
consider the proposal.

Next morning

reve got up early she was thinking about how to tell zara that she also likes her reva was a bit worried because zara did not returned to chamber last night. Reva quickly got ready the maids made her heirs poor thing in whole world most dangerous torcher for her was this finally when the maids were done she got up and asked excitedly" where is zia??"

" your highness queen is on training field practicing sword."

Reva made her way toward the training field she was a bit nervous on how to start a conversation .


on training field .

zara was in her training armour she was traning from last night when she came to training field to clear her head from the previous incidents Rey suddenly appeared he said that advicer veer was planning something against Reva hearing this zara gaze turned cold she wanted to split his body in two but she can't veer has maintained the image of loyal advicer for so long if she directly accused him it will only be in her disadvantages she was waiting for the right moment to attack her enemy.

" some war are winned by strategy not power although power can be a helpful tool , gathere information about all the crime he has ever done sneak in his house and try to find any kind of crime related documents that he have"

Rey nooded before going he said " my queen you said power is a helpful tool then please consider the proposal of warrior house princess" Rey despered .

zara took a deep breath although she knows that the marriage alliance between the princess from warrior house will give her a powerful back up but for now she can't make a decision given the situation Reva and she now have some issues if Reva said she can't except her she would feel bad but naturally she doesn't want to force even a stranger to make them do things against their will then Reva is the person she cares about the most how can she force her never .


back to present.

zara was practicing while thinking what is advicer veer planning against Reva as she was so focused on fighting while being in deep thoughts she didn't realise that Reva was standing few steps away from her just as she turned her sword in Reva direction she was shocked " Reva what are you doing here?"

Reva was happy that finally Zara noticed her but before she can say anything " it's not good zia we are also here " said Lin " yes right zia you can't ignore us like this we are watching you clearly from one hour " said min Lin and min were there from one hour but they were standing a little far away from zara so as to not disturbe her even in warrior house they would do this often when ever zara was on battle ground all the people will come to see her fight and when she had private training princess Lin and min will be always sneak in to watch her .

" i humbly apologise for my rudeness princess but why didn't you all said something if you were here ?" Reva was staring at the princess it seems to her that they literally had nothing good to do only one goal to seek attention of zara seriously I am done can you please just stop being so hard headed zara will never marry you so just leave us alone ohhhh my good chance has been runied by them .

poor reva it seems that she can't tell zara now she have to wait for the right moment.

" ohhhh zia you are so sweet we will forgive you on one term marry us " said Lin hearing this zara was a bit hesitant to say anything if in future she needed help against veer then she will have to marry them but for now reva is right there what she can even say she doesn't want Reva to think she is just toying with her feelings she is done she is just finished. seeing Reva hesitate min understood " you don't need to take a decision now so don't stress we can wait but please consider about the marriage because we can bring you more power although we like you even if you don't have the same feeling for us we will be happy enough to atleast be able to marry you" princess min said sincerely.

zara was relieved she nooded her head in acknowledgement seeing this both the princess face light up that first time zara actually responded them however how can Reva feel good about it she thought princess will get a cold rejection but zara actually was considering their proposal she is so done with life she just wanted to make the princess and the rest of the warrior girl desper from world she can't wait anymore now she have to confess her feelings otherwise zara will be snatched away from her.

Reva lightly called out " zia i want to talk to you about something can we go somewhere private ?" after hearing this zara first thought " shi.t she is going to reject me what do I do I don't want to get rejected this early can't she wait a few days before rejecting me I don't even got the time to think how to react or fell after rejection as she was panicking inside min sensed that something was wrong so she decided to interrupt.

"your highness if you don't mind can we take queen zara time now it's something important we have a massage from warrior house "

hearing this zara was relieved thank the Star for saving me she thought but Lin looked at min , what is she even doing but I guess she is much experienced so I should trust her .

as Reva heard this she felt bad but it's still important to prioritise duty over the personal feelings so she nooded .

zara and the princess went toward the flower garden .

" so miss min what is the massage ?" zara asked in a serious tone to this min only laughed zara was confused seeing zara min understood that zara is strong witted but when it comes to feelings she lack the understanding " zia is i liead there is no massage from warrior house , i just sensed that you didn't want to go and have a talk that's why I brought you here " zara was again so glad that min is so understanding. just then Lin came running and touched zara and said " now miss queen it's your turn try to run faster then me or you won't be able to catch me hearing this zara and min laught this situation was same in warrior house Lin was known for her childish Nature but she always brighted the days of other people including zara when ever zara felt lonely seeing other kids getting along Lin will come to play with her she was simply too kind while min was always known for her calm and see trough a person type of nature with her zara shared the every emotional problems and min always listen to her and when she said her part min would give her the best advice these two also had a special bond with her but particularly this relationship has no name because min and Lin wanted zara as lover but at that time zara was like a stone wasn't even sure of what she felt but now it was deferent she made some progress on relationship so this time Lin and min had a little hope that atleast now zara will involve them in her life.

Next chapter