

[Thomas's POV]

It was like any other night for my family, peaceful.

My two daughters already have their separate rooms, however. Aela still likes to sleep with us. She said she's afraid of the dark, and what kind of parent will I be if I deny her!?

But tonight, I woke up to my eldest daughter, Kara, screaming in pain.

My eyes shot open, my mind racing, and thinking that a maniac snuck into my house.

As assurance my house is protected 24/7, I need my family protected at all costs, especially since I'm not at home constantly.

My wife also woke up with me, an awakened person has strong senses, or maybe it's just the parental instinct kicking in.

I didn't say anything and just rushed fast enough so that the floor beneath me won't crack.

Seeing the door of my daughter's room, I automatically sensed inside but found only my daughter inside of it.

I didn't mind whether there was an army inside that room; I'm confident to smash through it.


"KARA!" I shouted; what greeted me was the sight of a rather large bird on my daughter's bed, flicked the lights, and was stunned.

The said bird was a set of beautiful wings, "*sob*...P-Papa...it hurts...hic" the voice of Kara brought me out of my stunned state.

"T-Thomas, what happened to Kara!?" my wife appeared next to me though I didn't bother to answer and immediately went beside Kara to ask her condition.

She managed to answer and already stopped crying; I, on the other hand, inspected her back and was relieved to see that there weren't any wounds...even when bloodstains covered her back.

Not wanting to risk anything, I picked her up and decided that I would run to the hospital; anything else was slow.

However, what surprised me was the disappearance of Kara's wings; when I looked towards her, I only found her sleeping.

"Dear, you should rush to the hospital. Aela and I will follow in the morning when it's safe to drive." My wife informed me worriedly.

I quickly nodded since it was true; I won't risk them driving worried in the night.

After assuring my wife, I instructed her to call the hospital of my impending arrival, then I left.

Shortly after pumping myself full of mana and blitzing through the city, I probably alerted some S-Rank Hunters with my actions, but I don't care about them.

A few minutes; I was standing in front of the doors of the hospital with Kara in my arms.

The staff saw me, knew what to do immediately; they quickly instructed me to place Kara on the medical bed.

Soon, they strolled Kara off to a room and were accompanied by a female doctor. The doctor checked Kara's breathing and heartbeat with her stethoscope.

I followed along until we reached a room, however, I was instructed to wait outside the room and I listened.

I could only follow their instruction and worry for her wellbeing; with all the worries I felt for a short period, I dozed off for a while.




A Doctor was currently in the process of waking the massive man from his sleep...much to her fright.

"S-Sir Andre, we have an update on your daughter's wellbeing" as she said this, Thomas immediately woke up and was instantly ready to listen.

"Please say the news, Doctor," Thomas said worriedly.

"*Cough* Well, it seems your daughter has awakened, though there are some m-minor complications," she explained with a stutter.

When Thomas heard that Kara would face complications, bits of his aura leaked out and caused the people around him to breathe heavily.

"P-Please, calm down! There are other patients within this hospital!" the doctor reasoned, and when Thomas reigned it back in, she started explaining in further detail.

In the room of Kara, of course.


"Sir, your daughter's body is undergoing changes, and her body is rapidly adapting to it. Once her body has adapted, she would, in my prediction, wake up" the doctor said in a scared tone and averted her gaze from Thomas.

"Sorry for the impulsive behavior, Doctor," Thomas said and quietly sat on a chair that was available within Kara's room.

"It's quite understandable, Mr. Andre, but I can assure you that even if your daughter's case is a strange one. She will wake up from it very soon." as she said that, she left to tend to other patients.

Thomas was now alone with his daughter but could only look at her strapped onto a hearty monitor and listen to the systemic beeping.

"Sigh...hope you wake up soon"


[One day later]

[Kara's POV]




I heard the beeping of a machine; the scene as I woke up was too cliche for my reincarnated taste.

'Not minding the room...but I feel amazing!' relishing the feeling that my body was feeling at this moment.

For the sudden pumps of adrenaline, the heart monitor started heated wildly, alerting the nurse's station.


Quickly opening the door, the nurse halted in her steps as she saw me up and awake.

The next thing I knew, my family was the next ones to have barged in...much to the nurse's distraught.

""KARA!"" they cried out.

I was shocked to see this, but it was a welcomed one, welcomed it with open arms.

The few minutes went by with my family bear hugging me while I simultaneously hugged 1-year old Aela.

Soon enough, the doctor explained my results, and they discharged me out of the hospital.

During the car ride back home, Papa has explained to me that I got evaluated during my unconscious sleep, it was so that I didn't have to be at the Hunter's Association.

My potential measured in as S-Rank, and everyone cheered for it. However, I can feel mom's strained feelings on the matter.

[AN: They can't measure the difference between Nation and S-Rank, Manhwa said]

She probably didn't want to ruin the moment, but I promised myself that I would talk about it with Mom.

The Hunter's potential is tested by how dense the magical energy inside their bodies is.

The denser the energy, the stronger it is.

People with E-Rank potentials have their Magical Density almost like gas, meaning their energy has less impact.

Anyway, once we reached home, I immediately kissed my parents on the cheeks and quickly ran to test my powers.

At an open plain, of course.

Currently, there's are things I'm sure that I can pull off effortlessly, Teleportation and Heavenly Smite.

Those two are racial abilities, and with teleportation, I can visit anywhere I have been to and am currently sensing or seeing.

As for testers, I punched a tree without infusing mana, and the result was me leaving a solid fist print onto its thick body.

"Oh, Wow!"

My four-year-old body managed to do that was all I thought of; this in itself is already amazing for me.

Well, I was but a simple student in my past life, so this was plenty amazing!

The next thing I tested was the magical energy within me, and for starters, I followed the knowledge given to me.


Swirls of golden threads rotated around me, and by the minute, I added another; slowly got covered like a cocoon made of light.

However, I had to stop after a couple of minutes since everything was still new and straining.

I tested a few tricks that would be helpful in any way possible: mana sensing, magic blast, and mana infusion.

Mana sensing was rather difficult; the principle behind the technique was to send out pulses of your mana to locate anything in the surrounding area or at least until where your mana reaches.

However, each time I try to do so, a Mana shock wave happens. Each time that happens, I have to rest for quite a bit since that shock wave was all my energy.

Though, I don't have to wait long with regenerative powers. With each shock wave, I tuned it down, and eventually, I found the perfect ratio.

"I'll have to ask Papa if he can feel the pulses I'm sending out,"

Next was mana blast, an easy technique, but one can utilize it in many situations.

However, I took it a step further. A blast of mana would famously be used or come out of palms, mouth, eyes, or even the forehead.

However, I wanted the mana blast to originate around me, which would give my hands freedom to move.

Sad to say, it was an utter failure.

Blasting mana from the body was easy. Blasting mana from your personal space was difficult.

Blasting from the body was easy since your energy is linked with the body, but to blast outside of it you have to manipulate where it aims, the amount of power it unleashes, and more.

"I still have years ahead of me...no rush"

Last was mana infusion; I imagined the energy inside of me starting to bubble up. This act created a visible golden fiery aura around me, just a small one.

After those simple moves, I tested magical spells: fire, water, wind, and other elements.

The cool thing whenever I use magic is the appearance of a golden halo with intricate patterns form on the side of my head, and whenever I use magic, magic circles form for the spells that I use...quite the fantasy.

The sad thing is, even with the magic circle appearing, I do not understand what they mean in the slightest.

The only current thing I know is that I must have a strong will and a clear picture of what I want; if I don't, the magic circle fizzles out.

The last thing in my power that I haven't tried was summoning the chains of heaven; the moment I willed it to summon; two sets of weapons appeared on each of my hands.

"This is giving me Kratos vibes," I said to myself and spun the bladed chain around; the chain could lengthen itself or even move how I want.

However, with zero experience in weapons, a lot of cuts happened. But I was healed almost immediately with the physique of a Flugel and [Regeneration].

When I wanted to try more, "Kara, time for dinner!" my mother's voice infused with magical energy resounded.

"Oh well, my techniques are crude...only for now" I hummed and skipped merrily back home.







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