
Where's Ava?

Zeldris filled out the paperwork as best he could while they waited. It was fairly straightforward if you copied the information on the health insurance card or the ID card. This was the least he could do for Ava. 

She came out over an hour later, being pushed in a chair with wheels on it not unlike the contraption Duffy wore. Kael, who had been impatient the entire time with nothing to do, jumped up immediately. 

"My lady! What did he do to you?"

Ava was wearing a pair of glasses with dark lenses that hid her eyes and a bandage over her nose. She sighed. "Talk quieter, please. I have a concussion."

Not wanting to explain further, she held out a stack of papers to the elf. Discharge instructions. These papers told them what they needed to do to ensure Ava had a speedy recovery. 

Kael was the right person to give those to. His propensity for rules would actually come in handy for once. He could play nursemaid while Zeldris went out to get a job. 

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