
Nothing But Time

The last thing Kael wanted to do was sneak around and risk getting caught at Ava's workplace but he couldn't deny there was something extremely fishy about that fairy. Using his Light Warrior training, it was child's play leaping from roof top to roof top and dangling upside down from a ledge to peek into the fairy's office. 

He didn't know anything about what lawyers did for a living but he had peeked into a few other people's offices as well on the way down and it looked like the fairy was doing the same things the humans were. 

This was perplexing. What was that fairy up to?

Kael had conducted countless stealth missions in the past thirteen years so the last thing he expected was to get caught. The fairy made it to the window so quickly he didn't even see it coming and opened it with an amiable smile. 

"Why don't you come in? I'm sure you have questions," he said mildly. 

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