
Do You Mind?

Molly still couldn't believe her husband regularly discussed her with the cat she had since high school. It was too bizarre. How did that even work? Did he speak cat or use some sort of magic?

"How do you even talk to Stella?" she asked curiously.

Evan—no, she needed to start thinking of him as Erevan—shrugged. "Universal translation spell. I don't know human language or cat language. All this time I've been speaking the demon tongue Mazaroth but whoever I'm talking to understands me because of the magic."

Oh. That explained it. And how he had been able to converse with people when they needed directions in Italy even though to her it sounded like he was speaking English and they were speaking Italian.

"Why does she call you Monster?"

"Because she didn't believe me when I said I wasn't a cat and turned back into my usual form once I recovered from my injuries enough to show her. She's referred to me that way ever since," Erevan replied.

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