
Why Is He Here?

That night when they were in bed, Venethan looked over at his wife beseechingly. "Azariel, I know you talked to Zarath earlier but—"

"But what?" she asked tiredly. "They cannot stay here right now. They have recruiting to do back in the demon realm and that will be impossible if they are in the fairy realm. The others would not be comfortable here either. You remember how Zarath mistrusted us when he first arrived. 

"And that does not include the other fairies. We are still working on setting up a proper delegation for our alliance. He is technically speaking the ambassador for his faction but I have to do this properly. Can you understand that? We are working on how best to approach this new alliance and cannot rush things."

"I need him for my research. I am sure the others would be useful as well," Venethan argued. 

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