
What Was He Supposed To Do?

Drew wasn't taking any more of this. Mila would come back soon and her father needed to be gone before she did so he took out his phone to call 911 and that finally made the persistent jerk back down. He really DID care about his reputation more than he cared about his daughter. 

He was pissed off but that turned to panic when Mila came out and angrily pointed her finger at him. "Who are you?! You aren't Leo!" 

Oh, he knew that took too long! Of course she heard it! She wasn't stupid. That would be more than enough information for her to figure out the truth. "…how much did you hear?"

"Enough. Don't make me repeat myself."

"My name is Drew Whitney and I'm pretty sure you already guessed that your cat was suppressing my consciousness. Sorry we had to meet officially like this."

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