
You're So Cute When You Blush Though

Simon ended up thrashing Delia in frisbee golf even after she got the hang of it because he was so far ahead. To appease her, he took her out to lunch and said he would make dinner as long as they could stop for ingredients while they were still out. 

They went grocery shopping together and he was reminded of how they used to go to market together five hundred years ago. The general shopping experience had changed so much but her reactions to things hadn't. 

Delia was always Delia, no matter her situation in life or what new hobbies or quirks she might have picked up. She was the same at her core every time he met her. 

Simon had a few core characteristics that remained the same but he had been through so much in the past five hundred years that he felt almost nothing like the naïve young boy he had been back then. He had learned so much and been through unbearable grief in all that time. 

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