
Nothing You Do Inconveniences Me

Drake continued holding Sylvie until he heard her stomach growl. She blushed slightly and buried her face in his chest. 

"Sorry. It's probably way past lunch." 

"It's fine. I can go order something. You shower first," he told her. "What sounds good?"

"Hmm…I haven't had pizza in a while. Can we get meat lover's?"

"Meat lovers it is."

"And cheese crust!" Sylvie called over her shoulder as she headed to the bathroom. 

Drake had never had cheese crust before but if she liked it, it had to be good. She had excellent taste. He went to go take care of that and when he came out after his turn to shower, he found her making the frosting for those cupcakes. 

She was singing rather than humming this time but that stopped immediately when she turned around and saw him there. Her blush was back and much deeper this time. 


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