
Ace Helpful Guy

"Are you alright? What happened? Can you move?" the man asked urgently.

"I slipped on the ice," Cora said with a wince once she collected her wits. "My head hurts and so does my ankle."

"You need to get to the hospital. Do you feel dizzy at all?"


The big, gruff man sighed. "Well, I can't have you passing out on the back of my motorcycle. Do you have a car?"

"The keys are in my bag but I don't know if I can move," Cora admitted reluctantly. She hated showing weakness in front of anyone but especially strangers.

"It's fine; I'll look for them."

He fished them out a minute later and left his motorcycle in a parking space before coming back and scooping her up into his arms as if she weighed nothing. She squeaked in protest at the unexpected contact. No one had ever picked her up like that!

"Which one is yours?" he asked.

"It's blue but it's parked in front of my apartment building."

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