't she look big-time fucking stupid if she busted her own hand trying to bust up the daemon's head?

"So, you're in the South Wing too..." Jacky turned her head, avoiding eye contact with Zoey but keeping her posture straight. "I guess this must be the most dangerous wing then." She figured.

"Delinquent Summoner." Zoey remembered her. She gained an interest in taming daemons because of her.

"The names Jacky, asshole. Remember it or I'll kill you." Jacky pointed her spiked bat at Zoey.

"Lol." Zoey chuckled, did she forget who beat who already or did she go through some montage training since the last time they met?

"Did you seriously just laugh at me?!" Jacky scoffed in disbelief as her shoulder shook from rage.

  If this was anyone else, she'd take their head off right now but some instinct inside her body prevented her from acting. She didn't want to call it fear because that would mean she was afraid of someone. Even when she grew up in an abusive household with her shithole dad, she was never frozen like this. Jacky beat him half to death when her connate magji surfaced and had him rot in a coma for the rest of his life afterward. The man that sent terrors into her mind and body repeatedly didn't have such control over her so, why should this girl who beat her once scare her!?

  Zoey looked her up and down after laughing at her. There were a few bandages over Jacky's face, fingers, and arms since the last time she saw her. So, maybe she did do some training. Zoey didn't apologize for what she said because Jacky was a little rude, and to be honest, Zoey liked rude people because she was a little rude too. The main thought running through her head was just how strong did she become?

  As Zoey was wondering, Jacky broke through her fear from Terrifying Aura Lv7 and swung at Zoey. Briefly, a mischievous grin appeared on Zoey's face but she quickly suppressed the teasing instinct that was rising in her as she remembered where she was. It was time to work on the case, not play with her co-workers? Not to mention, she doubted anyone would stop it if things got too fun with Jacky. Zoey guessed plenty of them were hoping for her to die here.

  Zoey easily swayed her head back as the rainbow-colored spiked bat flew over her head. With a quick rush forward and a gentle tap on Jacky's chin, Zoey looked her in the eyes.

"I'll play with you later. Right now, we have a job to do." Zoey tried to explain herself.

  The tap that didn't feel like a tap at all momentarily blinded Jacky. She couldn't react and could only accept Zoey's words as Zoey walked off to the school building with their squad. Jacky realized that shot to her chin could've easily knocked her unconscious if that bitch put the slightest amount of force in her fist. But she didn't despair. Jacky was simply caught off guard! If she was ready, she could've easily put that bitch in her place.

  In a matter of seconds, Jacky caught back up with their squad and Zoey looked at the rest of her squad members to see if she recognized any of them. Each squad was led by a peak Grade-B magjistar while the rest could be anyone. It was sort of military but at the same time not because of how everyone looked like a cosplayer doing their own thing. There's Jacky with her scary delinquent schoolgirl look, there is a guy wearing a blindfold with black chains wrapped around his right arm, Zoey herself is dressed up like a female boxer getting ready to start her morning training, and their commander or whatever is dressed in a regular T-shirt and shorts. There are more people but Zoey felt it wasn't necessary to say more. She didn't feel embarrassed because she would say that she looked the second most normal out of everyone!

  When they entered the school building, it was as if thousands of eyes glared at them at once. An overwhelming presence of daemons that even normal people wouldn't be able to ignore. Outside of the period when they're hunting, daemons exclude an aura that terrifies normal people. Normal people have developed a kind of like a sixth sense in avoiding this daemonic aura through evolution, albeit an uncontrollable one where they don't recognize it but just do it.

  Zoey's squad continued moving to the South Wing where they were assigned and felt the daemonic aura slowly grow to the point where it started to weigh down on their bodies and psyche. Some of the weaker magjistars already had their weapons out, shivering and sweating. If Zoey didn't know that the whole building was probably like this, she'd think she was walking into some kind of trap or something. Zoey still kept her guard up from in front and from behind. There was no telling who might have it out for her, daemon or human.

"Isn't our job to clean up the daemons? Why are we leaving those ones alone?" Someone asked while shaking.

"We are assigned at the South Wing. Another squad will handle the Main Wing daemons." Squad Leader, responded with a sigh.

"Would we get more contribution if we took these daemons out?" Jacky asked.

"No." He answered simply.

"Tch! Annoying." Jacky spat.

  Zoey suddenly thought about something. They weren't possibly going to fight together, were they? Well, obviously they were going to fight together but were they going to be fighting together? She didn't know most of these people and the ones she did know rather fight her over the daemons. Maybe they'd do their own thing once they're at the South Wing but how would their contributions be counted then? Are there magjistars outside the school watching or are the Squad Leaders really strong?

  Zoey looked at the Squad Leader up and down trying to measure his strength. The last time she checked, she was around a Grade-B magjistar's strength but that was a while ago. If she really went all out, would she be at a Grade-A magjistar's strength by now? Was she stronger than the person leading her right now?

  Her body shook in excitement as Zoey had trouble controlling herself. Temptation was all around her. In only a few more minutes would she be able to go all out and give in to that temptation. The allure of violence, the rising of her skills, and the satisfaction of seeing the progress of her training.

  Unbeknown to Zoey, her fighting spirit was mistaken as fear and fright to most. A small girl shaking as she heads to the lair of dozens or hundreds of daemons made more sense than a small girl shivering in anticipation of beating the skulls in of daemons. Some magjistars began giggling as they saw her frightened figure. Victor's arrogant apprentice isn't so high and mighty after all. At the end of the day, she's still just a little girl that hasn't realized the true horrors of the magji world.

  Jacky refused to believe that someone like Zoey would be afraid. She just considered everyone that thought Zoey was scared as an idiot. Joseph also knew that Zoey wasn't scared, but why was she so excited about it? It was to the point where her emotions were starting to affect him somewhat even when he's suppressed his magji. Squad Leader, Nick, didn't care if the girl was scared or not. All he had to do was make sure his squad had the least amount of deaths. He knew about the famous brats in his squad but magjistar politics was something he was never interested in.

  As the South Wing Squad headed closer to their destination, the temperature began to rise gradually. Zoey didn't feel any difference in heat because of Abnormal Conditions being level 15 but she could see the heat affecting the others with more clothes on than necessary. They were still a few hallways away from the South Wing but this daemon's heat could reach all the way over here? Without Zoey's knowledge, an indistinct aura surrounded her body as she thought how powerful of a daemon did it take to do something like this. This aura was incorporeal but sharp and present for anyone with good enough senses. It was a fighting aura! An aura that wanted nothing more than to fight, fight, fight!



  Zoey immediately left her squad after reaching the South Wing as she looked for the fire daemon. She wasn't ordered to listen to her Squad Leader's commands or stick with him before the case started. All she was told was that she was in the South Wing Squad. If anyone wanted to bring any problems with her about it, she will tell them exactly what she was told. And since she's new to the magjistar world, she doesn't know any common sense about joint cases or anything at all! Ignorance is bliss!

  The weaker daemons instinctively avoided Zoey as she headed straight for the heat daemon. The aura surrounding her seemed to combine her mahna and Terrifying Aura. Zoey still didn't realize what her body was doing as her mind was focused on hunting down the strong daemon. She broke through classroom walls, dashed down hallways, ran up and down staircases. Because of how high of a level Abnormal Conditions was, it was nearly impossible for Zoey to tell where the hottest area was just by trying to use her skin to judge the temperature. At least, that's how it was for a few minutes until Zoey managed to spot traces of burned spots. The walls, desks, lockers, and floor were charcoal black.

  This was progress! Zoey rushed to find more evidence of burn spots to find the fire daemon even faster. At first, this game of hide and seek was fun but then it started getting annoying when she really wanted to find him. Even teasing has its limits!

"Come on out already!" Zoey angrily yelled, destroying a line of lockers across the hallway with a single punch.


  Unknown to Zoey, a small group of bounty hunters was doing their best to keep up with the track star. A few days ago, in the world of wanted magjistars, unaffiliated poor magjistars, and other sorts, an unknown magjistar put up a bounty for Victor's apprentice. The reward was unreasonably high and forced everyone to at least acknowledge its existence. However, only the most desperate or stupidest magjistars would accept such a contract. There was no magjistar in this country that hasn't heard of Victor. So, accepting a bounty to touch his apprentice that everyone knows he cares for, was the same as asking for death.

  But the unknown requester who put the bounty up included some information they knew would have more people try for the bounty. Victor would not be present during the case and no one as powerful as Victor would be present either. Their only precaution was making sure their name or appearance didn't make it back to Victor after successfully pulling off the bounty. A risk that didn't seem that hard to these desperate wicked men and women. All they had to do was bag a kid, drop her off, and then get paid. How difficult could it be?

"This kid... is a little too fast, isn't she?" Monty grumbled, slightly out of breath. A middle-aged man with an unshaven stubble and out-of-shape body looked down the hallway in annoyance.

"How the hell is she able to run around like that in this damn heat?" Elena wanted to use her mahna to defend against the heat but knew that would only drain her reserves. A tall veil-wearing woman dressed in expensive fabric wiped the sweat across her forehead.

"We aren't young anymore, hahaha." Bubba laughed. A big fella with a hearty gut and a smiling face. There wasn't a drop of sweat on him compared to the others.

"I don't think her being young is an explanation for being able to put up with this heat. Maybe she's like you Bubba, a fire magjistar." Drako lit up a cigarette and took a puff. He was dressed in a long black coat, well-groomed, and wore fingerless gloves.

"If she is, this will be easier than we thought." Bubba replied. "Let's hurry up after her. For some reason, the daemons are afraid of her. If we keep up with her, we avoid wasting our strength on these daemons." Bubba noticed before sprinting down the hallway.

"God damn it..." Elena swore as she ran to keep up with the fatty.

"I haven't worked out this hard in decades... God, I'm going to punch that kid in the face." Monty sighed.

"Try and keep up old man." Drako laughed at him before breaking into a fit of coughs.


  Unknown to the bounty hunters, Joseph was keeping a distance behind them. He was initially going to leave Victor's apprentice to her own devices but couldn't help but go after her after seeing multiple groups with hostile intentions frantically chase after her. It wasn't just one group but.. One, two, three, four, five... Wasn't Victor's apprentice too popular!? And why is she so desperately looking for that powerful daemon? Doesn't she know the danger she's in right now?

  Numerous daemons came out from the darkness and attacked Joseph. The only magjistar that was roaming alone in the South Wing without a scary aura around him. They leaped, jumped, slid, and flew toward the weaponless magjistar. Joseph only frowned.

"I don't have time for trash like you." Joseph temporarily removed his blindfold. His kaleidoscopic eyes revealed themselves to the world

  In an instant, multiple brightly colored explosions flashed on the left of every daemon's chest in Joseph's eyesight. From that flash, a small contained magji explosion swallowed the daemons, killing them without the chance to resist. The hallway filled with daemons of various sizes disappeared just like that. Then, Joseph placed his blindfold back on and turned around in the direction that he came from.

  The other groups with hostile intentions toward Victor's apprentice were headed this way. He had to make sure none of them got past him. The best way of doing that was reaching an area where they had no choice but to come down his way. There were multiple ways to get to the South Wing but with all the daemons inside the school, that limited most of the easiest ones. Joseph stood at the north entrance for the South Wing after realizing that the left entrance and right entrance were infested with daemons of varying strength. There was no southern entrance into the South Wing but there was an elevator that Joseph hoped was inactive. Besides taking the difficult path from the left and right entrances, this entrance would be the easiest for them to come through.

  If they still managed to get past, Joseph could only throw up his hands. Who told Victor's apprentice to be so infamous? He was a genius but even he had his limits. Joseph planned on defending this entrance until the groups hostile to Zoey were wiped out. He didn't really care all too much about this case or gaining recognition. Any important daemons would've fled as soon as they saw the number of magjistars gathering outside the school. This joint case was nothing more than for newbies to gain experience and for others to rack up merits. Joseph knew why his master wanted him to take on this case but he felt displeased about going up in grades so easily because of it. Someone of his talent doesn't deserve such mediocre cases.

  Joseph met one of the groups in half an hour after standing at the entrance of the north entrance of the South Wing. They debated for 15 minutes if they should show their faces or not before eventually deciding to say screw it and charging toward Joseph. This was because none of the magjistars were supposed to leave the area their squad was assigned. It could be seen as desertion if they were caught. Well, when they were caught. Joseph doubted these five groups weren't already identified by the Grade-B magjistars watching over this case from outside but if that was the case why haven't they done anything yet? Maybe they don't realize that it's Victor's apprentice that these guys are after...

  Joseph's black chains extended from his right arm and like a living spear, pierced through the chests of the attacking magjistars with killing intent. The ones without were forcefully restrained and tied up by the magji chains. Those tied up tried unleashing their magji to break free but it was pointless against the black chains. It simply swallowed the mahna up and left them weaker than they were before. With the corpses, their mahna was drained by the chain until there was nothing left.

"Why are you all after Victor's apprentice?" Joseph was truly curious. That girl was interesting but to have this much attention surrounding her? It didn't make sense. She and her master were problematic but they weren't bad people. He couldn't wrap his head around it.

"Ptui!" One of the magjistars spat directly at his face.

  Joseph used his mahna to block it as he kicked the man in the face, dislocating his jaw. However, he didn't stop with just that kick. He continued to kick and pummel the man until he was a whimpering mess of blood and pain. Then he looked at the next chained-up magjistar.

"Are you going to make it easier for yourself or do you want to turn out just like him?" Joseph asked her.

"Tch." She clicked her tongue. The brat has a huge bounty on her head. Anyone that is desperate for cash is after her right now." The female bounty hunter knew her limits. It looks like she wasn't meant for this bounty.

"Who put up the bounty?" Joseph asked.

"They decided to remain anonymous but anyone with some sense knows it's someone high-up from the OM."

"Hm." Joseph said no more and simply prepared for the next group to find their way toward him.

Comment/Review on the story readers and give me ideas on possible skills, situations, developments, and etc of things you want to see! No guarantees that I will add what you want. But it helps to have ideas out there. Please point out any mistakes you notice or anything you're not clear about. I'll try to answer them and fix them to the best of my abilities.

CaptainBoyHolecreators' thoughts
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