
That Will Just Stress Me Out More

Dallin and Hailey had a magical honeymoon. He loved seeing her so relaxed and beaming at him every time she checked an item off her bucket list. 

As they worked their way through it, she had been adding more items. As soon as she knew they would be going to Hawaii, she added several things she wanted to do there specifically. 

Seeing her so happy made him happy. They had a lot of fun trying things out together but still spent plenty of time just lying around reading on the beach and soaking up the sun and sound of the waves. It was a shame when they had to go home and get back to real life. 

They had already been living together so nothing really changed in their routine. The main difference was that Hailey seemed much more relaxed. Probably because the wedding stress was finally over and done with. 

Dallin was glad she wasn't stressed anymore. That had been hard to see, especially since she always insisted she was fine. 

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