
You're Never A Bother

Cora made it through the rest of lunch by the skin of her teeth. She was relieved when she was able to somewhat cheerfully say goodbye to everyone and thank them for the food before heading back to her own car.

The problem was that she was so worn out from socializing when she was on the verge of breaking down that she ended up bursting into tears before she could even drive away. She knew that crying while driving wasn't a good idea but she needed to get home. She didn't want to be stuck in her car all day.

Perhaps it was because she tried driving home anyway with tears swimming in her eyes that she didn't even see what popped her tire. She was so furious that she couldn't even go home to cry in peace that when she got out to inspect it she yelled "seriously?!" and kicked the stupid thing before cursing. That hurt. She shouldn't have done that.

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