
Chapter 67: The True Conclusion.

"See, I told you guys some freaky shit was happening down here..." Alice pointed her phone that was live streaming into the abandoned subway.

  Her body was completely hidden as she sat on the stairway leading down into the subway. The only visible part of her was the hand holding the phone live streaming to the world whatever was happening past the wall. Alice herself didn't have the courage to peek around the corner after hearing all the noises coming from down there. She didn't know what the hell was happening beyond reading the comments to her live stream, but what she read was unbelievable!

  Alice only came down here after hearing a bunch of noises when she was walking past this abandoned station. She used to take this station on her way to school before it shut down a few weeks ago. At first, she thought that it was a bunch of hobos fighting for spaces to live or maybe getting it on in the dark empty subway. But then she heard the sound of something crashing, laughter, and other strange noises that pricked at her curiosity. It wouldn't hurt to just take a little peek at what was going on down there... and if it was dangerous, she could run away while livestreaming the bum.

"What the fuck am I looking at?"

"Is this even real? Did you stumble upon a movie set? Where are the cameras?"

"How did she just grow her hands into claws like that!? It looked too realistic for CGI!"

"Alice! Call the police! They just said they're about to kill her and eat her heart!"


"Hey, I think I recognize her from somewhere but it's too fucking dark!"

"What's a magic star? Is that girl a magic star?"

"She's definitely a monster fsfs. That girl was kicking that albino guy's ass!"

"Did she kill him though? He doesn't look like he's breathing..."

"Look at his fucking face! Of course, he's dead with the front half of his brain smashed like that!"

"I wish miss magic star would mount me like that. 🥵🥵🥵"

"Look at them thighs bruh. She could squish my head like a watermelon and I'd still be thirsting in the afterlife. 😇"

"Doesn't she seem familiar to anyone else?"

"I think I heard her voice before but it's too low for me to hear her clearly!"







  Alice's heart started rapidly beating as the comments went flying down. She didn't hesitate to listen to her viewers as she got up from the staircase and started dashing up the stairs.

"Human!" A child-like voice screeched behind her, no doubt alerting the other two killers as well.

  The shriek pumped her heart into super mode. Alice never ran up anything as fast as she was climbing these stairs right now. Not even the time when she and her friends ran away from a wild dog chasing them down the street. This time she was all alone, and no one but her viewers knew where she was right now. They couldn't save her. They could only report to the police about the whereabouts of her last known location.

  Alice refused to die by some murderous hobos or monsters! Whatever the hell they were! Her foot reached the final step leading to the surface, and joy started bubbling within her chest.

"She'll kill me if you escape human! Please don't leave!" A tight grip latched around her leg and stopped her from leaving the staircase.

  Alice tripped and felt herself being dragged down the stairs.

"No! No! No! Let go of me!" Her legs frantically kicked out at the claws digging into her ankle.

  She turned her body around and began throwing whatever was in her pockets at the little blue monster staring at her. --Wallet, phone, lipstick, lip balm, house keys.... The ugly monster shielded its face as it was pelted with her items, still dragging her down the stairs. It wasn't until she came across her mace that she felt that her life wasn't over yet.

  Alice immediately aimed between the fingers of the blue little thing and sprayed his eyes with her mace. It screamed horribly as it felt the burning of its eyes and let go of her leg. Alice's eyes brightened with hope. She kicked the creature in the face and made it tumble down the stairs before hopping as fast as she could with her good leg. The light of the sun reached her face, and relief was starting to flow into her body. Alice was about to crawl out of the staircase and to the nearest anywhere that wasn't here, only to realize that the street was empty and dead silent...

"Useless fool. I should kill him for not even being able to grab a single human." The woman hobo and/or murderer's voice appeared behind her.

"I didn't see anything..." Alice technically said the truth.

"I guess one more meal wouldn't hurt." She spoke to herself. "It's time to go to sleep, little human. If only you didn't stick your nose where it didn't belong." Her grossly sharp claw hand tapped underneath her chin.

  Then Alice couldn't keep herself awake anymore.


  Only a few moments later, the crackle of lightning broke through the silence of the deserted street.

"Eugh! Annoyances after annoyances!" Poison cursed, gritting her teeth as she jumped away from the normal human to dodge the magji. "You two again..."

"I'll deal with her. Go follow Zoey's GPS signal and see if we made it in time." Alexander pulled out his machete wrapped up in paper enhanced with magji.

"On it." Lindsay pulled out her phone and started running forward with Alexander.

  The two of them headed straight for Poison as lightning and ice began to materialize around their bodies. Poison bit her lip from rage to the point that dark green blood leaked from it. As she reached down for the knocked-out human to use, lightning streaked where her hand was going to go. She cursed and left the human behind as she ran down the staircase into the subway.

"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! GPS?! What the hell is that?!" She muttered. "Vio, we need to run! We'll get revenge another time when we're stronger!"

  Poison briefly saw Vio gently rubbing his hand across Zoey's face.

"What?!" Vio jumped up, startled.

"Come on!" Poison hopped onto the train tracks and began running into the tunnel.

"Alright! Alright!" Vio followed behind her, leaving the monster human behind with the top half of her shirt ripped but not to the point where she was completely exposed.

  Vio looked behind him one last time at the fallen human before turning his eyes back on Poison and running away.

"Wait! Don't forget me!" Tricky, the blue daemon, ran behind them while fiercely rubbing his eyes.


"We made it in time..." Alexander let out a breath of relief as an innocent smile rose on his lips. Zoey wasn't dead!

"She's injured badly... I'll stay around to investigate. If anything pops up and I'm in danger, I'll send an emergency signal to any nearby magjistars." Lindsay relayed to him while fixing up Zoey's clothes.

  Only the top half of her clothes seemed to have been messed with but not to the point where Lindsay had thoughts that Zoey was assaulted in more than one way. Her jean shorts were fine and zipped up, along with her underwear being untorn. Of course, Lindsay told Alexander to look away before doing this as something like this could be devastating for any magjistar and possibly prevent them from ever living a normal life again. Daemons weren't known to lust after humans or magjistars, but there were always exceptions.

"I'll go as fast as I can." Alexander nodded before muttering something.

  Lightning cloaked his body as he carried Zoey on his back. He disappeared from the subway station with a clap of lightning as Lindsay took in the aftermath of Zoey's battle. Lindsay's magji tool came to life next to her and followed behind her, keeping a watch out in case any daemons were still nearby. The huge plush man-croc constantly looked around during Lindsay's investigation.

  The most obvious piece of evidence for Zoey's case was the corpse of a white daemon. Lindsay had her croc swallow it whole to present later at the OM building for Zoey. Besides the corpse, the only thing she could use was the blood dripped by Zoey and the white daemon. If Zoey is able to get help in time, she'll be able to explain what happened down here and why she ended up like that.

  Lindsay and Alexander only knew that she was in trouble because of Victor. He sent them a message to go to Zoey on his way to check that Zoey's family was safe and sound. Victor shared Zoey's location with them, and they could follow her directly to where she was or where her last known signal was. Considering that it was THE Victor telling them to check on Zoey, Lindsay and Alexander couldn't refuse even if they were busy. It was Victor! S-Grade magjistar! Not to mention that Zoey was their friend as well. If she was in trouble they'd drop everything to help her. Especially if she's in life-threatening trouble.

  While Lindsay and Alexander haven't been able to do any cases with Zoey because of her training with Victor, they still were able to talk at school and text each other. They were envious that she could train with someone as powerful as Victor... until she began to describe the training she had to go through. Both Lindsay and Alexander decided that maybe it was for the best that someone like Zoey got picked as Victor's apprentice. Zoey may say she hated the man on a daily basis, but she worked best with his training style. Lindsay knew that she wouldn't be able to handle the training past the first week.

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