
We're Family

Kayla ended up being the first to say anything after that. "You never told us that you were Starbright."

Her tone wasn't exactly accusatory but it still made Sadie's heart sink. She was about to apologize when Ben spoke up before she could. 

"Why would she? They're called secret identities for a reason, dummy."

"But we're family!" Kayla protested.

"We weren't in the beginning. She didn't know anything about us except that we were related to Dusk. What hero would tell a bunch of villain's kids their secret identity? Fletcher knows, right? You did say you met at work."

Sadie was startled at being addressed. Ben was taking this a lot better than she would have thought. 

"…he knows."

"That's what I thought. But how did the two of you even get together if you were a hero?" Ben asked in disbelief. 

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