
We Can't Let Her See Us

Drew thought they were doing okay until he was coming back from lunch and saw a horribly familiar figure breezing through the door and checking in with the secretary. "Hi, Emma. Can you tell me where the marketing department meeting is happening?"

She smiled up at Mila. "Long time no see, Amelia! It's going to be in conference room B. You know where that is, right?"

"Yeah I do. Thanks!"

'Her name is Amelia?' Drew asked, that tiny detail sticking with him for some reason as Leo immediately ducked out of sight in a panic. 

'Yes but that isn't important right now! We can't let her see us,' the cat hissed. 

'That will be a problem considering I'm supposed to lead that meeting. The only person I could potentially get to do it for me instead is Jonathan but I don't think you want him anywhere near Mila either.'

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