
The Future Was Uncertain

Cora felt a bit better as she drew but she couldn't deny that was most likely also because she knew she wasn't alone. Ace never left her alone when he could tell she needed company, whether she would admit it or not. 

He was a great friend. Janelle would have liked him. 

She wished that the two most important people to her could have met. She really did. 

If Janelle hadn't been killed by her soulmate…would she have been quite as against them as she was? Or was what happened between her parents too much already? 

Why was Cora even thinking like this? It didn't matter either way. Ace didn't want a soulmate much more than she did. There was no use regretting it when it didn't affect things between them. 

They were best friends. She was working on being a better one to him even though he said she was fine the way she was. 

She didn't believe that for a second. He was far too easily satisfied. 

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