
You Really Want Me To?

Yzranth's research into human traditions led him to discover the importance of celebrating birthdays. Dragons didn't celebrate time passing in such a way because they lived so long but it was of great significance to humans. So when Hannah's rolled around, he was sure to plan accordingly so she would be happy. 

He practiced baking cakes himself until he got it right, prepared several gifts, and was taking her out to dinner and to a trampoline arena because she had mentioned wanting to go to one a while back. Everything was ready to go but he didn't like sitting around so he decided to surprise her with lunch too. 

Obviously, he knew where she worked since he had been there so many times back when he was observing her but he couldn't get into the employees' only area without permission in human form. He had to ask the first person he saw in a staff shirt and hope that they were willing to cooperate. Otherwise, he didn't know what he was supposed to do.

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