
He Wanted To Know More

Bree was so absorbed in her comics the next day that she forgot to change out of her pajamas between breakfast and lunch like usual. She didn't even notice the door being unlocked and opened until Jasper cleared his throat.

She looked up at him like a deer caught in headlights and the book flew out of her hands and onto the floor with a thump. He reached down to pick it up and smoothed out the bent page before handing it back to her. He didn't seem at all surprised to see her in such a state.

Her face burned. He had seen her in real clothes at breakfast so he had to have figured out that she was changing back and forth every day in order to be comfortable. How embarrassing!

"Is that any good?" Jasper asked, gesturing to the comic book.

Bree nodded mutely. She had been rather enjoying herself before he showed up and nearly gave her a heart attack.

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