
Chapter 29

The next day*

Ragna, Law, and Jimbei started to head towards the mermaid cafe.

Ragna and Law obviously wanted to go there. After all, who wouldn't want to eat some things with beautiful mermaids?

After a short while, they finally got there.

When they entered, a beautiful mermaid with blue hair greeted them.

"Welcome. My name is Mero. Let me show you your table." Mero said gracefully. She then turned around and led them to a table.

After they were seated at the table, a few beautiful mermaids sat next to them.

"What would you like to drink?" One of the mermaids said with a smile. Her voice had a charming tone.

After they had decided for themselves, Ragna said, "Pie and soufflé, and also something to drink."

"I'll bring it right away." The waitress mermaid said and then went to prepare the order.

Meanwhile, the mermaids next to them started to have fun by chatting.

"Hello, I'm Hiramera. And what's yours?" The yellow-tailed mermaid with light pink hair said. She was sitting next to Law.

It was obvious Law was embarrassed to sit so close to her.

"I- I'm Law. Nice to meet you." Law said excitedly. But then, he realized his excitement, he tried to calm down.

Seeing his embarrassment, Hiramera's smile got bigger and she moved closer to him.

"Welcome, Jimbei-sama. I'm Kairen." The mermaid with wavy blonde hair said. She was sitting next to Jimbei.

But Jimbei, unlike Law, was not embarrassed. In fact, he almost didn't seem to care about Kairen at all. He just nodded and continued to wait for his drink.

"My name is Ishilly. So what's yours?" The freckled and black-haired mermaid said. She was sitting next to Ragna.

"I am Ragna, nice to meet you." Ragna said.

"Ragna-kun, I heard you rescued Queen Otohime-sama. Is it correct?" Ishilly asked curiously. At that moment, the other mermaids were also looking at Ragna curiously. Because yesterday's event quickly spread all over Fishman Island.

"Yeah, luckily we were close there at the time. Then we helped a little." Ragna said.

At that moment, Ishilly quickly grabbed Ragna's arm and said excitedly, "Since you saved the Queen, you're a hero, right?"

She then clasped Ragna's arm between her boobs and said, "Thank you, Hero, for saving our Queen."

After saying that, Ishilly smiled and winked at Ragna.

While they were talking, their orders came and they all began to drink and eat together.

After a while, they ate everything. So now it was time to leave.

"Make sure to come again, okay? I want to chat with you again, Ragna-kun." Ishilly said charmingly.

The other mermaids accompanying them also left after saying goodbye.

"Was very good." Law said with a slight intoxication.

"Looks like someone had a lot of fun." Ragna said and then put his hand on Law's shoulder and continued with a smile, "So which one do you prefer? Marigold or Hiramera?"

Law knew he was teasing, so he just kept walking without giving any answer.

But after a while, Prince Fukaboshi, standing on a big fish, approached them.

"I am sorry to disturb you. I saw you on the way back to Ryuga Palace. Would you like to come with me? Also, as I said the other day, I call upon you to fight. Of course, if you're free." Fukaboshi said.

Fukaboshi hadn't actually seen them by chance. He had waited here because he knew they would pass here through. Frankly, his purpose was to invite them to fight.

Ragna glanced briefly at Law, then said, "Okay, we're coming."

Ragna was hesitant at first because Law was slightly drunk. But then he accepted Fukaboshi's invitation because he didn't think there would be a problem.

Then, they jumped on the fish and went together to the Ryuga Palace.

When they entered the palace, they saw Shirahoshi running towards Neptune.

"Father!" Shirahoshi said loudly.

"What happened Shirahoshi?" Neptune said and then noticed the people entering, "Oh? Ragna-san, why did you come?"

"Hello, Neptune-san." Ragna said.

"Sigh* Let me guess my son called you here to fight you, right? I'm sorry if he caused trouble." Neptune said with a sigh. Neptune compared Fukaboshi to his own youth. He also liked to fight strong people in his youth.

"It's okay, I wanted to fight him too." Ragna said.

At that time, Shirahoshi was tugging at Neptune and while showing to the small piece of paper she was holding, she said, "Father, a lot of papers like this keep coming to me. Wherever I go, it always finds me."

Neptune found this strange. Then he reached out and took the paper. When he saw something written on it, he read them, "I'm in love with you. Please marry me. Vander Decken."

Neptune shouted as tried not to get angry, "Shirahoshi is only 6 years old! Who is that Vander Decken!? Catch him now!"

Then the guards in the room quickly rushed out to search for Vander Decken.

It was then that Ragna realized that he had forgotten something. During the fire in that square, Vander Decken took advantage of the turmoil and touched Shirahoshi.

Ragna couldn't do anything as he had unfortunately forgotten him. So what would he do now? If he helps Shirahoshi, they will definitely be more grateful to him.

Please, give me ur stones. I need them.

If you wanna read the next chapters, it's here ==>


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