
Family Reunion

The drive down to Disney World was characterized primarily by Damien singing along loudly to every song he owned, Simon joining in because the energy he was putting into it was contagious, and Danielle acting annoyed at first but giving in and singing too when songs she liked came on. They also played several rousing rounds of the alphabet game when their throats got too sore to sing. 

Six hours in a car wasn't the best way to pass the time but Simon had spent much worse. Either way, he was relieved when they arrived at the hotel. 

He was accosted almost immediately by the children of the family he had stayed with in Virginia and knocked to the ground from the force of their combined tackle hugs. "Simooooon!" 

Eli, Danny, and Rosie all grinned at him as he lay on the ground. His heart was rather full seeing those toothless smiles. He gathered them up in a group hug and kissed the tops of all of their heads. 

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