
It Was Her Only Defense

Sylvie thought about all of this as she worked on the final recipe she wanted taken care of before opening her bakery. Drake knew she was getting close and already had a storefront prepared. She had worked with an interior designer to decorate it so all that was left was hiring people to help with the baking and working the counter. 

She wasn't looking forward to conducting interviews because she had never done that before and had asked her husband for advice but he told her to look to the internet because he had never interviewed anyone before. That was strange considering he was the boss. 

Then again, she did suspect his business was shady. Shady businesses might not use regular job interview procedures. 

Shady business or not, Sylvie trusted him more than she thought she would going into this. Probably because he had been so nice to her and followed through on all of his promises. No one else in her life had ever done that. 

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