
So? He Likes It

"Are you sure? It could be dangerous," Zeldris pointed out.

Ginzi's ears drooped. "What do I have left to lose? It doesn't matter if I die at this point. Everyone I love is gone."

Ava tuned in on the word 'dangerous' and frowned at them. "What are you two talking about?"

"Ginzi wants to be my katzkin partner."

"But he's so little!" 

"That doesn't make a difference!" Ginzi protested. 

"He says that doesn't make a difference," Zeldris repeated for Ava's benefit. 

She looked at Ginzi seriously. "Do you really want to do this? Can you tell me why it has to be now and can't be later once you've grown up a bit?"

The kitten sighed. "Of course it has to be now! I want to keep you safe!" 

"He says it has to be now because he wants to keep you safe."

Ava hugged Ginzi tightly. "That's very sweet of you but I don't want you to get hurt. You don't need to worry about that." 

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