
I Hope You Know How Loved You Are

Drew was reminded of Leo's last request suddenly. He needed to pass on the message. 

Looking over at Mila as she happily continuing swinging their hands while walking down the shoreline he wondered how he was supposed to word this. How could he say how much the cat loved her without specifically using the words "I love you"? That had been awkward enough earlier. 

"Hey, Mila?" he asked hesitantly. 


"I hope you know how loved you are."

She seemed to understand his meaning because she flashed him a glorious smile that momentarily stunned him. The sun shining onto her hair added to the overall effect. "Don't worry, I do." 

Mila looked so beautiful in that moment that he barely managed to resist the temptation to kiss her as if they were actually on a date. But they weren't. Drew settled on leaning over to kiss the top of her head since that was better than nothing. 

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