
You Never Tell Me Anything

Drake hadn't been gone terribly long—less than an hour—but Randy still wasn't happy. "What 'personal business' could you possibly have two days in a row?"

"Randy, if you want to keep your job, stop talking."

"Come on! You never tell me anything."

"I tell you everything relevant."

"Yeah, for work."

"We're colleagues. That's all you need to know."

Randy huffed. "Is that really all I am to you? We did grow up together, you know!" 

They had. Randy was two years younger than him and had been the next dreamwalker kid brought in. They ended up thrown together a lot as a result. 

Drake looked at him like he was stupid. "And?"

"We're basically brothers. So if you have 'personal business', I'd like to know what it is."

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