
Was He Insane?

Sadie didn't understand why everyone was so nice to her when she cried but especially her husband. He actually kissed the top of her head like he would to Marlee and seemed confused when she said she wouldn't always be a Langley. 

He really knew how to reassure her, didn't he? Saying she was his so she was stuck here as if that wasn't what she wanted most.

She could never feel stuck with the Langleys. She knew what it felt like to be stuck somewhere and this was absolutely nothing like that. He probably knew that though. He had seemed like he was teasing to try and lighten the mood. 

Sadie was terribly embarrassed about her breakdown but no one said anything about it after that. She was able to shower and nap and felt much better when she woke up around dinner. Then she watched a movie with the kids like nothing had happened at all. 

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