
You DO Belong With Me

"Oh, Dietrian…" Riley said in dismay as heartbreak welled up inside of her once again. 

Her boyfriend let out a helpless laugh. "Yeah. I've loved you for half my life. You were the light at the end of the tunnel for me. I'm sorry." 

Sorry? What did he have to apologize for?! "Why are you apologizing? You didn't do anything wrong!" 

"…isn't this weird though?"

"Yes but, as I said, we are so far past weird. It doesn't even matter. What did you even dream about us that made you so determined to find me?"

A tiny smile appeared on Dietrian's face. "Little things. Holding my hand, playing with my hair, telling me that you loved me. Just tiny day-to-day occurrences that have happened so many times in person now." 

Riley's heart broke all over again. He was so motivated just by having a total stranger love him in the future. After the life he had lived…how could she blame him? 

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