
Rongrong break Yu Xiaogang's Theory

While everyone was chatting to each other walking towards the store, they suddenly heard a melody coming.

They waved the strings, and when the first sound of the instrument, Xiao Wu, Zhu Zhuqing, and others all lit up. Even Liu Erlong, who had just been irritated, was also greatly moved, and suddenly stopped and listened.

Everyone's heart was surging, and instantly admired the unknown player.

Music has no boundaries.

Music is connected to everyone's heart.

Music is not just a simple art but a form of bond for everyone.

And surprisingly, the Music they hear is slowly healing their wound, removing their fatigue and even improving their emotion.

No need to look for the source because they can see the golden melody coming from one direction, the direction nowhere they will go right now.

As they walk over, they see a beautiful woman sitting on a wooden chair holding a music instrument that produces music that everyone enjoys.

In Front of her is a young man who is basking in sunlight with close eyes as if he is sleeping.

The girls are instantly attracted by the man who sleeps in the recliner.

While the boys are instantly attracted to the holy woman who plays the instrument, Mumbai, Oscar, Fatty, and even the teachers can't help but be dazed while watching the woman playing.

"Hey, Lingling, isn't she the Lord of the Moon Pavilion, Tang Yuehua?" Dugo Yan whispered.

"Yes," Ye Lingling nodded, but her attention was not to Tang Yuehua but to Xon, who was sleeping peacefully.

"What do you think she is doing here?"

"I think she was recruited by the Master."

"You mean Teacher Xin?"


Meanwhile, the girls run straight towards Xin is, Xiao Wu did not even bother to wake up Xi n and pounces her landing on Xin's stomach.


"Teacher Xin!"


Xin, who wakes up rudely, can't help but look at the girls.

Seeing his unfocused eyes, they know that his old illness is laziness, even a month of leaving them his still the same Xin as they know.

"Get up, Teacher Xin, I'm already Spirit Grand Master Rank 31. I want to buy a ring from you," Ning Rongrogn excitedly said.

"Why not buy it from Xiao Qing?"

"I want to hear your opinion."

"You already have Defense Amplification and Agility Amplification, you just need to choose what kind of Amplification you want next."

"Then what should I choose?"

"Do you want a Team Power Amplification or Team Defense Amplification?" Xin asked while looking at his catalog.

"Hmmmm….. I already have enough for my Defense so I think I want Power Amplification."

"Good, with your body strength, I can advise you to choose a 40,000+ to 80,000 Years Old Ring."

"Really?! I will not explode if I am 80,000 Years Old?"

"I think that's dangerous, Teacher Xin, it's better to take a 1,300 - 1,800 years old ring to be safe," Flander said.

Yu Xiaogang nodded," There's only a limit of age a Soul Master can take, and base on my research the limit of each rank are -"


1st Spirit Ring: Less than 423 years old Spirit Beast

2nd Spirit Ring: Less than 764 years old Spirit Beast

3rd Spirit Ring: Less than 1,300 - 1,800 years old Spirit Beast

4th Spirit Ring: Less than 3,000 - 5,000 years old Spirit Beast

5th Spirit Ring: Around 12,000 years old Spirit Beast

6th Spirit Ring: Exactly 28,756 years old Spirit Beast

7th Spirit Ring: Between 30,000 ~ 50,000 years old Spirit Beast

8th Spirit Ring: Between 50,000 ~ 100,000 years old Spirit Beast

9th Spirit Ring: More than 100,000 years old Spirit Beast


All of them nodded, this is the basic and fundamental criteria in absorbing the ring.

"You are right, Teacher Xiaogang, but this is for those who are ordinary Soul Masters who never train their body."

"The number of years of the ring you an absorb is based on your own body, a spirit ring contains a certain amount of spirit power that's why we choose the proper age of ring, but Ning Rongrong is different, her body is stronger than Spirit Saint so that means she have the ability to absorb a 30,000 ~ 50,000 years old Spirit Ring just like a 7th Spirit Ring Spirit Saint much more that she have Ultimate Defense and Powerful Auxiliary Spirit Tool to help so the range of my calculator is just right for her condition right now."

"Does that mean the stronger our body is, the greater the chance that we can absorb higher rings?" Tang San asked.

"That's right."

"Impossible! That's not true!" Yu Xiaogang shook her head.

"Do you know why there's a certain age of a ring a Soul Master can have?"

"Because of the Rank System." Dai Mubai answered.

"Then I will make it simple, Ning Rongrong is now Spirit Saint. Do you think absorbing 40,000+ to 80,000 Years Old Rings is a huge problem?"

"B-But…. She is only a Spirit Grand Master."

"But her body is stronger than Spirit Saint, so we can say that she is a Spirit Saint and not a Spirit Grand Master."

"Then... that's actually fine."

"I will give you guys a hint, a strong body is the key to getting an older ring, the stronger your body can resist, the higher the chance you get a higher ring."

"This is unscientific and baseless, there's no proof if what you said is true or not." Yu Xiaogang protested strongly.

"I decided, I want an 80,000 Years Old Ring." Ning Rongrong said.

"Do you want to inform your father before doing this?"

"No need, I can decide on my own, let's start, Teacher Xin."

"Okay." Xin walks inside the shop and takes a strange-looking beast.

"Is it the same as I did last time?"

"That's right."

Ning Rongrong placed her palm on the top of the strange beast and then the beast melted and turned into Black with a tinted red Spirit Ring showing that the ring is exactly 80,000 Years Old.

She then sits down and starts to absorb the ring. At first she seems fine but as time goes by, Ning Rongrong's face starts to sweat.

She then summons her Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda and buffs herself making the process easy again.

An hour later, the ring finally dissolved and finally became the official Spirit Grand Master Rank 31 - Spirit Grand Master Rank 33.

"Impossible! How can she take it without exploding! She only sweats a little and that's it?! And what kind of upgrade is that, you absorb 80,000 Years Old and you only get 2 levels?!" Yu Xiaogang shouted.

"Teacher, Brother Xin said that Rongrong's body is the same as Spirit Saint so her body capacity is huge. That's why she only upgrades 2 levels even though she got 80,000 Years Old Ring." Xiao Wu said.

Flander and the other nodded, it's already good to upgrade 2 levels with Spirit Saint Body so it's not confusing if she only gets two.

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