
There Was Only One Hannah

Yzranth and Hannah did the best they could with Kyzi despite not knowing what to expect with his growth. She read books and sang to him and bought him developmentally appropriate toys. He ate what human children ate and watched their movies and TV shows. 

He was being raised as a human despite not being one. This didn't end up being a problem until he was about five years old and started asking questions such as "why don't I get to play with friends?" 

The three of them went outside the cave plenty since it was in such a secluded area and Hannah insisted on enjoying the sunlight while she could. He had plenty of mental stimulation and affection from his parents but none from his peers. 

Kyzi asked because he was beginning to understand the concept of friendship from his shows and movies. Yzranth wasn't sure how to answer that but, thankfully, Hannah took over for him.

"Mommy and Daddy are your friends, Kyzi! We'll play whatever you want to play."

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