
All Of Her Love Had Died

Sylvie didn't want to make things awkward by bringing it up but didn't want to be the one to initiate every time either. So she bit the bullet and said something once they were curled up in bed. 

"You know you're allowed to kiss me first, right?"

Drake didn't say anything for a moment and when he did, it was in as neutral a tone as ever so she didn't know if he was embarrassed or not. "Good to know."

He truly was the most unfathomable person she had ever met. Not that she had ever been all that great at understanding people. Everyone around her had been taking advantage of her for longer than she could remember and she never saw it until the truth was shoved in her face. 

Sylvie was a doormat. A people pleaser. She was so desperate to be loved that she would do anything for anyone no matter how uncomfortable it made her. She was absolutely pathetic. He knew this so why on earth did he pick her? Or had he picked her because she was pathetic?

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